Happy Birthday, Kiddo

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"Pass me another."

Peter Parker sat behind his school during lunch hour with a group of his friends. He was decked out in all black, with matching black snakebite piercings on his bottom lip. His buddy, named Chris, passed the teen a blunt, also handing him a lighter.

Peter took them and lit it up, placing the blunt between his lips as he laid back against the wall. He sighed, blowing smoke into the chilly air.

"You've been chill to hang out with, Parker," another person, Quinn, said. Peter shrugged.

"It's good to step out of the comfort zone once in a while, y'know?" everyone hummed in agreement.

"When word spread that your aunt died of cancer, I thought you would've dropped school," Eden said. "...but no one expected you to complete switch your gears."

Peter sighed, his naturally black hair ticking his eyes. (remind you of anyone *wink wonk*) "Yeah... I thought it was time for a change."

The bell rang, cutting off anymore conversations. "Better get back to classes. See 'ya guys after school."

And with that, Peter stood, dropped his blunt and smashed it on the ground, walked away with a smile on his face.


During history, they were discussing the topic of Norse Mythology. "One of Earth's mightiest heroes is of the Norse myths," the teacher, Mr. Gaye explained, clicking to the next slide of his powerpoint. "He's the only Norse-"

"Excuse me, Mr. Gaye," Peter interrupted. All eyes fell on him. "You're forgetting somebody."

Mr. Gaye furrowed his eyebrows. "And who might they be, Peter?"

The teen boy snorted. "Loki, obviously. Thor's younger brother? The one who tried to destroy New York?" Mr. Gaye's mouth went dry.

"I... um- yes, i must've forgot about him..." he stuttered our. Peter rolled his striking blue eyes.

"No you didn't. It was a requirement in your plans but you decided to neglect it."

"Well then- Mr. Parker, since you seem to know everything, why don't you teach the class?" Mr. Gaye suggested sarcastically. No one expected the rebellious teen to shrug and stand up.

Peter stalked over to the middle of the whiteboard, turned around and folded his hands behind his back.

"Loki Odinson, formally known as the god of Mischief, is the adopted younger brother of the god of lightning, Thor Odinson. He was born originally as a Laufeyson, and belonged to the frost giant tribe. He has the power to shape shift, create force fields, energy projection, he can grant superhuman abilities to living beings or inanimate objects and he possesses the power of flight. And might I add, he can manipulate others' magic and can harness his own as well."

"You might remember him for the Attack in New York four years ago, but what many do not know is that he was being mind controlled by the titan, Thanos. Yeah, you guys remember him? The ugly purple thing that killed half of the universe, including me? Yeah, those weren't fun times."

"Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk."

And with that, Peter sat down, a smirk playing on his lips as the teacher and fellow classmates were shocked into silence.


A few hours later and school was let out, letting the students retire to their homes for the weekend. Peter had arrived at the compound quite earlier than usual, caused by not drowning Happy's ears in musical tunes to distract him. But we all know Happy loves him like a nephew, it's obvious.

Peter excitedly bounced on his feet all the way to his room, a sense of calm washing over him once he entered. He hadn't run into any of the Avengers yet and he was thankful. After all, they had forgotten about his birthday and he wanted to spend it alone anyways. But he knew that wouldn't be the case.

Falling onto his bed, Peter murmured a few words under his breath, small sparks of green surrounding his slumped form. Seconds later, a man dressed in an all black suit with jet black hair appeared next to him.

"Happy birthday, kiddo," Loki said with a smile, leaning his back on the bed frame. Peter smiled and opened his eyes.

"Thanks, dad. I miss you..." he replied, snuggling up to his biological father's chest. Loki hummed and stroked the teen's head.

"I miss you too, tiger. But you understand why we can't always be together, correct?" he asked m. Peter nodded numbly.

"Yeah, it's 'cause if anyone saw you with me they'd kill you, although that's an almost impossible task to achieve." Loki smiled.

"Exactly. Well I have to go. I'll see you in a few weekends, alright Peter?" he said softly. Peter nodded, and soon Loki was gone, leaving a small teddy bear behind in his place.

"See you..."

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