Eh... what?

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Code blue.
Team 1, orange: FOS, GFOS, SP, Wanda, Natasha and Tony.
Team 2, turquoise: Bruce, Thor, Pepper, Sam, T'Challa and Stephen.
Team 3, purple: Bucket, Loki, Cap, Clint, Harley and Shuri.
The class follows Monique somewhere safe. I just started a war.

A code blue is nothing more and nothing less then a Nerf-gun fight. Well, actually it is but that's not the point. There are some ground rules:

1) Each team has the exact same amount of competitors

2) Don't break the tower and make sure no one dies (rule #3 was made after Nat almost killed Clint twice, and Tony once almost killed Harley, but let's not talk about that).

3) Neither the Iron Suit, nor Cap's shield, nor Peter's web shooters, nor Sam's wings, nor any kind of weapons are being used.

4) People with special abilities - Wanda, Peter, Loki, Bucky, Steve, Bruce, Thor and Stephen - have to be split up in the three groups but they don't have to be equally divided.

5) You're out when you've been hit by someone of the other team, no exceptions are being made.

Whenever they break a rule, they are also eliminated. That has never been the case, though. They all want to win - always without breaking the rules. The teams switch all the time, whenever someone starts a code blue, they have to inform everyone and they make the teams.


Peter, MJ, Ned and Shuri went to the penthouse to grab their stuff. Shuri took a gun and stuff for Harley with her while Peter gave MJ and Ned guns he thought they could work with.

Since MJ already participated once, she knows what to do. Ned doesn't. Peter explains it while the three of them are in the elevator on their way to the other half of their team.

Meanwhile, Shuri is making the whole penthouse a battlefield. It's not like anyone ever goes there, but when everyone finds out Shuri is still at the top of the building, they probably are coming for her. It has to be the perfect battlefield, with enough hiding spots for her but she has to be invisible when she is there. The couch is gone, every table is twisted to their side and the vents are locked. Now, all she has to do is wait until someone finally finds her.


Peter gives his teammates something he made a couple of weeks ago, perfect for a code blue. It's a bracelet with multiple functions: communication options, an infrared scanner, aiming gear and stuff like that. It's not like they all need it, considering Nat can shoot people perfectly with her eyes closed and Peter has his Spidey-Sense, but it can be helpful.

'Alright. We need a plan of attack,' Peter says to his team. 'I have a plan,' Tony says, 'attack!'

'No, no. Tony, we're not going there! Not again!' a frustrated Nat says to Tony, what made the teenagers and Wanda look at her with a very questioning look on their face. Sure, Nat is very fanatic during their games but she never got so frustrated. 'I'll explain later. It's a funny story, really,' Tony says.

'Tony, Nat, focus. We have to do what Peter says. We need a plan of attack.'

They all agree on their plan: Wanda and Tony are going to go ahead to the Penthouse. When they arrive there, they call for Peter and Ned. If they give an "all clear", MJ and Nat close the row. They all have to use the stairs, though. And when they are being attacked, every duo has someone who can take care of their attacker. A valid plan, you'd say.


Team 2, turquoise: Bruce, Thor, Pepper, Sam, T'Challa and Stephen.

'We have to do an all for ourselves. Bruce, make sure you don't turn green. Thor, no lightning. They'll see you come first. Pepper, do what you're good at. You have to guide us through the building and make sure you won't go out. Sam, you can probably think of your own plan. Stephen, when someone needs to teleport, you probably can help. And I will take care of my little sister.'

'I won't get a code green', 'You think all I can do is guide people through a building?', 'PANTHER, I CAN BE QUIET', 'I don't know what to do! I always am the first one out! What do you think of me?!' were all different statements, yelled through each other with a lot of noise. The only one who wasn't a little angry or upset, is Stephen. He makes a perfect pirouette and everyone stares at him quietly. Not because he used magic, but because he was acting even stranger than usual.

'Guys, stay quiet. You are going to do the things T'Challa said. Just do it. We'll win. Eliminate the others and stay alive. We don't need a repetition of what happened last time when the six of us were in the same team.'


Team 3, purple: Bucky, Loki, Cap, Clint, Harley and Shuri.

Shuri already informed her teammates about her being in the penthouse and the not usable vents. But Clint, not using his brain, already sits in one. He wouldn't get eliminated but he also can't eliminate anyone. He has to contact someone so they can free him.

'Dude, this is not something you mess with,' Harley says to Bucky, who is using a screwdriver of Tony to open a vent. The only problem is, it takes time. The time they usually use to prepare their plan of attack is now used to free Clint. 'Don't "dude'' me, Harls! I'm literally more than 6 times older then you are.'

'I knooooooooooooooow. I'm sorry. Figure of speech when you're my age.'

'I'm messing with you! I thought you would've known that after all our time together! Just, help me and hurry up instead of chatting. We're losing time.'

Loki and Steve just stand next to them, listening amused to their conversation. They could've done something, but to Steve these little games mean nothing and Loki wasn't planning to do something on his own when he could listen to this entertaining conversation instead.

It took all their time to open the vent, but now Clint is standing next to them and Shuri made an entire plan of attack all by herself, since "there's no one to help me, everyone in my team is a dumb child". So now she is explaining what's the plan.

'And when the three of you kidnap Pepper, Loki transforms into her and destroys the team from the inside.'

'But what will you be doing, Shuri?' Steve asks. 'I'll wait here until only our team is over, duh!' an annoyed Shuri says to her... friend(?).


Every team prepares for the war. There's one problem: no one remembered they weren't allowed on the intern floors. It's a one time thing, usually it's not a problem.

'Let the games begin!' FRIDAY's voice yells through the building. Everyone in the tower knows what's going on. "God, not again, is something most people think. "Yes!" is another reaction. 'O dear, are we going to die?' is the sentence the person who is supposed to keep the Decathlon Team calm says sarcastically. But the children don't seem to notice that. They're terrified.

'Monique, why are they doing this? What is a code blue? Peter, can you,' Betty says to Monique while looking for Peter. 'WAIT WHERE THE HELL ARE PETER, NED AND MJ?!'

'Betty, they're fine. I can't explain a code blue but you're not going to die. You do know what the term sarcasm means, right?'

'Oh. Eh. Yeah. Eh... what? That doesn't even answer my questions,' a still scared Betty says to everyone in the room.

'What she means is you're safe, so are Peter, Ned and MJ and a code blue is harmless for everyone in the building. Stop worrying, jeez,' a hologram of Tony tells her. 'Wait. Is this a hologram? Or are you really here?'

'Why don't you come here to find out?' the hologram says. 'That means you're really a hologram. The real Tony Stark would never have a child close to him,' Abe says while Flash already sprinted to the thing. It disappeared when Flash was about 5 foot [1,5 m] away. 'Dammit! I wanted to tell him he should fire Penis and have me as his intern!'

'You're very rude, you know that?' Betty said to him.

'Dammit, Flash. When are you becoming nice?'

'And why do you keep calling him Penis?'

'Here I was, thinking you finally stopped bullying people.'

'Mr. Thompson, you're in detention until the rest of the school ye-'

And then a portal opened and Stephen Strange and Pepper walked through it, while Harley and Steve walked through the door. None of them seemed to notice the frozen children (and their teacher). They all were watching each other.

Then everything happened very quickly. Harley and Steve ran to Pepper, while Stephen finally saw the children so he didn't pay any attention. Without any noise but with a lot of hesitation Pepper was dragged out of the room, and Loki walked transformed in Pepper's body. 

'Eh, Pepper? Where are the people who just came in?' Strange asks, since he noticed nothing. 'I took them. I already told you I can do more then just guide people through the building!' Loki says, completely falling in his role. 'You can take me back to the others, I don't think I can do anything here anymore.'

And then Loki and Strange disappeared again through the still open portal. 

'Should we... tell them it was Loki who went through that portal with Dr. Strange?' Abe asks his teammates.

'How do you know it was Loki?'

'Well, since Mrs Potts is standing there together with Harley, Captain America and Winter Soldier and on screen they said Loki was in a team with them, it's kinda hard not to see,' he told them. 

'Oh, now I see why Bruce wants you to intern here! You're so smart!' Bucky tells him, 'But you won't say a word to team 2. If you do, you can forget the internspot.'

'Alright. I'll keep my mouth shut,' he says while turning to his classmates, 'and don't you dare say anything either, or I'll ask Peter to shoot you with a NERF-gun too,' he threatens.


'Tony and Wanda just arrived at the Penthouse, but they're not alone. Both Shuri and T'Challa are fighting, and it's pretty intense. Wanda just texted me,' Peter tells Ned. 

'Okay. Can we go upstairs then?'

Nat responds with: 'You can. We'll come after you within 5 minutes, I don't care if you're there already or not.'

But right after she finished her sentence, a shot is heard. It's a gun of another team. And it's right behind them.

'Caw, caw, motherfuckers!' Clint shouts when he eliminated Ned and Nat. 

MJ and Peter left the scene as soon as Peter sensed someone behind them. They jumped in a vent, which wasn't locked for some reason. But maybe a certain Karen had something to do with that. 

The second Clint shouted he ran away, leaving a defeat Nat and Ned. 

Peter holds his hand on MJ's mouth until he's 100% sure Clint left. Then he kisses her. 'We make quite a good team детка [baby].

'We do, SpideyBoy.'


Loki already shot Stephen, Bruce, Thor and Sam and he's on his way to the Penthouse, transformed back in his own shape. On his way he sees Natasha, Ned, Bucky and Steve who already are defeated. That makes 8 eliminated people whom Loki knows about and three other people in his own team. 4 people left. This is going way too easy.

He barely said a word, because Harley stands close to him with Clint next to him. Both of them are defeated, what makes that only the team of him and Shuri is left. He doesn't hesitate a single second and heads directly to the penthouse, where he encounters something completely different, something he didn't expect.

But before his eyes could even analyze the whole thing, he feels a NERF bullet pounding in his back. He turns around, where he sees MJ, smirking. She gazes at him in a playful way and yells: 'You didn't see that coming.'

2061 words

I decided to have a cliffhanger at the end of the chapter because it would've been a very long chapter if I put it all in. I also don't really like this chapter, and there are probably the weirdest mistakes in grammar stuff. If there's an error, like someone who is in 2 places at the same time, please tell me so I can change that.

Also, I can say I have readers all over the world, as in from every continent. How cool is that?! Well you probably don't care but I think it's awesome!

Oh and do you remember that snow maker of chapter... 3? I hadn't watched Agents of SHIELD yet when I wrote that but it kinda looks likt that thing in 1x11. Remember that ice maker? I honestly had no idea I made a reference to a show I never watched.

Date of publication: April 21 2021

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