JV: Vennela's visit - Part 1

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Jai - Vennela:
Vennela's visit


V:Amma,Nanna,Mavayya,Chinnatha,Babai,Nagulu bava...to everyone...I'll go and come tata!!👋🏼

Sticking her head out of the window,Vennela waved bye to her family.She was super excited as she was going with her bava to his house.It was her first ever trip out of Palnaadu.

As the car went past their village streets,she continued seeking attention from passers-by to inform them about her trip.

V: Bava...bava...stop!

He halted.She signaled a lady who walked towards the car.

V: Akka!I'm going with my bava to Hyderabad...😃it's a very big city it seems...blah blah...

Jai had to interrupt her conversation.

J: I'm sorry Vennela but we'll have to leave else it will be late by the time we reach home.

V: Ok Bava...Akka!Pls inform Raju or else he will be cross with me.Tell him I'll meet him once I return.Tata!👋🏼

J: Raju?🤨😤

A guy's name.It didn't go well with Jai.He wanted to know who the petty guy was.

J: Vennela...err...just now you mentioned a name...who is that?

V: Raju...he is Pushpa akka's bull.Very nice fella.He is close with me lot.I take him to the field at times.

J: Oh...a bull...😅

Jai felt at peace.Vennela asked him to switch on the music player which he did.She took his shades from his shirt pocket and wore them.Jai smiled at her frolics.


They reached his place late in the evening.Jai's mother Latha welcomed them.

L: Vennela!😃

V: Athayya!😃

They hugged.Vennela touched Latha's feet.

V: How are you athayya?

L: I'm good ma.I wasn't around when you were born but I've seen your photos when you were a baby.Now you are grown up to have your own baby.

Her cheeks coloured pink at Latha's comment especially because Jai was there.

J: Before that she has to get married amma...

L: Yes of course.She is gold.We will marry her off to a guy who treasures her.

Latha kissed her forehead.Vennela and Jai exchanged lovey dovey glances.Vennela and Latha went in with Jai in tow like a porter carrying her baggage,tins of sweetmeats and jars of pickles.

After dinner,Vennela unpacked the tins.

V: Athayya have this...Chinnatha made this specially for you...

She passed an ariselu to Latha.

L: Mmm...it's very tasty.What is in that tin?

V: Those are for the neighbours athayya.When Amma packed for you,she also packed separately for them.

L: But you don't know anyone here neither do they know you then why you brought for them?

V: It is mavayya's condition that whoever comes home should never leave on an empty stomach.Likewise when we visit also we'll bring lots of sweets not only for our people but also for those living around them.It's been a tradition in our family.😁

Latha smiled.

L: In that case you only distribute these to our neighbours.

Next morning,Latha went along and Vennela distributed the sweets to their neighbours.They liked Vennela's cheerful and friendly nature and bonded with her well instantly.Within a couple of days,the entire colony became Vennela's akka,bava,anna,vadina and the likes.Little children became her friends and called her affectionately as "Vennu".


Vennela got up early.After her bath and prayers,she cleaned the front of the house and drew a kolam.Jai had gone for his morning jog.By the time Latha came down,Vennela had already prepared coffee for her.

She passed the cup to Latha who took a sip.

The suprabatham playing in the background,lamp lit in the prayer room,the fragrance of agarbatti and kolam brought liveliness and positivity in the home.

Jai entered and just like his mother,he too was surprised at the transformation.

J: Is this our house?😳Amma,what happened to you today?

L: I didn't do anything.This is all Vennela's work.See how she has transformed the house.

J: Who she ah?Amma don't lie...At her house,athayya is always after her with some housework but she gives excuses and escapes...she did this?I won't believe...Give her a scooty,she'll take you for a tour around the city and buy you junk food from all street carts.That she knows.

V: 😔😔

L: Don't tease her ra...paapam...You don't feel bad ma he's saying for fun only.

V: Athayya,you tell me what has to be prepared for breakfast I'll...

Jai burst out laughing.Latha was confused.

L: Err..what was that for?

J: Amma!She doesn't know how the kitchen looks like...you only go and cook.

His mother fixed him with a stare and he kept quiet.

V mv: You're laughing...wait I'll show you who this Vennela is...🤨

L: It's ok I'll cook ma.You take rest.

V: No no...I'll only cook.

She said throwing a proud look at Jai.He stifled a giggle.

J: Doesn't know to hold a knife...see her confidence...lol...ahem ahem...

Picking the newspapers,he settled on the couch.

L: I have to send an important email.I'll do that and join you soon...

V: It's ok athayya.I can manage.You look into your office work.

Latha went to her room and Vennela got to work.Once his mother was out of sight,Jai put the newspaper away and crept into the kitchen.Her back was facing him.

J mv: What a voluptuous back!😍

Rubbing his palms together he sneaked up behind her and spanked her bottom.

V: Ow!

Rubbing the part,she turned and frowned at him.She picked the ladle and smacked his arm gently.

J: Oww!!Ok ok cool calm down Ammoru talli!

V: Have that fear!😡

Putting the ladle away she began peeling the potatoes.Sitting on the kitchen counter top,Jai picked tomatoes and began juggling them.He noticed she was in Master Chef mode and wanted to rile her up some more.

J: Excuse me,may I come in?

V: No need.I can manage.

J: It's ok bangaram.You don't have to feel shy or hesitant to approach your bava for help in cooking.

She ignored him.He picked an onion to peel but she snatched it from him.

V: I said no need.

J: Hmm...it's your first time stepping into kitchen for cooking so I thought I'll help.Btw as a man I can cook you know?Atleast enough to manage myself when Amma isn't around unlike girls these days...

Her head turned slowly to look at him warning him to shut his trap.Jai grasped her hand and pulled her to his side.Locking her in between his legs,he rested his arms on her shoulder.

J: Hey bangaram...I was just riling you up.You got offended?Sorry...you leave all this and sit aside..I'll cook but you tell Amma you did ok?

She shrugged his arms off.

V: I'm not angry for you riling me up but you think I'm useless no that's hurting...😒

J: Aiyoo bangaram I never thought that way.I've never seen you cook before moreover this is a new place and you are here to rest I don't want you stress or strain yourself in that intention only I said,not to demean you.

V: Ok then let me cook.

Jai let her do what she wanted.He returned to the sofa and took the newspaper in hand.After sometime,the aroma of food whiffed through the hall.

Vennela placed the vessels on the table.She called Latha and Jai for breakfast.They sat down and she served them.

L: You also sit ma...

V: It's ok Athayya I'll have later.

J: Poori,bhajji,egg roast!!Gundamma!You made these all by yourself?😃

V: Yes😎

Latha and Jai tasted the food.It wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst either.

L: It's really good.Jai,you told she didn't know anything then how did she prepare this?

Jai couldn't believe Vennala could cook.

J mv: How did she manage this?I was in the hall,neither did I see anyone entering the kitchen nor does she have a phone to watch videos and do yet how is this possible?🤔

Seeing his expression Vennela understood what was going on his mind.

V: Athayya,bava was partially right.I didn't know cooking but I learnt.

L: When and how?

V: When my parents started their groom search only then it dawned upon me that I had to manage on my own in my husband's place.I was worried about being teased if I asked someone to teach me to cook so I would enter the kitchen and in the pretext of eating,I would observe them cooking.When Amma and Chinnatha went out I would try them on my own.Like that I learnt a little.Even Amma doesn't know.Ssshh don't tell her pls atleast until I've mastered it to a certain level.

Latha laughed heartily.

L: I won't tell.Ssshh!

J: But I will!Now itself I'll call and tell your mother.Knowing to cook you were escaping from chores...

He reached out for his phone but Latha and Vennela held his hand to stop him.

L: You won't disclose anything to her mother ok!I'm telling you.

Jai obeyed his mother.

L: We should appreciate her efforts and encourage her Jai.Vennela,all the dishes you made were good.Hereafter this is your kitchen.You can cook freely without being teased or judged.Whatever you prepare,Jai and I will have it.Right Jai?

J: Huh...uh...mmm...(mv:Rey Pupsu pa,your karma has followed you in this avatar also.You can never escape being the lab rat for her cooking experiments😒)

V: Thanks athayya!You know you sound so much like Mavayya.He would be the one to taste my food and give his opinion.No matter how bad my cooking is,he would not show it on his face and relish it.You both are made for each other!

Latha's chirpy expression changed to sombre mood as she reminisced her husband.Jai and Vennela noticed that.

L: Erm...I'll catch up with you both later.You carry on.

She went to her room.

J: Vennela,why did you...??See she's upset now.

Vennela kept a cool face.

V: I said on purpose only.Not to hurt her but to remind her there is someone waiting for her.You don't want your mother to reunite with your father?

J: I do want but I can't see her hurt...

V: No she's not.She's missing her husband and I'll prove it to you.Follow me!

Jai and Vennela went up to her room.

V: She'll be staring at his photo you see...

Hiding behind the wall,they swivelled their heads into the room.Vennela first and Jai above her.Indeed she was holding on to her wedding photo frame,lost in her husband's thoughts as her hand ran over Deva's photo.

V: See didn't I tell you...it's love!Athayya loves Mavayya a lot she's just not showing it.

J: Paapam amma...

V: Don't worry bava.This is the beginning only.Soon she'll only go to Mavayya.That day isn't far.

J: I'll be the happiest guy on earth if that happens.

V: And I'll be the happiest woman on earth to see your smile that day.

She looped her hands around his arms and leaned on his shoulder.


Vennela played cupid again.

V: Athayya,you look like bava's akka you know!If Maavayya sees you now he'll again fall for you...😁

L: Hmm...Ok...bava seems to be getting ready for work,go and see...

L: Vennela...

She stopped.

L: Are there still fights going on in the village?

V: Fights ah?When mavayya is around ah?No chance.He ensures everyone lives peacefully like him.

L mv: He honour's my words so much...)🥺

Vennela went running down the stairs with a lunchbox and water bottle.

Jai was strapping on his watch.

J: Amma...amma...

V: Athayya just sat down to have her breakfast bava...

Grinning,she passed the lunch box and water bottle.

J: What's this?

V: Food for you bava...

J: Didn't I just have my breakfast?You want to stuff some more and make me a drum like you??

Her smile faltered.Not giving face to her,he picked his file.

V: Not like that...you will feel hungry later...so...

J: I don't want.Packing food in lunch box as if I'm in lkg.

His curt reply made her upset.

Taking his laptop bag and phone,he opened the main door.

J: Amma bye.

L: Bye Jai.

V: Bye Ba...

Vennela waved at him expecting he would tell her but he left without giving face to her.

V: 😕What wrong did I do?Giving him food so that he won't stay hungry is such a big sin??

She dabbed the tears from her eyes with her voni.

V: It's all your fault Vennela.Amma keeps telling you to lose weight but you don't listen.Always eating full meals and munching snacks that's why you've blown to the size of a balloon!

She was lamenting her fate without realising Jai had slowly sneaked in and was standing right behind her.

She looked at herself.

V: Bava is right...I'm a drum only...😢

With one hand he covered her mouth to stop her from screaming and calling the entire neighbourhood.With his other arm he lifted her off the ground and swirled her around.She struggled to set herself free.

He let her down and pinned her against the wall.She got back her life when she saw his face.

Not to alert his mother,she spoke in whispers.

V: It's you!Don't you have time for your games?My heart stopped for a moment you know...I thought it was some intruder.

J: This is Jai's home.No intruder is daring enough to step into this colony let alone here.

V: 😏Ok why have you come now?

He gazed at her romantically.

V: Why are you looking at me like that?Is there anything balance you want to scold?That's why you returned?😢

J: This is an angry look to you?

Sliding his hand across her waist,he pulled her towards him and dug his face on the crook of her neck.She pushed him.

V: Why are you doing all this to me?I'm a drum no...you go and do all this to slim girls,they will enjoy.

She tied her arms infront and turned her face away in anger.Jai caressed her ears but she shrugged him off.

V: I don't want slim girls.I like only Palnaadu drums.

He gave a pat on her bottom that made her jump.

V: I prepared food so that you could take it with you but you shunned it...😔

J: So you forgot what we spoke yesterday?

She recalled their conversation.

V: Huh...to be ready by 12pm...you'll return home early and we'll go out for lunch...uh...umm...sorry bava...

J: You forgot and you're pulling a face at me not taking lunch.

V: Ok ok..I'll be ready by the time you come.

She was about to go when he blocked her path.

V: What?

J: I'm here to take something if you give it to me I'll leave.

V: What is that?You took your laptop,file,phone,wallet...

She counted her fingers.He kept a bored face.

V: Haan got it!Is it your car keys?

J: Uff!Don't torture me Vennela...I came only for a kiss from you.

She gave a shocked reaction.

V: Kiss ah?Chi no no I won't....it's a sin!

J: For this you are reacting so much here people are living together without marriage.

V: Seriously?Aiyooo what's becoming of the world?It's really bad bava...

J: Leave that.In this city,there is a belief.When bava leaves for work,his maradalu should see him off happily with a kiss else something untoward will happen to him that day.

V: No I don't trust you.You are lying!

J: Fine.I'll return with bandage on my head and legs then you will believe.

V: Bava,don't scare me like this pls...

J: I'm telling the norm.You are not believing what can I do?

V: Really something bad will happen?🥺

He bobbed his head keeping a serious face.

V: Then I will kiss you.I don't want any harm to befall my bava.

She took his hand and kissed the back of his palm.

V: Ok bava?Go safely and come.😊

He raised his eyebrows at her as if asking what that was.

V: Kiss bava!You asked no...

J: Am I a church father to give kiss in hand?Give a proper one!

V: Proper one...mmm...

She twirled her voni feeling shy.

J:(mv:Phew...finally she understood)Give fast...

V: I'm shy.Close your eyes only then I will...

He did.She tiptoed but still couldn't reach him.

V: Uff...did you grow on your own or did athayya water your feet daily?Bend a little...

Instead,Jai lifted her by her legs so that she was above him.Vennela pecked him on his forehead.

V: Correct bava?This was a proper one no?

He dropped her and she landed on her feet with a thud.

V: Aa!Why did you do that?

J: So that you can put on a school bag for me,sling the water bottle on my shoulder and pin a napkin to my shirt.

V: Lol bava...you're so big and you want to go to school now...hahaha...

She stopped laughing when she saw the stern look on his face.

V: Erm...did I say anything wrong bava?

J: No time for theory.Practicals first.I'll only start.

He rolled his sleeves up.

V: Pra...pra...what was that?

J: Huh...Prabhas!!

He framed her face in his hands.

J: Vennela,look at me...

He commanded in his deep,sexy voice.She raised her gaze to meet his and her heart began racing in excitement.Parting his lips,he inched towards her mouth.

After shower,Latha went to the kitchen and Vennela was not there.She checked in her room also and she was not to be seen.

L: Vennela...Vennela...

His upper lip brushed her lower lip and Vennela's eyes fluttered to a close.At that crucial moment,Latha's voice and footsteps broke the reverie.Jai pulled apart and quickly dashed out of the door.Dabbing her face with her voni,Vennela picked the duster and pretended to be cleaning the shelves.

L: Oh you were here...Has Jai left?I thought I heard his voice...

V: Bava left then itself hihihi...

Vennela blinked innocently.

L: Oh ok...I'll be in the kitchen...

V mv: Phew!Just miss...


The trio were having dinner at home.When Vennela went to the kitchen to get water,

L: Jai,Vennela must be feeling bored staying at home when we both are away at work.I've a suggestion...why don't you take her to your office?A new place and meeting different people will be a change for her.

Jai of course welcomed the suggestion.When Vennela came they discussed with her.Vennela too wished to go with Jai but she was hesitant because she was from a village.

V: It will be embarrassing for him to introduce me to his colleagues.If they say something hurtful,I'll not be able to take it.Don't want athayya...I'll stay at home.😔

J: That is my office.Who will dare to say a word against you?If they do,they'll lose their job.

V: Aiyooo bava pls don't do anything like that...Paapam they're working for their livelihood.

L: Vennela,why do you worry when Jai is there?No one will ridicule you.You can be free there as you are here.

Jai and Latha's words gave her confidence and she agreed.The following day,Latha took Vennela to the beauty parlour where she was given a makeover.From a village belle,she was transformed to a city girl.

They entered a clothing shop to purchase modern clothes for Vennela.Jai picked a skirt and blouse for her.Taking that,she went into the trial room.The skirt was knee length and the blouse was sleeveless.Both made her uncomfortable and she refused to step out of the trial room.

L: Vennela,it's ok...there is no one around here except me and Jai...

V: Huh...bava is there ah?Athayya,pls ask him to wait somewhere else I feel shy to come out like this before him...

Jai was agitated because he wanted to see how she looked in the clothes he had selected for her.

J: Amma,she's overdoing it...it's not like I got her skimpy swimwear!Its a decent skirt and blouse for that she's behaving like this...🤨

L: Jai,it's her first time she's wearing modern clothes so she feels that way.We have to be patient.You wait there...

J: 🙄

Once he was away,Vennela stepped outside.She felt so awkward that she kept pulling the end of the skirt to cover her knees.

L: Wow!This really looks good on you!

V: Really athayya?You're not saying for fun no?🥺

L: No.I'm telling you seriously this dress looks like it is made for you.We're taking this.Didn't you like it?

V: I did but my arms are exposed...I feel uneasy to go out like this.Shall I wear my langa oni to bava's office?

Latha smacked her own head.

L: Haiyooo you are back to square one.Nothing doing you are wearing this.

Just she had finished mentioning,Jai came there.Seeing him approaching Vennela ran back into the trial room and shut the door.

L: I told you not to....

J: I didn't come for that.That blouse is sleeveless she might not want to wear it so I've picked this blazer it will go well with her blouse.Pass it to her...

Jai went.Latha passed the blazer to Vennela.After wearing that she felt at ease.She looked herself in the mirror.

V: Good bava 😊

They proceeded to a shoe shop and Vennela tried on heels for the first time.Latha was checking out footwear for herself at another section.Jai settled on a sofa and played games on his phone while waiting for the ladies.

The shop assistant was amazed at her height.

"Madam,you're already tall...why do you need heels?"

V: Not me.My bava and athayya want me to wear these.😔Are you from Hyderabad?

"No madam,my native is Palnaadu.Came here for work."

V: I'm also from Palnaadu!😃Don't call me madam,my name is Vennela...

Vennela and the shop assistant started talking at lengths irritating Jai who was watching them from afar.Vennela was learning to walk in heels.

"Vennela akka,you hold my hand and walk for support then you won't fall."he said naively unaware that he was under the lens of a 6'2 vulture.

Vennela held his hand and that was it!Jai rose from his seat.Rolling his sleeves up,he menaced towards them.

"Yes...that's the way...super akka...yes right first then left...1,2,3..."


V: 😱😱😱

Rubbing his cheeks the petite assistant hid himself behind Vennela.

V: Bava!Why did you hit him?😡

Ignoring her,Jai picked the fella by his tshirt and lifted him off the ground.His legs dangling in air,he was crying for help.Vennela pleaded Jai to let him off but he wouldn't listen.People paused what they were doing and turned to look at the scene.Hearing the commotion,Latha rushed over to their side.

V: Bava pls,he was only trying to support me from falling...

L: Jai!Leave him!I said leave him!

At his mother's behest,Jai left the hold on that guy and he fell down with a thud.

J: Hereafter,you should not hold any woman's hand!!😡

"Not with any bad intention...she reminds me of my akka in Palnaadu that's why...waaahhhh..."

J: Akka...Huh...uh...

Jai felt guilty for his deeds.He helped the guy to get back on his feet and apologised for his demeanour.

Later Vennela held on to Jai for support as she walked on heels.At one point,she lost her balance but Jai caught her by her waist to prevent her from a fall.They locked eyes and time came to a standstill.♥️

"Look at these youngsters so shameless...go and do all this in your house..."

The rude voice of an aunty who went past them broke their trance.Jai and Vennela pulled apart.Feeling shy,they looked away.

Later at home,Vennela went up to Latha's room with a glass of milk for her.Seeing her athayya aloof,Vennela went to her side.

V: What happened athayya?You seem to be upset about something?

L: You saw how Jai whacked the shop assistant earlier.This is not the first time he has hit people.There was once a rogue passed a vulgar remark at me,for that he got worked up and attacked that guy brutally.When Jai gets angry,he loses control of himself.I'm worried for that.

She poured her heart out to Vennela who listened patiently.

L: I didn't want violence to be a part of his life that's the reason I brought him away from his father and his family but my greatest fear has materialised.Violence is in his blood.I'm scared Vennela,not for myself but for him.If something happens to him,I'll not live.

Latha sobbed and Vennela consoled her.

V: Athayya,pls don't cry...nothing untoward will happen to bava.From an aggressive man,mavayya has changed to a peace lover.Bava is his son.He cannot go wrong.Don't worry.You sleep...

Latha reclined on the bed and Vennela covered her with the quilt.She waited for Latha to sleep before leaving the room.

Vennela went down to the hall.Jai was working on his laptop.She approached him.

J: Has Amma slept?

V: Yes just now...bava,I need to tell you something important...

J mv: She's going to propose me?😍

Putting away his laptop,he scooted towards her.

J: Tell tell tell!!😃

V: (mv:Why is he so eager?🤔)You sit properly first...

J: Ok now tell...😍

V: That...mmm...today the way you reacted at the shoe shop was not at all right.Is this how you will whack someone?

His grin faltered into a frown.

J: (mv:I thought she came to propose but she's here to take good conduct lessons...)Err Gundamma,let's talk something fun...you know how alluring you were today...😍

He caressed her arm.She pushed his hand.

V: Don't divert the topic bava...so much anger isn't good for you.Athayya is really worried for you.She went to sleep crying you no...

J: What?Why?😟

V: Your temperament.She is afraid because of your anger something untoward might happen to you.

J: Bangaram,you and amma are getting tensed for no reason actually...your bava is a super man nothing can happen to me!

V: All this cinema hero dialogues you go and tell your city girlfriends wearing small clothes,not to me!Hereafter you should not exhibit violence infront of athayya...that's all...Goodnight!

She went to her room.

J: Hmm...it's going to be really tough😩😟

In the morning Jai apologised to his mother and promised to not take up violence in any situation.Vennela and Latha were happy but none of them knew a day would come where Jai would break his promise that would lead to Latha's untimely death.💔


Jai took Vennela to his office and introduced her to his staffs.She met Kishore who had an instant crush on her.Vennela waved a hi to him and in return he extended his palm for a handshake.Not wanting to appear rude,she shook his hand loosely.

K: Vennela...😍

V mv: Rey,you have dug your own grave...God save you.

Jai controlled his rage as he had given his word to his mother.Seeing her bava poised,Vennela felt relieved.Getting Jai's approval,she quietly followed Kishore to his cabin.

Kishore mistook Vennela's friendly nature for an interest in him so he began flirting with her.
Jai who was in a meeting with his team in the room opposite,noticed that.He had designed transparent walls for the staff cabins intentionally so that it would be safe for the women staff in his office.He wouldn't tolerate if someone acted funny with his female staffs let alone eyeing his bangaram.Wrapping up his meeting,Jai pulled Kishore to his room.

J: What were you talking?

K: That...she's new so I was teaching her work...

J: Who said she has come to work?She has come for time pass.It will be good if you mind your own work.

K: But she mingles closely with me.How to avoid her?

He sounded as if Vennela was after him.As if that wasn't bad enough,he had the audacity to talk back to his boss.Jai gave a befitting counter.

J: She behaves that way with geese and dogs as well that doesn't mean those are great,it shows her greatness.You take your materials and sit in the cabin infront of me.

K: 😔

That put him in place.Kishore dared not even turn to look at Vennela when she called him.

V: Huh...what's wrong with him?He was talking well...

She turned and saw Jai's face.

V: Oho...this is the reason for   Kishore's sudden change...hmm...Possessive bava😍

To be continued...

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