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Meanwhile, in the forest outside of Underfell a new Papyrus awoke freeing himself from the web wrapped around him. After freeing himself, he headed towards Snowdin in hopes of finding out where he is. Fell and Edge were just leaving Snowdin for there stations. As they continued down the path they ran into spider Papyrus who froze having not expected to see a second him. " Another Papyrus? Oh joy..." Fell says sarcasticly and stops walking. " How is there a second me??" Pap says quietly. Edge inspects the new Papyrus, " Which AU are you from? I've never see a Sans or Papyrus with more then two arms..." Spider Papyrus looks at the two confused " I suppose since there are two of me here this isn't the Spidertail universe... For now you both can call me Arachnid." Arachnid crosses all of his arms in thought. Edge and Fell look at each other then back at Arachnid. " I guess i gotta take ya to Dream and Blue, don't I?" Fell calmly states and goes over to Arachnid. "You better hurry back here to your post Sans. If your late again..." Edge says as he glares at Fell. Fell opens a portal to Blues home. " Whatever.. Lets go Arachnid" Fell walks threw the portal as Arachnid follows, still confused. They both appear in Blue's living room where Blue and Ink are talking about Spider. " Hey Blue, Ink I found a new Papyrus. His names Arachnid. " Fell returns to his AU. Ink and Blue look at the new Papyrus as Orange(swap papy?) comes into the room. "Your Spiders brother right?" Ink askes. " I suppose your referring to the Sans with as many arms as I, then yes." Ink looks at Blue with excitement, " See! I wasn't imaging things!" Orange goes over at Arachnid, " So friend, do you know why you where created with so many arms?" Blue and Inks conversation stops. " BROTHER YOU CAN'T JUST ASK SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" Blue says in a scolding manner. Orange chuckles softly," Sorry , bro. But i want to know." Arachnid sighs and extends his hands as small ords appear by them, " My brother and I where created to help keep different balances in this Multi-vers. I aid with good and evil, " images of Frisk and Chara appear from two of the Orbs, " peace and terror, " Mafia sans and Horror appear from two other Orbs, " and finally with my brother, creation and destruction." Arachnid looks at Ink as a copy of him and Error appear for the last two Orbs.

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