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Peter Parker was the definition of screwed.

How, you may ask? Well let me tell you.

-an hour earlier-

"Okay so if we mix this and this together, then it should work, right?" Tony said, holding up two glass vials filled with strange liquids. Peter looked down at his calculations.

"I'm pretty sure. On the count of three-" Tony cut Peter off.


Tony mixed the two substances, bubbles immediately forming. It spilled over the edge, the acid burning the billionaires fingers. In a midst of panic, Tony shrieked and dropped the vial, it shattering at Peter's feet.

The teen immediately screamed and went to jump away but was too late, some of the substance splashing onto his legs.

"Shit!" Peter and Tony yelled simultaneously, rushing to clean up the mess before Bruce came into the lab. Peter went to grab a rag but a tingle in his chest made him halt.

"D-Dad, I don't feel so good..." Peter whimpered as the tingles began to spread down his chest. Tony whipped around, eyes wide.

"Um.. uh- Fuck! Uh- Peter, sit down. God dammit what is it doing to you?" he spluttered, pushing the teen into a chair. Peter sat down and gripped the table in front of him as he became dizzy.

Meanwhile, Tony was hurriedly washing the tile where the vial broke. But what neither of them knew was that Peter's appearance was changing. Only when Tony turned around to tend to his son was when he fell into shock.

Almost all of the boy's masculine features were gone, replaced by more feminine ones. His cheek bones got fuller, his eyelashes longer, his chest turned into breasts, everything about him had changed besides the length of his hair.

"Oh my god! Peter! You're a girl!" Tony shrieked, rushing over.

"W-What?!" Peter gasped, hurrying over to the mirror. He was, in fact, a girl. No wonder his pants felt weird. (Ahahaha I'm sorry) "What the fuck?!"

"Bruce is going to kill me!" Tony whines as his hands fly towards the teen's face, touching his new features.

"I-I... what are we going to tell the others?" Peter stutters out.

-Present time-

"Avengers, meet my new personal intern!"

Peter stood next to Tony, dressed in a purple tank top and skinny jeans, along with some heels. His hair was slightly curled and makeup was added to his face.

"H-Hi! I'm Peyton," he said quickly. Natasha raised an eyebrow and held back a laugh:

She knows.

But, everyone else seemed to by it.

"A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU, MISS PEYTON!" Thor boomed, grinning at the "girl" in front of him.

Steve gave a small smile but couldn't help but flicked his eyes at the "girl's" breasts. They were hUgE.

Peter nearly gagged.

Bruce appeared to be putting two and two together in his head.

Everyone else gave small greetings and smiles, just adding to the immense tension in the air.

"Tony..." Bruce began, looking at the billionaire. Tony gave an innocent smile.

"Yessss Brucie?"

"Is there something you're not telling us?" the gamma scientist question.



"Fuck he's caught us."


I'm the definition of procrastination

i'm sorry

i'm gonna try to update again tonight

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