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Wade is seventeen

"I'm so excited!" Shuri exclaimed as she, MJ, Wade and Peter sat in the teen hero's room, sprawled around the room.

"I know right? I've only been to one and that was last year," Peter replied as he leaned on his boyfriend.

The group of four laid around lazily, talking about the pride parade that they were all going to that afternoon. After all, they were apart of the lgbtq+ community.

Wade was pansexual, Shuri was lesbian, MJ was non-binary and bisexual, and Peter was transgender. They all had their respective flags stashed away in the drawstring bags that were thrown upon the floor.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Wade complained, twirling Peter's chestnut brown hair in his fingers. MJ looked at the watch on their wrist.

"It starts in an hour, so we should probably start heading out there," they informed, standing up and stretching their arms above their head. Everyone followed suit and quickly changed into appropriate clothing since it was mid-fall, and it was very chilly out.

Peter put on black skinny jeans, a Tommy Hilfiger sweatshirt and some all black converse. He put on matching bracelets on each wrist that were the colors of the transgender flag. Wade wore a maroon hoodie with some blue skinny jeans, and some plain sneakers.

Shuri wore a deep pink sweater and some black leggings, along with some black UGG boots. And finally, MJ wore a long white t-shirt, black leggings, an orange jacket and some brown moccasins.

The group of four picked up their drawstring bags and left Peter's room in Stark Tower, heading into the commons where they found the Avengers. (who thought they were all straight)

"Heya Kiddos! What you up to?" Tony asked, trying to be cool with his "teenage slang." Peter rolled his eyes.

"We're going out. We'll be back in a couple of hours," he said before the four walked into the elevator, the doors closing behind them.

Forty minutes later, Shuri, MJ, Wade and Peter arrived on main street to see the pride parade was just beginning to start. Music blared through speakers and people of all ages and genders were jumping and screaming, waving their flags and any symbol of their sexuality around like maniacs.

Peter laughed before pulling his own flag from his bag and draping it across his shoulders like a blanket. The remaining three followed his actions, and soon they were running with the parade, laughing and throwing their flags around.

"Do you like it?" Peter yelled to Wade over the loud noise. His boyfriend grinned before kissing him softly on the lips.

"Of course I do, babe," he replied, ruffling Peter's hair.

A few minutes later a news reporter came over, a camera crew behind her. She smiled at the four teenagers before looking at the main camera.

"And here we are with these four incredible people. Would you mind stating your name and why you're here?" the lady asked sweetly, offering the mic. Shuri took it first, confident as ever.

"I'm Shuri, and I'm here because Im lesbian, and I felt like I'd have a great time, and so far I am!"

Then it was MJ.

"I'm MJ, I'm non-binary and bisexual. I'm here because I feel like this is a great thing to help with your confidence, whether you're apart of the lgbtq+ community or not."

Wade went next.

"I'm Wade, I'm pansexual and I'm here 'cause my boyfriend wanted me to go."

Everyone laughed and then it was Peter's turn.

"Alright. I'm Peter, I'm ftm transgender, and I'm here because I just love these parades. The first one I went to really boosted my self-confidence and helped me accept myself more."

"Thank you all do much. And do we have any couples in this fantastic group?" the new reporter asked. Peter blushed as Wade threw an arm around his shoulder, kissing the teen hero's cheek.

"He's my boyfriendddd," he cooed. Shuri and Mj grabbed hands.

"We're dating, too," MJ informed with a smile. The lady grinned.

"Enjoy the rest of your parade, guys! Have a good day!"


It had been a little over an hour since Peter and his friends left, and the Avengers were watching the annual pride parade on t.v.  The female interviewer was going around, asking people questions when a familiar four popped up on the screen.

"And here we are with these four incredible people. Would you mind stating your name and why you're here?" the lady had asked.

Shuri, MJ, and Wade spoke, but when Peter did everyone choked on air.

"I'm Peter, and I'm transgender." was all Tony heard. His kid- scratch that -the boy that was basically his kid was transgender and he didn't know? God, he felt like a horrible person.

Two hours later the four teens arrived back at the tower, grins wide and noses tinted red with cold. Once the elevator opened back up to the commons they found the Avengers sat there, staring at them expectantly.

"So... when were you gonna tell us?" Steve questioned, giving his eyebrows of disappointment. Peter's heart literally stopped.

"Wh-What?" he stuttered, hands clammy. A single bead of sweat dropped down his forehead. Wade sensed his boyfriend's discomfort, and sling an arm around his shoulder lovingly.

"We're not mad, just shocked is all, Pete..." Tony began, attempting to not get up and hug the shaking, terrified boy. "We accept you, we accept all of you. We just want to know why you wouldn't have told us sooner?"

Clearing his throat, Peter spoke quietly. "I've had people not accept me before... I didn't want that to happen again," he whispered. The Avengers' hearts shattered.

"We'll always love you, Peter.." Natasha said softly. Everyone nodded. It was silent until Clint yelled.

"Group hug!"

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