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Tony Stark sighed, rubbing his unshaven face as he stood from his seat at the kitchen island. He sluggishly made his way toward his toddler's bedroom which was down the hall, across from his own room. He pushed open the door to see his two year old, Peter, standing up in his crib, chestnut curls sticking up everywhere.

"Morning, buddy," Tony said in a baby-like tone as he walked over, hoisting the toddler into his arms. Peter giggled and balled his fists around the billionaire's sweater.

"Dada!" he said again, eyes crinkling due to the smile spread across his face. Tony grinned and kissed the boy on the nose.

"You hungry, Pete?" he asked, his tiredness seemingly vanishing the more he was with his kid. Peter's brown doe eyes lit up like stars.

"Ya!" he exclaimed, bouncing up and down on Tony's hip. The elder man chuckled before taking himself and the toddler out of the room, walking into the kitchen and setting Peter in his high chair.

"You want some pancakes?" he asked, riffling through the cupboards. Peter nodded his head profusely, making his chestnut locks bounce all over.

"Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesykcusbxisjckwdn," he repeated, the word soon jumbling into a mix of random sounds.

Tony shook his head, subsiding his laughter and went on to make fluffy, golden pancakes that the author is definitely not eating as of this moment at midnight. We love a thicc sister.

Once the two ate their pancakes and Peter had somehow managed to spill syrup all over his Iron Man onesie, Tony decided on giving the toddler a bath.

Baths made by Tony Stark are the best.

Vanilla scented candles, red colored water and so many bath toys that they're almost spilling over the sides.

Once bath time was over, Tony dressed Peter in a cute little outfit: an "Iron Man is my Hero
" shirt and some black pants, as well as spiking his hair with some gel. The billionaire carried the two year old to the living room where they played games and watched cartoons.

It wasn't until Pepper got home when everything went to shit.

"ToNy! What did I say about turning Peter into a baBY?!"


Okay, this is kinda short but i'm sick

I'll try to upload later!!

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