Get Him Back pt. 2

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"Avengers, I'd like you to meet Captain Marvel, an old friend of mine," Fury stated as he, Carol and the Avengers sat around a table at SHIELD headquarters. Steve rose his eyebrow.

"What's her real name?" he asked. Carol chuckled.

"Bold of you to assume i'm a she, but I am Carol Danvers," she replied. Steve turned bright red and sank back in his chair.

"Well, Carol. What brings you here?" Tony asked, shockingly polite. Carol frowned.

"Thanos took my life's purpose away, and I want it back," she replied, beginning to mess with the control panel of her suit. Clint bobbed his head.

"Did he destroy your home?"

Carol shook her their head. "No, worse. He took my son."

The room quieted as they stared at the ex-pilot. Tony looked to the side.

"I'm sorry for your loss. We'll help you get him back," he said solemnly. Carol nodded her head in silent thanks.

"Well," Fury stated, "let's get this show on the road."


two years later

The Avengers were currently battling it out in Wakanda against Thanos himself. They had already gotten the gauntlet off his hand, smashing it into the soil. He was weakened greatly, as most of his energy wisped away with his weapon.

"Thanos," Carol seethed as she approached him. The purple-skinned titan looked up with visible fear in his eyes. "You fucking son of a bitch."

"Captain Marvel..." he wheezed out as a bit of blood trickled from his lip.

"Where is my son," she growled, her fists beginning to glow. Thanos' eyes widened.

"The boy? He's... he's..." his breath fell short as his lungs were giving out. He inhaled but couldn't take in any air, and as soon as his eyes rolled back and he collapsed, Carol let out a scream and instantly went to check his pulse.

He was dead.

And she still didn't know where her son was dammit.

Breaking into a fit of sobs she fell to her knees, her fists clenched and pounding on Thanos' chest in pure rage and sorrow. She mumbled incoherencies under her breath as she cried out in pain.

"Carol..." Natasha whispered, crouching down next to the female captain. The assassin brought her into the hug, Carol greatly accepting it. Tony watched from afar, his heart slowly breaking at the thought of this boy still missing.

"We'll get him back, we promise."


A twenty year old Peter sat on the grand spaceship, all alone. Three days ago everyone in the ship suddenly disappeared or collapsed, dead. He was scared, and it didn't help that he didn't know where he was heading.

Peter was almost unrecognizable.

His muscles and body fat had slowly been dissipated from his body, leaving him to appear as though a think layer of skin had been tightened around his bones. He was too skinny from lack of food, and his hair was tangly and dirty. It had been longer but he found a knife and hacked it all off after realizing no one could stop him.

His eyes were dull, no longer that deep chocolate brown color that his mom had adored so much. Instead it was faded, almost grey with no
emotion. Scars and lacerations covered his body from beatings and the constant torture he had endured from the Black Order. His cheeks were sunken in, and he barely had enough energy to get up to use the bathroom.

A loud crash made Peter flinch, his delicate hearing making the sound almost shatter his eardrums. He slowly backed up against the wall as he heard voices upon voices, all screaming or yelling something he couldn't make out. He hurriedly pulled the hood from his cloak over his head as fear took over his body.

they're back.

he's gonna hurt me again.

he's gonna kill me.

Carol stepped into a random room, peering around it suspiciously. If she hadn't been completely silent she would have missed the light breathing coming from the corner. She looked over to see a man huddled in his cloak, only his grey-brown eyes peeking out against the dim light.

"I'm not going to hurt you," she said slowly, putting her hands up. "I'm just looking for my son."

Peter nodded slowly before removing his hood, warning a gasp. Carol stared at the twenty year old with glassy eyes.

"M-Mom?" Peter asked, his voice raspy from his screaming over the last two years. Carol sunk to the ground, hands over her mouth as she looked at her son. She couldn't believe her eyes.


"Carol, what's going on? Where are you?" Yon's voice came from her communicator. "Carol? What happened?"

"Carol!" another voice said, but Peter didn't recognize them.

Carol stood up and made her way over to Peter, bringing him into a hug. He fit awkwardly into her hold, as he had grown a few inches but also shrunk in waist and torso size. Carol let her tears run down her cheeks as she ran a hand through his messy hair, kissing his forehead over and over again.

Footsteps echoed down the hall loudly. They kept getting louder as they approached and soon Yon busted through the doorway, almost tripping over his feet. He looked over towards the wall and his breath left his chest as he saw Carol and Peter.

"Peter..." he gasped, rushing over. He engulfed the two in a hug, his own tears coming down his cheeks.

"U-Uncle Yon?" Peter mumbled. Yon smiled, nodding his head.

"Yes, Pete. It's me," he relied. Carol took a shuddering breath.

"God I missed you Peter..." she whispered. "I-I didn't know what to do." Yon patted the captain's shoulder.

"We got him back. That's all that matters right now."





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