Sister Snapped

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A/N: please read the end notes

TW: mention of rape and past abuse

Peter Parker-Stark was usually a quiet kid, only really speaking when answering questions or a small laugh at someone's joke. The Avengers were all concerned for him, thinking he was becoming mute.

But what really happened was Peter had learned to bite his tongue. The ex-avengers had come home, names cleared and they weren't wanted fugitives anymore. Now, Peter adored most of them, hence the most. The only one he had a bone to pick with was Steven Grant Rogers, the glorious Americanized Patriot himself.

Now now, Steve's a great guy in general... he just doesn't necessarily like the seventeen year old boy. He yells at Tony a lot that 'adopting a kid in his drunken state was idiotic and he was irresponsible to even think that he could take care of a kid, let alone a hormonal teenager.'

But the truth about Peter's adoption was that his aunt had up and left him after a toxic fight about her new boyfriend. So, Peter had been left alone and Tony had helped him, giving the boy a home. Making him happy again.


It was a Monday evening, and the Avengers were seated in the common room, spread about the couches. Tony, Rhodey and Pepper all sat on once couch, Steve sat in an armchair, Natasha and Clint shared a love seat, Bruce and Thor were snuggling on another couch, and Loki was leaned against the wall, playing with his magic.

They were all watching the movie: White Kitty-Cat, popcorn bowls on the table. The movie was about halfway through when Tony's phone rang, making him pull it out and answer.

His eyes widened before he jumped off and raced to his lab, leaving his teammates behind in the dust. (hehe... don't kill me) Steve angrily slammed his hand down on the arm of the chair he sat in.

"Unbelievable! One of his side chicks must be on the phone, maybe it's Peter's real parents!" he complained.

What no one knew was that a particular teenage boy was stalking down the hall way, feet silent against the dark wood. He emerged from behind a wall a few seconds later, making everyone freeze.

"What did you just say about my parents?" he asked, voice barely above a whisper. Steve looked like a nearly shit his pants. "Go on, repeat yourself."

"Now now, Peter. Go get in bed, it's big people time," Steve instructed. Peter shook his head.

"I don't have a bedtime, mate. You know why?" he responded, tilting his head. "I have PTSD, and whenever I try to sleep I get flashbacks. About. My. Biological. Parents. Who died in a plane crash when I was six. Then my uncle, who was shot in the chest in front of me wen I was eleven. And my aunt, who left me behind after I told her I hated her boyfriend. You know what else I have PTSD for?"

The room was dead silent, so Peter continued.

"I got raped by who I thought was my best friend. I get bullied every single day of my life. I was in an abusive relationship with my ex. I was in a plane crash on the beach."

Steve was dumbfounded as he stared at the seventeen year old boy who's face held so little emotion he thought he was brain dead. The captain awkwardly coughed and was about to speak when Peter cut him off.

"Oh, and for that comment you made about Mr. Stark having side chicks? You accused him of that in front of his wife- in front of my mom."

"Uh... I'm sorry," Steve hesitantly said. Peter scoffed.

"Yeah right." And with that, he blended back in with the shadows. Clint was the first one to speak.

"Damn. Sister snapped."


I'm still sick and I've gotten loads of homework this week so I haven't been able to write.

I'll try and update again tomorrow, but I still
need to write and paper for english. oops.

And pretty please give me more suggestions. I need more.

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