vii. return of the vines

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{edited 5/15/23}

two weeks.

the avengers had two full, glorious, silent weeks of reprieve from peter and shuri's antics. t'challa and shuri had flown back to wakanda, and after countless hours of begging ("please, mr. stark, you have to let me go with them! just think of all the information and learning, and, and stuff that i'll experience!"), tony had finally relented and allowed peter to tag along.

however, a couple of days before peter was meant to return to the tower, tony received a call detailing yet another round of meetings, and because the avengers had such good luck, the black panther was absolutely needed at this conference. so, instead of receiving a worn-out peter, tony arrived at the airport to collect what surely was going to be the death of him.


"what's up, fuckers?"

"shuri, language."

said princess chuckled at her brother's response as they rounded the corner. "come on, brother, live a little bit," she retorted, lightly punching him on the arm.

"you..." t'challa started, but he quickly cut himself off with a shake of his head. "i- nevermind. shuri, peter, go do... something, preferably productive, please."

the two teens grinned before turning down another hall. t'challa and tony looked at each other and sighed before taking their seats at the round table.

"i thought that we escaped this... this torture," clint complained, dragging his hands down his cheeks. "you couldn't have just left her at home?"

sam snorted. "hell, you could've left the spiderkid with her. this place has been so peaceful."

"oh yeah, because leaving those two alone in a highly technologically advanced hidden country by themselves is such a great idea!" tony said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "please--we'd have world war three on ours hands.


the following day was oddly quiet.

peter had to return to school, per pepper's orders ("no, peter, you've already missed two weeks. you're not missing anymore!"), so shuri was left behind at the tower. instead of being a nuisance, like the entire team expected her to be, she simply lounged around or helped t'challa with a couple of upgrades to get through her boredom.

"why are you on my phone?"

everyone looked up to see peter standing in the doorway, backpack slung over one shoulder and an accusatory look on his face. they followed his gaze to where shuri sat, a sparkly purple device in her hands.

she smirked. "'cause fuck you, that's why!" she stood just in time for peter to collide with her, and they jumped up and down while they hugged. "ah, i missed you, white boy."

"i was only gone for eight hours," peter laughed. he backed away from the hug and as he turned around, a mock gasp left his lips and he pointed forwards. "who the fuck is that?"

steve pursed his lips, eyes flickering back and forth between the finger pointing at him and the look on peter's face. "language, kid," he chastised.

peter had the decency to look ashamed before clearing his throat. "i'm sorry, captain. i mean, whom the fuck is that?"

"peter," steve warned, crossing his arms.

the teenager frowned. "what? i fixed my grammar?"

the following hours went by in a blur. peter rushed off to complete his homework, shuri on his tail, claiming that she "needed to tutor the poor, idiotic white boy" and the two disappeared into his room. when dinner came around, tony called up to the kid's room, and after a few minutes, peter and shuri appeared in the dining room, bright smiles on their faces.

"okay, you two," tony began as they all took their seats. "no funny business during dinner." at peter's pout, he gave him a stern look. "i mean it."

said boy sighed. "alright, dad," he replied sadly. "we won't."

surprised it took such little convincing, the avengers dug in. however, as the meal neared its end, steve noted how fidgety the two teenagers were getting, so as he finished off his last bite, he turned towards them.

"why don't you two go burn off some energy outdoors?" he suggested. his words were met with happy nods, and just as quickly as they appeared, peter and shuri were gone.

"those two," pepper said affectionately as she stood from her seat. "let's join them, shall we? cocktails and s'mores, here we come!"


the avengers couldn't help but stare.

"don't fuck with me!" peter shouted, moving into a battle position. "i have the power of god and anime on my side!" he pretended to wield a sword in front of himself.

shuri was quick to retort. "come at me, white boy!"

peter grinned and ran towards the wakandan princess, but at the last moment, vaulted himself over her head and scrambled towards the hose. with precision he turned it on and spun, dousing her with sheets of water.

"bitch, i'm washing me and my clothes!" was the unexpected response that came from her, and she added a questionable dance as the water soaked through her clothes.

"i feel like we made a terrible decision," tony noted as he took a small sip of whiskey ("pepps, you know i don't like fruity drinks"). "burn off energy, my ass."

thor grunted, catching the avengers' attention. "what are these 'sayings' that the man of the spiders and the princess speak of?" he asked. he watched the two teens with admiration. "they are quite hilarious! i would love to learn them!"

tony choked on his drink. "no, no, no," he spluttered. "you are not getting involved in their antics!" he waved his arms around. "it will be the death of me, absolutely not."

everyone chuckled at that, but t'challa nodded his head, eyes wide. "tony speaks of the truth," he added. "none of you should want to get caught up in these... these revinalizations!"

while the avengers were discussing the ethics of memes, peter and shuri had snuck up onto the deck. quite awful at being subtle when together, the two were quickly spotted as they round t'challa's chair. however, they made no move to run, and if the smirks on their faces were anything to be worried about, no one made a move.

"here, dad,"" peter thrust forward a container of salsa. "i got you some food."

tony eyed the item. "what are you trying to do here, peter?" he asked.

peter snorted. "did you know, " he began, "that sabra has zero grams of trans fat, and... and oh my god, cholesterol!" the end his sentence barely made it past his lips through the laughs. "get it? get it?"

shuri collapsed onto the ground, shaking with fits of her own laughter. "o-oh my god, cholesterol!"

tony face palmed. "what am i going to do with you two?"

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