Help I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

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peterman created a chat!

peterman added:

peterman: guys guys guys guys guys

irondad: yes peter

mommawidow: you called

banner: what

peterman: i need help

goldilocks: where art thou? i must come help you son of stark

ventboi: ^ what he said

peterman: so like i'm with mj, right?

peterman: and uh we were sitting on top of a skyscraper

peterman: and i kinda fell but my foot got caught on something and i'm stuck upside down

peterman: i don't have my webshooters lol

irondad: are you kiIDDING ME

misteramerica: Peter Benjamin Stark-Strange!

peterman; oh yeah speaking of dad

peterman added:

peterman: dad i need help

papastrange: peter wtf

lowkeyloki: im sorry but this is hilarious

irondad: loki i will kill you

lowkeyloki: impossible. trust me i've tired

goldilocks: i can vouch for my brother

peterman: can someone help me now?

peterman: mj's freaking out

irondad: omw kid

papastrange: ^

mommawidow: ^^

lowkeyloki: ^^^

misteramerica: I am disappointed in you, Peter. You need to be more careful.

peterman: u not my dad mr war criminal

wandawanda: ^ shit he went there

falconboy: well damn kid. you just gained my respect

whitewolf: ^

peterman: *bows*

peterman added:

peterman: hi mj

mfuckingj: omfg peter you're gonna drop your phone

peterman: nuh uh i have sticky fingers

mfuckingj: you're also a clumsy bitch

peterman: what no i'm naisiwhnejf

mfuckingj: he fucking dropped his phone

banner: i'm not surprised

whitewolf: typical

falconboy: wanda you owe me five bucks

wandawanda: whatever bird

ventboi: you called?

mfuckingj: istg where the hell is tony and his posse

irondad: about two minutes out

mommawidow: ^

misteramerica: Hurry up Tony. Your kid is literally hanging from a skyscraper.

mfuckingj: shut tf up steve

falcomboy: yeah steve shut up

whitewolf: fuck yeah steve stfu

irondad: arriving now

mfuckingj: took you long enough goddamn

mommawidow: peter you little dumbass

peterman: fuck yeah my phone's only cracked

peterman: and sorry aunt nat

papastrange: at least you're safe

lowkeyloki: that was the best things i've seen in years

peterman: i'm glad i was useful

goldilocks: you're always useful, son of stark!!

wandawanda: smh

banner: how'd you even fall in the first place kid

peterman: well long story short—

peterman: mj and i were enjoying some churros while we were studying for our AP chemistry test, and i dropped my churro

mfuckingj: which led to him trying to catch it,
slipping, screaming bloody murder and getting his foot caught on the ledge.

peterman: thank jesus for the sticky parts on my shoes or else i'd be fertilizer

papastrange: i'm disappointed but humorously relieved

ventboi: caw caw motherfuckers

misteramerica: Clint Barton!

whitewolf: oooh shit clint's about to get his wings handed to him

misteramerica: Do I need to beat your butt too, Bucky?

falconboy: *sips tea* and i oop—

peterman: for a second there sam, i thought you were cultured

mfuckingj: you ruined your chances by saying "and i oop—"

peterman: disgusting. a disgrace

mommawidow: now now children. there's no need to fight

imanant: oh wow what did i miss

irondad: peter fell off a skyscraper, caught himself, then needed rescue

imanant: holy shit

misteramerica: Scott!!!! Watch your language!!!

lowkeyloki: stfu rogers

goldilocks: i agree with my brother, son of rogers you need to take a seat

papastrange: ^

mommawidow: ^^

wandawanda: well said dear thor

banner: good job babe

goldilocks: 🥰🥰

mfuckingj: um excuse me

falconboy: i'm gonna cry

whitewolf: dang bruce get some

thor: banner does to the getting of some

peterman: moments like these really make me wish i had just fallen off the skyscraper

well hello

i started school last week and i already wanna shoot myself smh

i go to a catholic high school (i'm a sophomore) and it's just religion on top of religion and it's really ironic since i'm an atheist

oh well 👊🏼😞

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