Dating - Part 3

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D: Enemies ahead bava!

R: I've got supplies.Fire!

Bavas were in the midst of Pub G when R's phone vibrated.

Tr: Busy??

R: Not at all...😁

Tr: Wanna come over to my place now?

D: What are you doing?Play!!

R: Oh no..!I had to run errands and totally forgot about that!!I'll go now...

D: What?We just started!You can't do this to me!😥

R: Pls bava!I'll make up for this tomorrow..promise!Ummah...I love you!

He kissed his bava's cheek and dashed out of the door.D didn't have the mood to play without R so he exited the game and watched Sholay instead.

Feeling bored,he texted his pappas Shradhooo,Poo and Shruti to see if anyone was free so that he could take them out for ice cream but Shradhooo had blocked him.Poo was unavailable and Shruti was with her boyfriend.Quietly he resumed watching the movie while waiting for his swiggy order.

Buying a bouquet of flowers,R drove to Tr's house.She was waiting for him at the doorstep.

R: Hi 👋🏼

Tr: Hi 👋🏼Come in...

Wagging her tail,her pet dog welcomed him.R crouched down and rubbed her head.

R: Hello Dude...what's your name?

Tr: It's a she...her name is Cadbury.

R: Oh😅

Cadbury ran in between his feet.

Tr: Sit,I'll be back...

Cadbury hoped onto the sofa and sat next to him lolling her tongue,her paw resting on his thigh.Tr returned with a glass of water.He took it mouthing a thank you.

R: This is for mom...

Tr: I'm alone.

R: Oh and Sweety?

Tr: She's gone to Bangalore.

He looked at the bouquet.

R: Then this is for you...😁

She took it flashing a smile accompanied by a thank you.

Tr: What would you like to have?Coffee,tea,beer,wine...

R: No I'm fine just had tea and snacks in bava's house..

Cadbury jumped down and hopped over to Tr's lap.R and Tr chatted.

Tr: I'll prepare dinner in a jiffy.You must eat and go...

She got up and rolled her hair fastening it with the jaw clip.

R: Mind if I cook?

Tr: don't trust my cooking?

R: I want to cook for you...

Tr: Ok but that won't change my decision...

R: I won't ask you too...

Tr: Then ok...the floor is all yours...

Tr gave food to Cadbury.Wearing the apron,he got to work.She helped with the cleaning and cutting of vegetables.

He made a one-pot vegetarian spaghetti dish and some green and red leafy vegetable salad.They sat down to have dinner.She filled their flutes with wine.

R: Eat and tell how it is...

He watched her while she had the first mouth.

Tr: yummy!

R: You're telling for the sake of it...

Tr: I mean it!You're an amazing cook!Your future wife is very lucky..😄

That hit him hard.Dropping his smile,he squeezed her hand which was resting on the table.

R: Trish,won't you reconsider my proposal?I promise to keep you well and happy for eternity...♥️🥺

She read his eyes and knew he meant every word of what he said.

Tr: went against your own words...

R: Please Trish...I love you a lot.♥️

She sighed.

Tr: I told you to leave this topic that day itself...let's talk about something else.I don't want to ruin this moment...

Post dinner,he helped to wash the dishes.She took desserts for both of them.They went back to the hall.Facing each other,they continued their talks while relishing their brownie and ice cream.

R: You know I've imagined us getting married and having babies...a son strong like me and a daughter who is beautiful like you..😍

Tr: Beautiful like me ok...strong like you???Joke ah??

She teased him.

R: Am I not?🤨

Twitching her lips she shook her head no.To prove her wrong,he lifted her in bridal style and twirled her around.

Tr: Rana!Rana!Stop!Enough!Put me down pls!Your arms will hurt!😆

R: You don't even weigh up to the tiniest dumbbell that I lift.I could carry you,run up the stairs and down 50 times and still not pant.😍

Tr: Ok..ok...I believe you are strong my head is spinning now pls!!

He dropped heavily on the sofa with her on his lap.She leaned on his shoulder.He looked down at her pretty face.

R: I wonder how a miniature version of you would a doll...😍

Tr: Lol.I'm struggling so much to stay in shape and you are hell bent on making me lose it.

They laughed.Unwittingly,he kissed her forehead.

R: It's getting late I'll make a move...

She placed her hand on her chest to stop him and they locked eyes.Running her fingers through his tousled hair,she kissed his forehead and eyelids.When she inched towards his mouth,he backed off.

He loved her and wanted her in every sense but had his reservations about going all the way as she had declined his proposal.She understood that.

Tr: I'm sorry...

She detached herself from him but he pulled her back.Grabbing her face,he captured her mouth in a kiss.The feel of her soft lips on his made him forget all that was in his mind and he focused only on her.Pulling him closer,she deepened the kiss.


The morning rays penetrated through her windows and she flinched.She felt his strong arm over her tummy and turned to face him.He was resting on his side,wide awake and staring at her.His fingers playing with the ends of her silky hair that was spread over the pillow.

She shifted onto her side,facing him and pecked his lips.

Tr: Good morning...

R: Good morning my love ♥️

Tr: Slept well?


She nodded.They looked into each other's eyes before she broke the silence.

Tr: See...this is all.Over.For this you were dreaming about marriage,babies and what nots...

He frowned at her.

R: You think marriage is just about this?

Tr: Of course! Love,engagement,marriage,calling people,shopping endlessly,doing make up,sitting hours together infront of smoke is all to end up in this only.I took the shortcut.I'm saved of all those hassles now.

She grinned.He laughed at her ignorance.

Tr: Don't you agree?

R: No and I'm not going to argue because whatever I say will not go into your head.

Tr: Hmm..Hereafter you won't bug me with your marriage talks no?

R: It is now that I am very serious about marrying you.Nothing can stop me from holding your hand and taking you around the holy fire.When you want it,you decide I'll wait till then but you are the one for me.♥️And don't forget,one son and one daughter.After that you can get back in shape.I won't stop you.

She furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance.

Tr: Won't you ever reform?

R: You are the one who has to.

She smacked her own head.He snorted a laugh seeing her irritated face.Dragging her to his side he pulled the sheets over them.👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻😒

An hour later,they were still in bed cuddled together.

Tr: All this is until your marriage is fixed.After that you shouldn't even think about me or come to my doorstep with these thoughts.We can still be friends if you want but you have to stay loyal to your wife.If you agree we'll continue this else you leave now.

R was bored with her loose talks.

R: Don't you have any emotions?Is your heart made of stone?Usually after these things girl will be after the guy to marry her but in my case it's the reverse I'm begging you to marry me!

Tr: Whatever...yaawnnn...😴

She turned to the other side to get some sleep but being D's bava,R wouldn't let her.👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻😒


S returned earlier than expected.

S: Trish...

Hearing her voice,Cadbury came running down the stairs wagging her tail.S kneeled down and took her in her arms.

S: Oh Cadbury I missed you so much baby!

She kissed the pet.Tr snapped her eyes open.

Tr: I heard Sweety's voice!

R: Mmm...

He snuggled more to her.

Tr: Uff!Why do you weigh like a bull?Get off me!

She smacked his shoulders but it didn't pain one bit for the two times giant.He giggled further infuriating her.

Tr: Sweety is here!It will be chaotic if she sees both of us in this state!

Reality dawned upon him.He visualized S catching them red handed.

R: Pls Bro!Don't tell bava I beg you!!😭

S: No I can't!He has to know this!!

Inspite their pleas,she informed D who came speeding in his toy car.Alighting his chariot,he rushed menacingly towards them.

Heysaaa...rudrasaaa...heysara bhadra samudrasaa...

D: What happened Sweety?

S: I caught them in the deed...that too they aren't married!...Avva!...What sinful acts!!Something you or I would never even think of attempting!!😤Blah...blah..blah...

S added more salt and pepper to the story like neighbour gossip aunties and they saw smoke coming from his ears.

S: I called you...

R: No bava...all that no...she's making it up...!!😢

D: What you did was wrong Sweety!!

S: Huh?

D: You should not have called me first!Those who do these things should be punished instantly!!😡

D took out a long thick cane which he had hidden behind him.

D: Stand on the bench!😡

He roared.R and Tr obeyed him.They stood on the table with arms crossed at their chest keeping pitiful faces.

Mahishmati samrajyam asmagam ajeyam...

S wore a proud look on her face.Justice had been served.

R: No!!!!

Tr kept her palm over his mouth.

Tr: Shhh!!!Don't scream!

R: I have tortured my bava in our previous birth that's why this is all happening with me now!Karma is a b*ch!!😭

Tr: Stop blabbering and think of a way to escape from Sweety!

Meanwhile,S took out some treats and gave it to Cadbury then went up to the room and pushed the door open.

S: Hi Tris...😱😱😱😱

S saw her friend in bed wrapped completely in the quilt.

S: What happened babe? You alright?

Tr: feverish that's why I'm covered completely.

S: Get up and change we'll go see a doctor.

She tried to pull the quilt which was held on to tightly by Tr.

Tr: I had tablets I'll be fine.You're back so soon?

S: Yeah...btw I saw Rana's car outside but I didn't see anyone when I came in.

Tr: Hu..uh...he carked his par chi parked his car and...and...

They heard his voice from outside.Both ladies went near the window and looked out.They saw him with water-hose in hand.

R: Hi Bro!Hi Trish! 👋🏼

S found it amusing.

S: Why are you doing this bro?

R: I was free so came over to help water the flowers.😁

S: Only you came?

When she saw R she expected another cartoon character wearing oversized tshirt and baggy short.😏

R: Yeah bro...why?

S: Nothing...come in...


Cadbury was resting on Sweety's lap.Staring out of the window,she was lost in her own thoughts.

Tr: Sweety!The guys have planned a trip to Coorg.They called us to join them!!Let's go!😃

S: I'm not coming you carry on...😒

Tr: Why are you so depressed these days?

S: I'm fine I just don't want to go so far...

Somehow Tr convinced her.Later over dinner,she spoke to her mother regarding their trip.

Tr: Mom,Sweety and I will be going on a trip to Coorg with two of our male friends.

Tr's Mom: Who are these guys?Your college or office buddies?

S: Neither...we met them at New Year's Eve party.

They narrated their first meet and how it transpired into friendship.

Tr's Mom: Why didn't you mention about them earlier?You could have invited them over and introduced them to me.I would have studied them...

Tr: No Mom they're very nice guys we'll be safe with them..

Tr's Mom: Trish,I know you are sensible and wise in choosing your friends but without knowing them personally I can't send you both...if something untoward happens how will I face Sweety's parents?

Both girls exchanged looks.

S: Maa,so you suggest that we cancel this trip?

Tr pinched Sweety's waist.

S: Ow!Why you did that?😡

Tr: Why are you giving her ideas?😡

Her mother kept a thinking face.The girls looked as if they were waiting for their board exam results.

Tr's Mom: Don't need to cancel the trip...I need to meet them first.If I say ok then you may go.

On the day of travel,the boys dropped by her house.Like foreigners,bavas wore half trousers and funky tshirts.They had their coolers on and D wore his weird cap.Each one carried their own haversacks.

R: Bava,ring the bell no...

D: Don't call me bava from now on I'm Dude!😎

Rolling his tongue in his mouth D tried to look cool and hip.R stifled his laughter seeing his bava's antics.Sweety opened the door.

On seeing her D straightened himself and adjusted his tshirt like a good boy.She welcomed them inside and also served refreshments.Tr came down.

Tr: Hey guys!👋🏼

R: Shall we leave?

Tr: haven't met my mother yet.She's here I'll call her.....😊

D and R sat like good boys with a wide grin on their faces.They heard the click of sandals on the staircase and looked up.

R got a mini heart attack.D stood up with respect crossing his arms at his chest.R tugged his tshirt.

R: Bava..let's run away!😰

D: Hey wait bava how to go without saying hi to Amma?

R: Amma?Had you said this that day we wouldn't have to run now!Because of your deed my life is going to be doomed!!😭

D ignored him.Of course he could not recall the ruckus he created that day.R prayed in his heart that she should not remember them.However it went unheard.When she saw them,

Tr's Mom: Rascals!!😡

She charged towards them and grabbed D by his tshirt.

Tr: Mom!What are you doing? They are my friends!

Tr's mom: These rogues are your friends?😡

She glanced at D and then back at Tr.

Tr's mom: I must be his mother's age,he passed remarks on my figure and asked if I was ready to mingle with him!They can do anything to you both.You should stay away from such guys!!

Tr and S were puzzled.They knew the guys were innocent yet they could not ignore her mother's charges against him.D still could not remember the incident.He looked helplessly at his bava.R narrated the incident.

R: ...he would never have said such things if he was in a conscious mind.He's very respectful towards women especially mothers.He holds a special place in his heart for them.😔

From the corner of his eyes,D sensed S staring at him.Frightened,he maintained the most innocent baby face on earth.

S: Yes maa...bro is right pls forgive him once...

Tr's Mom: No you're don't know!This trip is cancelled!

Tr&R: 😰😰😰

D stepped forward.He bowed before her like Amarendra and she took a step back wondering what he was up to.Placing his fist over his chest,he spoke in a majestic voice.

D: Amma,I am sorry for what happened that day.I don't want this trip to get called off because of my stupid act so I will leave pls allow them to carry on.

He got up.Taking his backpack he eyed his friends that he was leaving.They gestured him not to go.He smiled painfully at them.

Seeing his sad face,her mom felt bad and regretted her actions deep inside but she remained firm.

Padamara kondallo vaalina sooreeda pagilina kotalane
vadilinaa maaredaa 😔

Tr tapped S on her shoulder.

Tr: You aren't following him this time?

S: Don't I have any better work?He screwed up so what's my fault?Its his problem...🙄

D stopped.Clutching his chest,he collapsed.R rushed to his bava and caught him from falling.

R: What happened to you bava???

Tr picked the phone to call the ambulance but was stopped by S.

Tr: Why are you so heartless?He's dying!We have to save him!!

S: He's acting.Instead of the left side he is holding the right.See properly...

R: Bava!!Don't die bava!!!How would I live without...what???You have written all your property on my name ah?You're giving your sword,crown and throne all to me ah??Oh bava!!!Even in death you are so kind to me!!!I won't disappoint you bava I will take it all...😭😭😭

Tr: He seems to be more than Pupsuu...😤

S: Both are pucca frauds...😤

D: Grrr...huh...uh...Am...mmaaaa...jaakratha...😞

He said in the same modulation as Amarendra and shut his eyes.R lamented over his bava.Having enough of their acts,Tr's mom hastened to their side.Twisting each of their ears,she pulled them up.

Tr's mom: Showing your acting prowess to me??Do you know who I am??😡

R: Aaahhh...of course we do!You are mother of all mothers!!Raajamatha!!My ears are hurting amma...!!

D: Mine too...I promise I won't speak like that again..pls leave me amma...!!

She left her hold on them.Their antics and faces melted her anger away and she broke into a laugh.So did the girls.Her mom was convinced that they were mischievous but completely harmless.She gave them permission to go.

D,R,S&Tr: Taa taa amma!

The four of them waved bye to her and she gave them a happy send off.

D: Bava,I expected her to be a mother like ours,clad in sarees and having bun hairstyle but she's too cool and ravishing for a mom don't you think?Unfortunately I'm younger than her else I would have only married her.😍

R: You're incorrigible! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Tr: What are you both whispering?Let's go!

D started the car.

R: Edukondala vada venkataramana govinda govinda!!! 🙏🏼

D,S&Tr: Govinda govinda!!🙏🏼


Upon reaching they halted in a hotel for the night.In the morning the guys hired two bikes.Tr went with R so S had to go with D.♥️

He wiped the seat with his jacket making it an apt throne for her.

S: Thank you.😊

D: No menses.😊

Smart S kept her backpack in between them so that her chest would not collide with his back.

They stopped to have lunch at a roadside eatery.Language was an issue but they did not have to worry as they had S.She became their official translator.R and D gaped at her as she communicated fluently in Kannada.

They drove through misty roads of Madikeri.S shut her eyes to feel the cool breeze sweeping over her face.D adjusted the mirror of his bike in a way that he could watch her.♥️

Tr was munching fresh chips which they had bought from a local bakery.She was also feeding R.

Seeing that D sighed.He heard 'krum krum' sounds coming from behind.

D: Hey!You're eating chips?

S: Krum krum...yeah why?

D: You didn't offer me?Give some!😰

S: 🙄

She passed him the chips packet over his shoulder.

D: Can't you see what I'm doing?See Trish she's feeding him you also do like that.

S: I can't do all if you want else don't!Krum...krum...

D: Heartless..😤

R and Tr chuckled seeing their Tom and Jerry acts.


They went trekking.Whenever they encountered uneven bridges in their path,R carried Tr in his arms.Since D was phobic about falling into the river beneath the bridge,S carried him like SRK did with Deepika in Chennai Express movie.D clung on to her like a koala bear on a branch.

D: La la la...don't you find it tiring to walk carrying a hulk like me?

S: No 🙄

D: You must be so strong to carry me no?

She kept on walking without answering his questions.He probed her further.

D: On a scale of 1-10,what would you rate my hotness?10 being the most hottest guy on this planet.😎

S: 0

D: Nevermind I'll join the 1 for you.So you consider me the hottest guy this world has ever seen...I knew it!😎

S: 🙄😤

They walked further.

D: I'm only talking why don't you ask me something?

S: When will you shut your mouth?

D: Mmm...when I'm asleep!😂😂

Thinking he made a huge joke,he laughed himself.S dropped him on the ground unable to bear his gibberish talks.

Picking himself up he dusted the sand off his bums.

D:Hey wait don't leave me alone and go I'm scared of lions!!

They found a suitable spot to camp for the night on top a hill.The guys built two tents side by side and the girls helped them.

They stacked wood to light a campfire.D went to get matchsticks from R's backpack when he found raincoats.

D: 🤔🤔

R: Bava!Have you found the matchsticks?

R found his gems in his bava's hands.He thought that was the end of his life as he was going to be beheaded by his righteous bava.Having no go,R confessed to D.

R: Sorry bava...I didn't mean to hide this from you but...

D spoke before he could complete.

D: ...Bava!You're so brilliant!😃

R: Eh?😕

D: I mean it bava!Who else would have thought of keeping these handy as an alternative for emergency socks??There will be lot of insects around here I'm going to wear them on my feet and sleep tonight.Thanks ra!

D took two packets and was going to put it inside his pocket when R stopped him.

R: Wait!Err...I have spare emergency socks you take that and I'll take these...😥

For that also D shook his head innocently.He had believed his bava completely.R heaved a sigh of relief.

To be continued...

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