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"no, you do it like this."

peter flexed his fingers as he pressed down on his webshooter, clear webbing emitting from the device. miles watched in awe as it shot out across the rooftop, sticking to a window ledge on the opposite building.

as peter was about to jump off the roof, miles wailed out, "wait! how is that going to support your weight?"

peter halted centimeters from the rooftop's edge, pressing his heels into the brick. he turned back to his apprentice, shaking his head with a smile.

"like this."

peter fell off the roof and miles gasped, hurrying over to see his mentor catapulting through the air, sticking a landing on the window ledge. he was shocked that such a thin piece of string could support a person.

"c'mon, get over here!" peter called out from the other side, hands cupped around his mouth.

"are you sure this thing works? have you tested it?" miles shouted back, holding up his new webshooter that peter had made for him.

"you really think i'd give you a faulty device?" peter joked. "of course it works, now get your ass over here!"

miles took in a shuddering breath before shooting out some webbing, tugging himself over the edge. he free-fell for mere seconds before he was yanked up by the string, landing safely next to peter on the ledge.

"holy—that was so cool!" miles cheered, pumping his fists excitedly.

"see, i told you it'd hold you up," peter said, punching the younger boy in the arm. "i'd never lie about that sorta thing."

"it's scientifically impossible, it defies physics!"

peter smirked. "i know."


"i can't believe i'm meeting the avengers!"

miles and peter were walking into stark industries. they were both dressed in street clothes, and sunglasses were covering their eyes.

"trust me, it's quite underwhelming," peter laughed as he led his apprentice to the elevators. he pressed his badge to the scanner, "they're just like regular people when there's no battle going on."

"it's still epic, though!" miles argued. "i've looked up to these people all my life."

"promise you won't leave me for them, kid?" peter joked, pressing the button to the penthouse and putting in the code.

"you have my word, dude. besides, you're the best mentor ever," miles responded. "i wouldn't exchange you for the world."

"damn kid, you've got me almost crying," peter said woefully, wiping an imaginary tear from his cheek.

"don't get use to it, old man."

peter gasped. "i am not old!" he complained as the elevator doors opened. "i am only twenty years of age, i'll have you know!"

"okay boomer," miles retorted playfully. peter looked horrified.

"me? a boomer?" he asked, bands coming up to clutch his chest. "i am the upmost offended."

miles and peter exited the elevator and began making their way down the hall towards the common room. miles was bouncing excitedly on his feet as he walked, his smile wide. peter looked over at his protégée, a small chuckle leaving his lips.

"exited there, aren't ya'," he teased, ruffling miles' hair.

"stop, bro!" the younger boy exclaimed, swatting peter's hands away. "don't mess up the waves, fam."

"oh, my bad," peter snorted, crossing his arms over his muscle tee.

miles was about to respond but his words left his mouth when he and peter entered the common room. his eyes widened seeing the avengers all chatting and playing video games with each other.

"what's up my dudes," peter called out, causing the avengers to turn towards him.

"peter, my favorite nephew—wait, who's that?" clint said, pausing his game of Mario Kart. "did you adopt a random child off the street?"

"no, clinton," peter laughed. "this is miles, my apprentice."

sam choked on his water. "apprentice?"

"yes, apprentice," peter answered, rolling his eyes. "he's going to take over as the next spiderman."

"but why? you're perfectly capable of continuing on," natasha said slowly.

"yes, but you never know when disaster may strike. besides, he's got a couple of years to go before he's ready to take on my spot; he's only fifteen."

tony stood up and walked over to the duo, studying miles carefully. his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at him, hand coming up to rest on his goatee.

"you started when your were fourteen," the billionaire pointed out.

peter clicked his tongue. "yes, and i regret it every day," he said lamely.

"why is that?" miles asked curiously, looking up at his mentor.

"the shit i went through at that age fucked me up," peter replied with a shrug. "physically i was ready, but mentally i wasn't; i missed out on my entire teen years because i was too busy holding up entire buildings and crashing planes on the beach."

"that stuff really happened?" miles squeaked out, eyes blown wide.

"yeah," peter answered. "i don't want you doing the shit i did until you're at least eighteen."

"that's encouraging," miles snorted.

peter removed his jacket and tossed it onto the arm chair before collapsing onto the couch, patting the seat next to him.

"sit your ass; if you're gonna work with these guys, you have to meet them."


"and then i said, 'boom, you looking for this?'"

miles let out a laugh at rhodey's corny joke, putting a hand over his mouth. peter raised an eyebrow at his apprentice.

"seriously?" he asked with a light chuckle, "that was a shit joke."

"that's why it f-funny," miles choked out through giggles, his body shaking uncontrollably. "it's so stupid it's hilarious."

"hey! i thought it was pretty good!" rhodey defended himself, pouting slightly.

"it was great," miles assured him, putting a hand up. "funniest thing i've heard in ages."

"i don't know, you falling off the skyscraper two days ago was pretty funny," peter chimed in. "you screamed like a school girl being murdered."

"can you blame me? you didn't even catch me til i was five meters off the ground!"

"whatever you say, kid."

peter patted his shoulder affectionately. miles groaned and swatted his hand away, mumbling to himself.

"don't touch me fam, that's heckin' weird," he complained.

peter smirked. "get used to, 'cause it's gonna be happening for as long as i'm alive."

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