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sorry this is so short :( but i've been slaving my ass off on my next mcu book so i haven't really had time to write this

Everyone was silent as they stood outside of the church, umbrellas being pelted by the downpour of rain. A depressive mood hung over their spirits, crushing what was supposed to be a fun day for many.

"Please make a path for the casket," the priest called out as he stepped through the front doors of the chapel. The citizens were quick to comply, standing on opposite sides of the newly-formed pathway.

Seconds later, the Avengers came through the doors, carrying the casket on their shoulders. Steve and Tony were the frontmen, followed by Clint and Bruce in the middle, and Scott and Sam at the back. All six men had visible tear tracks stained on their cheeks, but no one commented on it.

Pepper was next to walk out the door, Natasha, Wanda and Michelle beside her. She was sobbing, a hand clasped over her mouth as MJ clung to her arm, crying as well.

And finally came out May and Happy, fresh tears on May's cheeks. She was holding a three year old boy on her hip, and he was mindlessly nibbling on his thumb. Happy raised a black umbrella over May and the child's heads, protecting them from the rain.

The casket was placed into the back of the transporter car, the door closing gently. Everyone filed into three black cars and headed off to the graveyard, the crowd soon following suit to pay their respects.

Arriving at the graveyard, everyone was led to the very center of the yard, all attempting to huddle under a large blue canvas, wanting to escape the rain. A podium stood at the back, a microphone hooked up to broadcast whatever words were to be said to the public. It took mere minutes for everyone to settle, waiting patiently for the send-off. The priest stood up at the podium, smoothing out his black coat.

"Ladies and gentlemen of New York," he began, eyes glancing over the crowd. "Please listen to the following words of Mister Anthony Stark."

The priest stepped down and sure enough, Tony stepped up to the microphone, gently dabbing his cheeks with a soft cloth. He sniffled quietly, twisting his fingers together anxiously.

"I apologize in advance for any interruptions, it's been... a really hard couple of days," he stated. "As you all know, Spider-Man has passed away."

The crowd was dead silent, waiting patiently to hear more. Tony drew in a shaky breath, closing his eyes.

"Spider-Man and I were really close. He was more than just some vigilante from Queens, he was like my son- he was my son. H-He was, um, he was only twenty-three, he was too young to die," he said. The billionaire choked back a sob, closing his eyes.

"His name was Peter Parker, soon to be Parker-Stark. I was set to adopt him two weeks from today, a-and now that he's gone, I won't ever be able to. I've known him since he w-was f-fifteen and-"

Tony couldn't hold back his sobs any longer, clasping a hand over his mouth. Steve stepped up and gently guided the heartbroken philanthropist down from the podium and to a folding chair a couple feet away. Michelle then advanced to the podium, the little boy now
moved to her arms.

"Hi," she began softly, wiping a tear away from her chin. "My name is Michelle Jones, Peter's f-fiancé. This," she looked down at the boy with a sad smile, "is Oliver... our son."

"Peter was a great man, a skilled fighter and an astounding father. All he had in his heart was love and care for those close to him, even the ones who bullied him back in high school," she continued. MJ rubbed Oliver's back gently, swaying slightly as he began to fuss.

"He risked his life every night just so he could protect people he never even knew. I remember how he would be out until six in the morning and then come home and cook breakfast for me every single day since we moved in together. He did everything he could just so I-I could be happy."

MJ sniffled before shaking her head. "I-I'm sorry," she apologized before stepping down from the podium. She hurriedly went back to Pepper's side, the CEO bringing her and her child into an embrace.

After a few words from each of the Avengers and some from May and Happy, the priest finally advanced the stand once again. He straightened his tie before looked over at the graveyard workers, nodding to them. They quickly handed out flowers to the citizens and Avengers, everyone getting a single red rose.

"And now we will lay roses in the coffin to send Mr. Parker the best of journeys through the after-life," he spoke.

The actual depositing of the coffin into the dug-out rectangle in the earth was quite short. The gravestone was massive, with an engravement (is that a word?) that must've cost thousands to do on it.



AUGUST 17 2001 - SEPTEMBER 2 2024

A son, A father, A hero

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