Help Me pt.2

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well fuck.

this came out late

tw: trans!peter, sexual, verbal and physical abuse as well as mention and slight description of rape

note: this one-shot series has been heavily censored yet it still contains some graphic scenes. this is not recommended for anyone who might get triggered by ptsd.

When Peter finished his shower, got dressed and re-entered the living room thirty minutes later he found Nick lounging on the recliner, beer bottle in his hand and eyes trained on the t.v. Peter hesitated, turning to escape back to his room, but Nick's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Come sit, Chloe," he slurred, chuckling quietly before taking another swig of his drink. Peter's throat went dry as he tried to think of an excuse as to not join him.

"Um, you see Nick- uh... I'm pretty tired and I got school tomorrow..." he stuttered out, fumbling with his hands. Within a blink, Nick's demeanor changed from relaxed to pissed as he stood, chugging the last of his drink and chucking the glass bottle in Peter's direction.

The teen's senses didn't warn him in time to dodge the flying obstacle, causing the bottle to slam into Peter's face, shattering on impact. Peter cried out in pain as his hands flew to his cheeks and forehead, the warm feeling of blood trickling down his face already there.

"What did you just say to me, little girl?!" Nick shouted, stomping over. He threw Peter to the ground, putting one foot on the boy's unbandaged chest. The teen grunted in pain as Nick's foot dug deeper into his chest, making him let out a wheeze. "You ungrateful brat!"

The older man took his foot off of Peter's body and hauled him to his feet by his collar before slamming the teen into the wall three times, shaking the apartment with the brutal force. He sucker-punched Peter in the face, both of them hearing the crack of his nose before blood began to gush out, running down his chin and lips. For good measure, Nick punched him again but this time in the eye, definitely causing a bruise to start forming.

Tears stung Peter's eyes as Nick pummeled him, throwing punches, kicks and slaps in his direction. Nick picked up a piece of the broken bottle from the ground before cutting it deep into Peter's cheek, dragging it all the way down to his chin, making blood seep from the wound.

Before Peter knew it, Nick had done enough, dropping Peter to the ground and walked away, into his and May's shared bedroom, slamming the door shut. Peter took quivering breaths as he laid on the ground, bloody, bruised and beaten, shaking terribly. His chest ached and his wounds stung with his tears.

After five whole minutes of laying there in silence, the only sounds to be heard his soft sniffles and the t.v still buzzing with dialogue in the background. Heaving himself up with as little sounds he could manage, Peter swayed on his feet, his vision going slightly blurry as he forced himself to limp back to his bedroom, shutting and locking the door quietly.

A sob ripped from Peter's throat as he caught a glance of his reflection in the mirror hanging on his wall. All he saw was red, black and blue on his face, and the sinking feeling in his stomach told him he wouldn't heal in time for school. The teen's hands tenderly touched his bruising cheeks, hissing at the pain under his fingertips. Trudging into the bathroom, Peter turned the water onto warm before taking a cloth and soaking it, pressing the damp cloth to his bleeding nose.

Peter felt the blood from his nosebleed begin to backtrack down his throat, making him gag and cough, accidentally making a stream of blood squirt from his nose after removing the cloth. Peter sighed, taking two pieces of torn up toilet paper and shoving them in either side of his nose, hoping it would stop the bleeding. The teen moved on to the cut from his cheek to jaw, pressing the cloth up against it.

Hissing in pain at the stinging sensation in his skin, Peter used one hand to remove his blood-stained sweatshirt, dropping it to the ground helplessly. He stared through his tears at his bruising chest, the red marks from where Nick had stepped on him still visible. Blood had began to seep down his neck from his lips, making Peter jolt and quickly wipe it off, grimacing at the pressure.

Once taking care of the rest of his wounds, Peter threw the cloth away and took out gauze, wrapping his torso in the white protective layer. He knew that this was safe enough to sleep with, since he didn't wrap it tight enough to worsen his bruises, just tight enough so it wouldn't fall off. Mumbling curses and incoherencies as Peter painfully limped back into his bedroom, he carefully laid down on his back making a sharp burst of pain shoot through his pelvis.

Soon, Peter fell into a dreamless sleep, dreading the coming tomorrow.


As Peter walked into school he got stares of shock, confusion, and worry from every single student and teacher he passed. It wasn't like he didn't know why, though. The bruises and healing cuts on his face were very obvious.

After getting all his books crammed into his back pack, Peter slammed his locker shut to see Ned standing on the opposite side, a wide grin etched on his face. But once he saw the inflicted wounds on his friend's appearance, the other boy reveled in shock and anger.

"Peter! Who did this to you?" Ned demanded in a fiery rage, fists balling at his sides. He would do anything to protect his best friend, a n y t h i n g.

The teen superhero hesitated, mouth opening and closing a couple of times. "I- uh... patrol wasn't that great." Peter lies through his teeth, making his chest tighten. He hated lying, especially to his best friend. But May... her happiness came before his. He had to protect her and Nick's relationship.

"Damn, how many robbers did you stop?" Ned asked with a deflating sigh. He tried to hide his anger while Peter fiddled with his thumbs.

"Uh... a lot," he replied quietly. Seconds laters a warning bell went off, telling students to hurry up and get to their first class. For Peter, that was english.

Waving goodbye to his friend, Peter sped off down the hall, eyes towards the ground and sheet shuffling beneath him. He could feel the stares radiating off his back from his peers, and his spider-sense droned in the back of his mind, alerting him of the sudden attention. Once making it to his classroom, he opening the door and hurried in, taking his seat.

The school day went by fast, and before Peter knew it the last bell was ringing throughout the school building, letting them know classes were finally over. Heaving his bag onto his aching shoulders, Peter trudged out of the art classroom and walked down the hall, towards the library. There was a decathlon meeting, and MJ told everybody that this was required.

Taking a seat in one of the bean bags, Peter finally let himself relax, his binded chest filling with as much air as they could take. Taking out his Stark phone, Peter messed around on the technology until MJ walked in, sitting in the bean bag next to him as all his teammates sat around them.

"What happened, Parker?" Flash asked as he sat down on the carpet. His voice sounded sincere and worried, and it didn't seem to be faux. Peter raised his eyebrows before shaking his head.

"I uh... I got mugged last night on my way home from my work," he lied, shrugging his shoulders and hiding a wince. Everyone were convinced yet MJ still held that, 'You better tell me what you did later,' look on her face that chilled Peter to the bone.

An hour later the practice ended, leaving Peter and MJ to be the last in the library. Getting up, Peter stretched his arms, his shoulders popping in relief. MJ put a hand on her boyfriend's bruised cheek, a frown on her lips.

"Peter, I know you didn't get mugged, and this isn't from patrol. Nick did this, didn't he," she spoke softly, massaging her thumb into his cheek. Peter forced back tears as he cast his eyes to the ground, fiddling with his sleeve.

"Y-Yeah..." he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. MJ sighed and grabbed his hands, running her fingers over his bony knuckles.

"You can tell me anything, Peter. But you also have to tell someone if higher authority. This has gone on for too long."


As Peter walked into the tower, MJ's hand in his, his legs were shaky and sweat was beginning to drip down his forehead. His breaths were coming out uneven and his binder felt like it was squeezing him to death. MJ tried to calm him down but it didn't work at all.

The elevator ride was silent and soon they were in Tony Stark's office, sitting in front of his desk. The billionaire had his coffee in his hand, taking small sips while waiting for Peter to talk.

"So, what brings you both here?" he asks inquisitively. MJ nudges Peter, and the teen takes a deep breath.

"I-I need your help," he stutters out. "Um... Nick's been- Nick's been hurting m-me." Tony's eyes darken.

"Explain, kid," he demands. Peter hesitates before closing his eyes, balling the hem of his sweatshirt in his hands.

"He um- he hits me, and uh... calls me names. He dead-names me and... er... he uh- he r-raped me..."

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