Mentally Insane

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Ring around the rosie...

Pockets full of pose...

ashes... ashes...

we all fall down.

A psychotic scream echoed throughout the insane asylum, coming from room three-c. A teenage boy- no older than fifteen- sat on the white tiled ground, hands shaking and a creepy grin on his face.

Eyes darting back and forth the doctors and psychiatrists watched in awe and horror as this boy seemingly freaked out over nothing, screaming and laughing like someone from a movie. It was only a matter of time before he somehow hurt himself, but they didn't know how or when it would happen.

Tony Stark and the rest of the Avengers stood behind the glass wall, frowns upon their faces as they watched the boy who had grown close to them in such pain. Their Peter was hurting, and they didn't know why.

But Peter knew.

Ever since he came back from the Soul World, that purple-ass looking grape bitch was inside his head, screaming at him and whispering terrible things. He wouldn't let Peter speak on will, making the poor boy fell as though his mouth was stitched up.

Peter clawed at his throat, which felt dry as ever. He wheezed out a couch before manically laughing again, falling onto his back. He laid there, giggling and murmuring to himself as his eyes danced across the white ceiling. 

"Wanda, what's wrong with him? Please, just look into his head," Tony begged the young adult, pleading. She sighed.

"Fine. Everyone, out; I'm going in."

Wanda unbolted the secure door and walked inside, relocking it with her scarlet powers. Peter shot up and gave her a pained smile before laughing. Wanda took a deep breath before sitting down in front of the boy, closing her eyes and forcing herself into his mind.

What she wasn't expecting was to see the Soul World again, but this time with Thanos sitting on a throne, eerily laughing the same way Peter was.

"About time you figured it out," he chuckled, throwing an empty chalice to the ground. He stood, his heavy steps slamming into the watery floor nearing.

"You... you monster!" Wanda gasped, stumbling away. The purple grape smirked.

"I am a monster, aren't I?" he retorted. Wanda grimaced at the sight of his mangled and crooked teeth.

"You will pay for what you've done to Peter," she said, bringing her hands up. Magic swirled around her fingers tips before she forced it forwards, knocking Thanos to the ground. The water turned into a tide-pool before swallowing the titan whole. 

Wanda sat up with a jolt, relieved to be back in that dreaded white room. She glanced over to Peter who was sitting up, back hunched, eyes lifeless but full of sparks that weren't there before.

"Peter...?" she hesitantly asked. Peter tilted his head.

"Who's Peter?"


Tis very short

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