Spider Bandicoot Oc

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An oc for my precious ototou MarvelousSanazuki

Name: Lucas Marvelous Bandicoot

Gender: Male


Age: 17

Personality: Kind, Caring, Loving, friendly, funny, serious, calm, stoic.

Sister: Coco Bandicoot

Brother figure: Preston S Parker(Aka Me)

Overall Powers/Abilities/Hax: 1- Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can breathe in space), Invulnerability, Possession and Light Manipulation with Aku Aku (Can "jack" titans in order to completely control them), Expert Close Combat, Vehicular Mastery, Weapon Mastery, 4th Wall Awareness (Can interact with the camera and constantly faces towards it), Spin Attack, Acrobatics (Can perform a double jump, somersaults, a slide, and a wall jump. Is referred to as very agile), Stealth Mastery (In Crash Twinsanity, Crash has actually shown being rather keen in using his environments to his advantage hiding from tribes well enough to swiftly cause a ruckus killing off hogs and still able to sneak past their surveillances successfully unseen. And has shown doing so again once more with more uptight guards of Madame Amberley's school, consistently rinse repeats another guard and then again all without breaking a sweat), Superhuman Speed (Via Crash Dash power-up), Non-Physical Interaction and Extrasensory Perception (Can see and interact with ghosts), Instinctive Reaction (Immediately reacts to spears coming out of the floor without noticing), Hammerspace (Can store gems/crystals/bazookas and pull them out of nowhere), Underground Mobility (Can dig under the floor), Limited Flight (Can float in the air via Death Tornado Spin), Aura (As seen here), Attack Reflection (Can deflect energy projectiles), Vibration Manipulation (Can create shockwaves with Super-Charged Body Slam), Fusionism (Can merge 2 cars together), Energy Projection (As seen here), Size Manipulation (Can manipulate the mutant's size to store them on his pocket), Toon Force and Elasticity (Can survive and recover from being flattened as seen in racing games), Statistics Amplification (Can physically upgrade himself via Mojo), Resistance to Electricity Manipulation (Survived electrocution a few times) and Mind Control, 2- Underwater Breathing (Type 3; Via scuba gear), Stealth Mastery (Via Sneak Shoes power-up), Invisibility (Via Invisibility Crate and power-up from Team Racing and Nitro Kart), Intangibility (When invisible, is untouchable by lasers), Forcefield Creation with power shields, Explosion Manipulation and Shockwave Generation (Via Bowling Bombs, Tracking/Red-Eye Missiles and TNT/Nitro Crates), Air Manipulation (Via Tornado Tops), Chemical Manipulation (Via N. Brio Beakers), Healing and Power Modification (Can either heal or change his weapons' properties via Wumpa fruit), Flight and Spaceflight (Via jetpack, space motorcycle, Copter-Pack and magic carpet. Can glide long distances via Akano), Time Manipulation and Time Stop (Via time crate. Can also temporarily slow down time for his opponents/racers via N. Tropy Clock. Can slow down time all around himself with Kupuna-Wa), Water Manipulation (Can shoot water from his mech), Fire Manipulation (Can leave trials of flame behind himself with barrel of gunpowder and shoot fireballs while riding a tank), Ice Manipulation (Via Freeze Crate and Ice Mines), Electricity Manipulation (Via pogo stick, electric shield and Static Orbs), Weather Manipulation (Via lightning item in Bash), Homing Attack (Via firefly and Homing Energy Orb), Sound Manipulation (Via Sonic Ring), Energy Projection (Via magic carpet), Non-Physical Interaction (Can phase ghostly objects into existence as physical objects with Lani-Loli), Gravity Manipulation (Can flip gravity via Ika-Ika), Summoning (Can drop an anvil on his opponent by tagging them with the Anvil status), Paralysis Inducement (Via Electro Stun Beam in Bash), Sleep Inducement (Via "Z" power-up in Bash), Possible BFR (Via Warp Orb), Teleportation (Via Travel Pass), Statistics Amplification (Can double his speed via Speed Shoes), Status Effect Inducement (Can stun anyone with one kick via Aku Aku emblem), Duplication, Portal Creation and BFR, 3- Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can breathe in space), Invulnerability, Expert Close Combat, Weapon Mastery, 4th Wall Awareness (Can interact with the camera and constantly faces towards it), Spin Attack, Acrobatics (Can perform a double jump, slides, somersaults, and a wall run, as well as grind on rails and swing from objects like ropes. Is referred to as very agile), Instinctive Reaction (Immediately reacts to spears coming out of the floor without noticing), Underground Mobility (Can dig under the floor)

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Spin Attack, Explosion Manipulation (Can toss explosive crates and hurl them towards enemies), Resurrection (Can come back to life almost instantly at most, four times after death), Can make shockwaves after jumping on a crate, After reviving, they will get a temporary speed boost, After reviving; Can use Aku Aku as a shield, Can spin fast enough to suck enemies towards himself, Skilled Marksman. 4- Spider Physiology: Users possess the traits, attributes and/or abilities of, transform into, or be/is a spider, air-breathing arthropods that have eight legs, chelicerae with fangs generally able to inject venom, and spinnerets that extrude silk. Some examples of spiders include orb-web spiders, wolf spiders, and jumping spiders, tarantulas, trapdoor spiders and funnel-web spiders. Most users can mimic traits, attributes and capabilities of spiders, like gain enhanced strength since spiders can lift up to 170x their weight on average, manipulate and generate spider threads, create acid or venom and gain enhanced senses.

6-Technology Manipulation: Users can create and manipulate technology, the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives. However, most users only can exert control over technological constructs, such as computers, robots, hardware, and other devices that can be termed as "technology", in any way. Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data.
Most users can control the flow of intricate machinery and assemble or disengage their programming at will and operate most technology at distance. A variation of Electricity Manipulation, they control specific electrons and instructs them which items to engage or disengage and may be able to use the electric impulses to gently control smaller metal parts.
Unlike technopathy which is mainly the ability to read, receive, transmit and interface with technological information, as well as communicate and manipulate technology psychically; while technology manipulators, also known as "Technokinetics" are strictly centered around the kinetic manipulation of technology itself. Many stronger technopaths have been known to also possess a level of technokinesis as well as a natural extension of their powers. 7-Dragon Physiology: Users possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of dragons; a powerful and legendary creature, typically depicted with serpentine or reptilian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures. They achieve this either through full or partial transformation into dragons, choosing to mimic certain aspects of draconic beings, or simply already being a dragon in the first place. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European Dragon, derived from European folk traditions and which is ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese Dragon, with counterparts in Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries.

Ghost Physiology: The user with this ability either is or can transform into a ghost, spirits/souls of the dead, often bound to stay until certain conditions are met. This can vary from honorable burial, unfinished business/revenge or self-appointed duties.
Ghosts have been known to be able to fly, phase through solid matter, turn invisible, and possess the bodies of the living. Normally, ghosts can't die because the user is already dead. They are no longer affected by physical forces and have no physical weaknesses. They have unlimited stamina and have no need for sleep, food, nor water. Their presence can also be indicated by a cold spot in a room. Ghosts sometimes terrorize the living by moving objects with their minds, tapping into the minds of others, appearing out of nowhere, and inducing immense fear.

8- Stand: Shadow Experience
A feminine humanoid figure with a black and blue color scheme, with a purple "blade" coming from her chest, she also has a pair of bunny-esque ears and seems to move likea ghost with her dress always flowing in the air. Has magical, psychic and umbrakinetic abilities.
Stand stats:
Destructive power A
Endurance A
Speed A
Range A
Precision A
Development Potential *Infinite*
Alpha Human Physiology
Skill Intuition/Mastery/Transcendence
adaptive power level
Personification of Friendship
Adversary Loyalty
Companion Loyalty
Improved Charisma
indomitable lust
Physiology of the Human Monster
Indomitable Nature
Independent growth driver
Fear Immunity/Fear Masking
Personification of Loneliness
Peak Human Strength/Enhanced Strength/Supernatural Strength
strength combat
adaptation of skills
Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Combat Peak
special power
special attack
Supersized Attacks
Perversion Empowerment
sexual empowerment
empowerment of lust
Sexual Domain
manipulation of lust
Indomitable Sexuality
Mastery of Seduction
seductive magnetism
Enhanced sex appeal
sex magic
Physiology of the Sexual Entity

.Alphamatrix: User can switch from one species to another, as well as shift from one species-based power to another. In some cases the users have inherent DNA of specific species which can be drastically different from one another and can easily shift from one to the next. The user can also become human to avoid notice, and then shift to another species in times of need.

The user can transform into beasts, as well as use the abilities, traits and appearance/physiology of beasts by rearranging their own DNA structure. Users may be able to transform into beasts they have never encountered. Some may have this ability from an empty genetic code, allowing them to accept any form from which they have a DNA sample, others may be able to alter their form mentally and change just by seeing and mimicking beastly features.



Spider suit:

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