Red Bull and Coffee

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Tony's phone rang, snapping him from his daze. He placed the wrench he was holding down onto the table as he glanced over at his Stark Phone version 2ad, eyes scanning the caller ID.

Mini Me



The billionaire rolled his eyes. Although he loved Peter to death, he wasn't in the mood for an update on his patrols at what.... what time was it again?

Tony, long forgotten about the phone call, glanced up at the digital clock mounted above the door. It read: 4:32 A.M. My, My Tracer! It was already that late?

His phone rang a second time, and then a third, and then a fourth. So when it rang for the fifth time, the exact same called ID showing up, his heart sank.


"Mr. Stark?" a squeaky voice came through the speaker of the phone. Tony visibly relaxed, letting his shoulders slump as he fell into his chair.

"What's up, kiddo? It's nearly five in the morning," he replied, leaning his elbow on the lab table. A heavy breath could be heard from the phone.

"Well- i'm at Ned's house, having a... a star wars marathon," the teen began, seeming to be out of breath. "And I accidentally mixed my red bull and my coffee and I drank it."

Tony nearly screamed.

"WHAT?!" he yelled, standing up from the chair. He started speed-walking towards the elevator.

"Um- yeah, and I really don't feel so good. Like, my stomach is twisting and I'm seeing double," Peter replied from the phone. Tony nearly passed out right then and there.

"Okay, uh... just stay still and don't leave Ted's house," he responded. Peter huffed through the phone before staying silent.

Soon Tony made it to Ted's house and opened the door to see Peter laying on the floor, limbs spread and completely still. Ted was apparently going ballistic, screaming and running around the apartment whilst his best friend was dying. 

"Ted! How much did he drink?" the billionaire asked, kneeling down next to his kid. Ned spluttered for a second before taking deep breaths.

"I-I... like thirty ounces!" he explained, throwing his hands in the air. Tony breathed through his nose and he took Peter's head in his hands.

"Mr. Stark! What would happen if I jumped out of a window? Would I break my legs?"

And that's how the great Tony Stark died. He flung himself from the balcony of the Leeds' residence, going splat on the concrete. And not a minute after, young Peter Parker followed suit, dying mid air.

ha. you thought this would be a normal chapter.

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