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ha bitches u thought u could get rid of me

here be an exclusive doh

"peter, buddy, it's time for school," tony said softly, knocking on the door to his son's bedroom. "you have a field trip today, remember?"

"i don't wanna go," peter complained childishly, rolling over to face the wall. "especially since it's in freaking italy."

"oh be quiet, kid," tony laughed, entering the room. he sat down on peter's bed, "you'll have loads of fun, i promise."

peter groaned, turning over to face his dad. "please don't make me go," he whined, hugging his pillow. "what if something happens here and they need spider-man?"

tony laughed softly and pushed back his son's messy hair. "i'll handle any trouble that comes, alright? now get up, mom made you breakfast."

when tony left peter shoved his face in his pillow, a soft noise of distress being suffocated by the soft cushion. after a few seconds he finally pulled himself out of bed and lugged down the hall, barely looking where he was going.

"morning, sleepy head," pepper greeted warmly when peter sat down at the kitchen island. "are you ready for your trip?"

"no," peter sighed before cutting into his pancakes. he took a bite, "these are really good, ma."

"what's wrong, petey?" pepper asked; she sat down next to him. "you can tell me anything."

"i'm just anxious about leaving you guys. what if something happens and i'm not here to help?"

pepper smiled softly. "we'll be okay, i promise. if anything happens. i'll have happy come get you in one of the jets," she said.

"you sure?" peter asked timidly, taking another bite.

"i'm sure, baby. now eat up, you have a flight to catch."


when peter walked into the airport later that morning, his heart started to beat just a little bit faster. every step he took into the building meant he was getting farther from home. his mind had been whirling ever since he left the tower—he couldn't stop thinking.

"peter! you actually came!" ned exclaimed after peter passed through security. "i really thought you'd bail like usual."

"um, ouch," peter said dryly, walking past his friend—they'd been fighting a lot recently.

"hey flash," he said as he sat down. he pulled out a bag of peanut butter crackers, "want one?"

flash smirked. "you know it," he replied, taking one of the crackers. "you ready for the trip?"

"eh, i'd rather stay home," peter laughed, leaning back in his chair. "what about you?"

"i'm just happy i get two weeks away from my parents, man," flash answered. "we get to pick our roommates, are you going with ned?"

peter shrugged. "i don't really want to, he's been on my ass for the past couple of days. who're you rooming with?"

flash ran his tongue over his bottom teeth. "well, i was hoping i could stay with you," he replied cheekily. "i wanna get some of that ass."

"ohmygod, flash!" peter wheezed, slapping a hand over his mouth. "you can't just say that!"

"calm down, sweetcheeks," flash chuckled. he threw an arm around peter's shoulders, "so, roommates?"

peter grinned. "roommates."

"flight 201 to rome, italy, is now boarding."

"that's us," flash yawned, standing up. "c'mon, what's your seat number?"

"row 13, seat 4."

flash groaned. "dammit, i'm in row 14," he complained. "i really wanted to sit with you."

peter bit his lip. "maybe you can switch seats with whoever i'm with," he suggested. he pulled on flash's arm, "now c'mon, let's board."

peter and flash walked up to the gates. they showed the security their passports and tickets before boarding. peter sat down in his seat and solemnly watched flash sit down in the row behind him—at least they were close to each other.

"so who do you think you're seat partners with?" peter asked as he strained his neck behind his seat.

flash shrugged. "probably some loser," he joked. "hopefully they'll let you come back here."

"yeah. bet that i end up with ned," peter replied, rolling his eyes. "i'd prefer to not talk to him at all this trip."

"ohmygod peter! we get to sit next to each other!"

speak of the fucking devil.

"oh," peter simply said, annoyance radiating off of him. he turned back to flash, completely ignoring the giddy boy next to him. "so, do you think we'll need both beds-"

"well of course we'll need both beds, peter!" ned exclaimed, cutting the younger boy off. "why wouldn't we?"

"he wasn't talking to you, nerd," flash snarled, "so shut your stupid fucking mouth. besides, peter's rooming with me."

"what? peter, he literally bullies you!" ned said angrily. "you're really gonna room with him? he's probably gonna try and rape you!"

"ned, stop," peter begged the boy. "you're acting extremely immature right now—flash isn't going to fucking rape me. and besides, if you actually paid attention, you'd know that flash doesn't pick on me anymore."

"peter-" ned began, but was quickly cut off by the younger boy glaring at him.

"you know what, i'm done with you," peter said, picking up his carry-on. "flash, i don't care who is supposed to sit next to you; they can sit in my seat."

peter climbed awkwardly over ned, stumbling into the aisle. he quickly slid into the seat next to flash, dropping his bag at his feet. flash threw an arm around his shoulders, bring peter in to lean on him. ned glared back at them before turning around in his seat.

the next nine hours weren't very exciting. peter and flash chatted and slept during the flight, occasionally one of them getting a snack or going to the bathroom. by the time the plane landed, everyone on the trip was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed.

"let's go, kiddos," mr. harrington called out once everyone had gotten their luggage. "we're going to take a short bus ride to the hotel. make sure you have one bunk buddy."


"dude, i thought i was tired, but now i'm wide awake."

"flash, shut up," peter groaned, rolling over on his bed. "you're so loud."

flash smirked. "i'm loud?" he laughed, raising his eyebrows. "remember that one time when-"

"okay, i get it!" peter squeaked, his face turning red. "it wasn't my fault, though!"

"you're right, i'm just that good."

"ohmygod flash," peter giggled. he threw a pillow across the room. "if you keep saying that stuff, everyone's gonna find out about us."

"maybe i want them to," flash said, biting his lip. "but i'm not gonna lie, this whole secretive thing is kinda hot."

"how in the hell is it hot?"

flash got up and walked over to peter's bed, standing above him. "it's thrilling, really. think about it: the bully and the cute nerdy boy in a secret relationship? sounds like a wattpad fanfiction to me."

peter stared at flash with a strange look. "what's a wattpad fanfiction?"

flash smirked and climbed over peter, pushing him down onto the stiff mattress. "wanna find out?"


the next couple of days were filled with adventures around italy and lots of dual showers. peter and flash were trying to make the most of their trip, but people were starting to catch on to their sudden friendship.

it was around noon, and everyone had stopped at a pizza place for lunch. flash and peter split a margarita pizza for their meal, and even just eating brought them stares.

"i think they know," peter whispered as he took a bite.

"well no shit, you're not the quietest," flash whispered back. "maybe they're just suspicious."

peter giggled. "maybe."


"this museum is lame," peter complained. "i don't wanna look at art—i wanna go ride around in a boat."

"maybe we can do that on one of the free days," flash suggested as he looked on at a statue. "but i agree, this place is kinda lame."

peter sighed and looked over at his group. it was mostly made up of decathlon members, but there were a few strays, like jessica cambel, who only came because she was dating jason.

"all right students, let's head back to the hotel."


it was finally the time for everyone to leave italy and head back to new york. peter was upset, but at least flash took him on the boat ride he wanted.

after making sure he had packed everything up, peter went and sat next to flash on his bed, cuddling up in his side. flash didn't even make a sound, but tugged the younger boy closer on command.

"we have three hours til we have to leave," peter said quietly, looking up at flash.

flash smirked. "what's that supposed to mean?"

peter smiled innocently. "whatever you want it to mean."

"and you say i'm the freaky one, parker."


"peter, baby!" pepper exclaimed happily when her son walked into the kitchen. "oh, come give me a hug!"

peter dropped his luggage just in time for pepper to wrap him up in her arms like a little child. he laughed and hugged his mom back.

"i missed you so much—did you have a fun time?"

peter smiled. "i missed you too, ma; and yeah, i had a great time."



this is kinda shitty but i have nothing else to do since school is canceled.

anyways, i'm currently writing an original story, and was wondering if you guys would even be interested in reading it.

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