Oof that's not my Name

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this includes:

trans!peter, bi!peter and friendly!flash

DISCLAIMER- if you are not comfortable with the topic of peter being transgender, please refrain from reading this one shot

"God motherfucking dammit."

Peter Parker mumbled incoherent curses and swears under his breath as he sat on the all-too-familiar yellow school bus, ears drowning in the constant noise of screaming teenagers. Classmates unknowingly kicked his seat, making the teen boy squirm uncomfortably.

Today was the day of the junior class annual field trip, and the assigned place where they would travel to would be the ultimate form hell for any child of Tony Stark;

Avengers. Fucking. Tower.

So not only did Peter have to wake up at five-thirty this morning, but he had to drive the thirty minutes to school just to come straight back to his home? uUM no thank you.

Awkwardly adjusting the black binder underneath his clothes, Peter turned in his seat to look out the frosted window, white covering the entire road and grass outside. Did I forget to mention it was winter? And the bus was freezing cold?

Yeah. Not helpful to a half-spider human.

Flash noticed the boy shivering so he removed his own winter jacket and draped it over Peter's shoulders, earning a grateful smile.

"Th-Thanks Flash," he mumbled, pulling the jacket closer to his body. Flash chuckled.

"No problem, Peter." he replied, sitting back in the seat.

Twenty minutes later, the bus full of chattering students pulled into the lot in front of Avengers Tower. The automatic doors opened and they all pushed each other out of the way, trying to get off. Peter and his group of friends got off last, slowly walking towards the front of the massive tower.

Once everyone was in side, Miss Thick ushered them all into a single file line, herself at the read as she began to run through attendance.

"Alright. Maxen, Johnny, Skip, Ethan, Cho, Pam, Tammy, Betty, Ned, Liam, Flash, Michelle, Peter W, Diane, Clara, Anne, Zach, Gigi, Ramirez, and lastly Hannah-"

As soon as the name came out of the teacher's mouth, a blaring noise echoed throughout the entire lobby, shocking the students and even the secretaries.

"-Oof that's not my name protocol- has been activated. The name Hannah must not be spoken in this tower. Your group is now under close surveillance," FRIDAY's voice rang out. Miss Thick gaped at Peter.

She was about to speak when the tour guide strutted in, a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Welcome students! Now if you'd follow me..."

The tour around Avengers Tower was actually really nice. Peter got to revisit labs he was able to often go to and see some of his old friends that were college-level interns. He discreetly helped them with some coding and whatnot, and was mostly able to remain under the radar.

It was about three hours into the tour when a striking pain erupted in Peter's side, almost making him collapse to the ground. He could feel his ribs moving ever-so-slightly when he hunched over. Thanks to you, you stupid ass binder. Even though Peter knew the cause of his pain, he didn't exactly know why. But then it dawned on him. 

He's had it on for thirty-six hours. 


"Oh god," Peter gasped, doubling over. Flash, MJ and Ned were immediately by his side in less than three seconds, helping the boy stand. Now that Peter thought about it and realized what was happening to his ribs, he could recognize the hot white pain in his chest.

"Peter? What's wrong?" MJ asked softly, gripping onto the boy's shoulder. Peter winced, taking a heaving breath.

"Flash... g-go get Kaden," he huffed, squinting his eyes. Flash nodded (and true to his nickname) bolted off, receiving an angry shout from Miss Thick who was waved off by the tour guide who had recognized the four teenagers.

Only a few minutes later, Flash came sprinting back, an attractive male running beside him. This mysterious teenager had striking blue eyes and platinum blonde hair, and was wearing some sort of hero suit which was red and white, with a lightening strike on the emblem. 

"Peter!" the teen male gasped, sliding to a stop before his boyfriend. Peter cracked a smile before nearly collapsing, his legs the consistency of jello.

"I-I need it off," he mumbled quietly. Kaden understood and slung Peter's arm over his own shoulder and dragged him off down the hall, ignoring shouts of protest from students and the teacher.

Once Kaden and Peter made it back to Peter's room, Kaden locked the door as the pained boy fell onto the bed, sucking in a sharp breath. Kaden quickly went to work, carefully pulling Peter's shirt over his head, unveiling the black binder. Peter rolled over onto his stomach, ripping the binder off, discarding it on the ground.

As his bare chest hit the bed sheets, Peter let out a sigh of relief. "I really need to remember to take that son of a bitch off," he groaned. Kaden chuckled before going to Peter's dresser, grabbing a loose t-shirt and a regular bra. He handed the items of clothing to Peter who gladly accepted it, pulling both garments on before sitting up.

"Ready to go back down?" Kaden asked. Peter nodded and stood up slowly, beginning to walk to the door. Once he was in the doorframe, he turned back towards his boyfriend.

"Thanks babe. See  you later." And with that, Peter walked back down the hall and to the elevator, having FRIDAY take him to where his class was at.

Once the teen arrived in a newer lab, he was bombarded by Miss Thick.

"Hannah Parker! You are in big trouble young lady!"

Not even ten second later, a fuming Tony Stark barged in, red in the face and an untied tie hanging around his neck. He marched over towards Peter and the teacher, and accusing fingers pointed in her direction.

"Who do you think you are," he began, glaring at her. "...to think you can misgender my kid?"

Miss Thick nearly choked on her tongue piercing. "Y-You're kid?" she stuttered, hands becoming clammy. Sweat beads formed on her forehead where her hairline should've been. 

Tony basically growled. "Yes, my kid. Or can you not get that through that thick skull of yours?" the billionaire huffed, pulling Peter back towards the entryway. 

"You'll be hearing from my lawyers!! All thirty-six of 'em!"

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