SC: Don meets Dame - Part 3

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"Your saviour has left.There is no one to your rescue now.How arrogantly you behaved,now we will tame you!"

"Ting tong...ting tong..."

"Uff!Who is it now?"

Again one of them looked into the eyepiece.

"That Romeo is back!"

This time the infuriated henchman opened the door to end the menace once and for all.

S: Hello uncle!😁👋🏼

Sahoo looked over his shoulder and saw Chanchala lying on the floor pinned down by those men.Anger pulsed through him and he clenched his fist.

Chanchala felt relieved and a sense of courage seeing Sahoo despite what he did to her earlier that morning.

He did not want to display his mass image before her so he calmed himself.

S: Aiyo Chanchala madam!😰

Sahoo pushed the guy and went past him.

S: Madam,what happened?When you have such a beautiful room why are you sleeping in the middle of the hall?Get up...

He loosened the knot on one of her wrists and he was kicked on his chest by the baddie.

"Rey,can't you see?We are six of us and she's one woman what will we do?"

S: Huh?You are going to....

"Yes!You want,sit aside and watch.You will have a chance after we're done with her!!"

The guy unbuttoned his shirt.

S: Sir,'s wrong to do this!Taking a woman by force does not make you men...Pls leave her alone...

One of the fella dragged him aside.

S: Beat me!Hit me!Do whatever you want to me but pls leave her alone...ladies are paapam...

He fell at their feet begging them to leave her but they wouldn't listen and whacked him.Chanchala felt sorry for him.Suddenly he got up and ran.

"Hey catch him!He is running away!He has seen us and might alert the neighbourhood!!"

"What about her?"

"We will finish him off first then deal with her!"

All six of them chased Sahoo who ran very fast.

S: Sob...sob...violence is too much in my life that there is no time for romance...sob...sob...

He stopped at a secluded place.The guys who were chasing him also stopped.Sahoo turned to face them.He took out his cigar and lit it.

The guys wondered how the timid guy who ran away faced them so bravely.

"Who are you ra?Showing off like a mass hero??"

S: Sahoo...Siddhanth Nandhan Sahoo.Boom!

With the bgm playing,he flicked his cigarette then took on the baddies bashing each and one of them.This time they really begged him to be set free.

S: If at all the thought of attacking Chanchala comes to your mind again,remember this blow!

He smote the fella hard on his head sending him to oblivion.The rest were rolling on the ground growling in pain.


Gun in hand,Chanchala went in search of Sahoo.She didn't have to go far.

S: My name is Sahoo only Sahoo...yeppudem chesthano cheppedelaa..lalala...🎶

Seeing her approaching him an idea came to his mind.He dragged his feet.

S: Aaah...Amma...owww...

C: Oh no did they hit you?😰

S: Yes madam...very badly...I can't even walk...sob...sob...

He pretended to lose his balance and fell on her chest.

C: Ouch...careful...

She held him.

He grasped her waist and roved his hand on wherever he could get access.

S: Sorry madam...I can't walk need support that's why...

She didn't doubt him and let him hold her.Supporting him,she led the way to her house.

S: Chanchala madam,you slapped me for pinching your waist but had I not done that,I wouldn't have come to apologise to you and those guys would have ruined you.Sometimes bad things happen for the greater good no?

He handed her the bouquet which she took.

C mv: Bad things happen for the greater good?

She pondered over his words and somehow connected Shakthi's demise to Sahoo's entry in her life.Brushing aside her thoughts,she made him sit on the sofa and brought the first aid kit.

C: You said they bashed you but I don't see any wound or blood?

S: It is all internal damage hoo...😭

She offered to take him to the hospital but he refused citing he was scared of injection so she gave him a painkiller and glass of water which he pretended to take but when she wasn't looking her threw the tablet out of the window.

C: You saved my honour.I can never thank you enough.

She joined her palms in gratitude.

S: No mentions madam.😁

C: It's very late already.I think you should leave...

S: will be alone what if they return?I'll be here for your safety tonight.

C: You're talking as if you will fight them?You yourself got beaten by them no...

S: Yeah but still I can shout and call people for help.

Chanchala was in a dilemma.It was inappropriate to have a guy stay at her place overnight at the same time she was worried for her safety.Getting no answer from her he got up,

C: You're unhappy it's ok I'll leave.🥺 my village a lady was staying alone then one night six men broke into her house.She screamed for help but...

S: may be here for the night..

C: Hihihi...thank you madam...

She told him to sleep in the hall but he refused.

S: What if they enter through your room window?I won't know so I'll be in your room.

C: What?Nothing doing.If you want sleep here or just leave!

She turned to go but he ran ahead of her and blocked her at the doorway of her room.

S: Madam...madam...why getting worked up for such a simple thing?When your room can house male lizards,mosquitoes and cockroaches why not me?Think of me as one of those then you won't feel bad.Pls madam your safety is the most important now.

Tactfully he lured her into allowing him in her room and was successful in that.

S: I can't sleep in this have any night dress?

She remembered she had some clothes kept aside for charity.She took one lungi and gave it to him.Sahoo had never worn a lungi before so he stood messing the material in his hand.

C: 🙄

She tied it for him over his jeans.He took off his jeans after that.He was happy with his new dress and twirled around as if a girl in skirt.

S: This is so airy...thank you madam.

She slept on the bed while he slept on the mat on the floor.He was all smiles as if he scored 99 marks in exam.

S: Goodnight madam...

She slept facing away from him.After sometime when she turned,she found him on her bed beside her.She sat up.

C: Hey!What are you doing here?Go to the floor!

S: Madam...they beat me so badly that I can't sleep on the hard floor it's paining I'll sleep here with you pleeeeejjjjj....

He entwined his fingers and begged her with puppy face.

C mv: Later he might say his grandmother came in his dreams and put his legs on me no I shouldn't give chance for that!

She got out of bed and shifted to the floor.

S: Huh madam...why you are sleeping down?There is sufficient space for both of us here.I only need little...

She glared at him.

S: Oops🥺

She slept off but he was awake gazing and admiring her in her sleep.♥️

S: How cute she looks sleeping like an angel...🥰

Next morning Sahoo woke up to the calling bell.He didn't see her in the room.Yawning and rubbing his eyes,he went to the hall.Worried his lungi would fall he pulled it up till his stomach and clutched it tightly.He answered the door.

It was Sampath.He was shocked to see Sahoo at her place that too with disheveled hair and in lungi.Naughty Sahoo guessed what would running on his mind and played accordingly.

S: Sorry last night...hihihi...

With dumb grin,he put on the buttons on his tshirt.

SP: You!!!😡😡😡What did you do to her??

He grabbed Sahoo's collar and was about to hit him when Chanchala came out running from the kitchen and held his hand to stop him.

C: Anna,pls don't beat him.He saved me.

She narrated the incident.

SP: So much has happened...couldn't you have called me atleast??Can you identify their faces??

C: Yes I can.

SP: Very good.You just lodge a complaint.I'll handle the rest.

S mv: I've disfigured their faces that their mothers will have difficulty identifying them and he will handle it seems.😏

Sahoo crossed his arms and kept a pitiful face.Sampath looked at him.

SP: Thank you for coming on time.Chanchala,it's not safe for you to be alone hereafter.Atleast until they are caught why don't you come and stay at my place?

C: No anna...that won't look good.People might think otherwise.

S: I can be here...

His voice trailed off seeing the cold expression on Sampath's face.

SP: Why do you care about others?Besides,I'm not living alone there.David,his friend Amrita...

S: ...Me...

Sahoo raised his hand to say that he was also there.Again he received a glare from Sampath.

S: Chanchala madam has forgiven me...won't you?🥺

Chanchala's lips curved to a smile seeing Sahoo's expression.Sampath saw the long lost lustre back on her face.

SP: Fine you can also come.

S: Yahoooo!!!!


Taking Chanchala along,Sampath and Sahoo went home.David was happy to see Sahoo back and they hugged.

SP: Chanchala will be here with us for some days.

Sampath took her to show her room.

S: Is Ammu still cross with me?

DD: Not really.She is in your room.

Sahoo went to meet her.She was looking through their photos in his camera.

S: Ammu...

On seeing him she slapped him first.

S: Will you do like that again?

He shook his head no.She threw her arms around and hugged him.Again his conscience pricked him.

She broke the hug.

A: Where did you go last night?I was worried...

S: I went to apologise to Chanchala madam for my demeanor then...

He recounted the incident to Amrita.

A: Sahoo,do you still love me?

S: Yes of course...why do you ask that way?

He avoided eye contact with her.

A: Chanchala is beautiful.She's got every quality a man desires in a wife so I wonder if you've fallen for her.

S: Don't be silly...Ammu...she is a nice lady that's all...

A: Can I trust you?

He looked her in the eyes.

S: Yes you can.

She inched closer to his face to kiss him but he backed off.

S: Everyone's here won't look good...

She sensed a change in him but she didn't show or ask him anything.Once she left,

S: I should be truthful to Ammu.I shouldn't betray her.

The next few days he avoided Chanchala.Whenever she was at home,he stayed in his room or went out with David and Amrita.Chanchala also didn't bother.He was no one special to her.

One evening David,Amrita,Sampath and Chanchala were playing carrom.Sahoo came down for food and saw them busy playing.Not wanting to disturb them he went to the kitchen.He opened the lid of every vessel but he didn't find any food.He was going back to his room,

A: Sahoo,come no join us it's so fun!!

He shook his head no and went as Chanchala was there.Later at night he was rolling side to side on his bed as hunger pangs were killing him.

S: Why so much ego?Why couldn't you have opened your mouth and asked for food??See now you're hungry!!

Forgoing shame he went to the kitchen and looked again for food.

C: It's not there...

She placed the vessels that contained the cooked food on the table.She kept a plate for him too.He sat down to eat.

He frowned when he saw only vegetarian dishes.

S: Err...isn't there non veg?

C: Today is Saturday so we didn't cook that.

He wouldn't eat a meal without non veg but he was so hungry that he didn't mind having veg food.He chomped greedily.

He was halfway into his meal when Chanchala kept a side plate.His eyes boggled in excitement.

S: Omelette!!Wow!!🤩Chomp...chomp...burrpppp..
Thank you for this!

Shaking her head in acknowledgement,she returned to her room unaware that Sampath was watching them.

SP: this is the story.Chanchala gets up to serve him food even to the extent of making him an omelette.I know what has to be done!

He smiled.

What he didn't know was Chanchala had come to the kitchen to take water and seeing him searching for food she felt pity and out of goodwill served him.


Chanchala's presence was disturbing Sahoo a lot and he decided to end it once and for all.He met Amrita.

S: Ammu,let's leave to Waaji tonight itself...

A: Why?It's only a week since we came let's be here for some more days.I like being here.

S: Fine.You be here and enjoy as much as you want.You come when you're ready.I'll go first.I have work.

He packed his bags.Amrita tried to convince him to stay but he wouldn't listen.Sampath came to the room.

SP: Sorry to disturb...are you leaving anywhere?

S: Yes...back to my place.I've some important work so...

SP: Oh.I came to tell tomorrow is our birthday.After many years this is the first birthday David and I will be celebrating together so I've arranged for a small party.We would be really happy if you partake in this celebration.If it's not troublesome for you,can you extend your stay for another day?

Sampath had another agenda in mind that was to raise the topic of Sahoo-Chanchala's marriage.He had plans to speak to Sahoo regarding the same after the birthday party.

When Sampath requested,Sahoo couldn't refuse so he agreed to stay back for a day.

Amrita and Chanchala bonded well.They took care of the decorations.

A: I didn't ask,are you married?

Chanchala shook her head no.

A: Why?You don't want to?

The memories of Shakthi played before her eyes.Like all others Chanchala too had dreams about marriage and family which all got shattered after his untimely death.

C: I'm happy the way I'm now.What about you?

A: Yes of course!Infact soon...

C: That's nice.Who is your groom?

Before Amrita could say his name David called her to go out with him and Sahoo.

A: I'll tell you later...ok bye...

The party was organised in the garden of Sampath's house.Chanchala baked a birthday cake for the brothers.Vaishnavi arrived with her little daughter Aishu.Sampath introduced Sahoo to Vaishnavi.Sahoo's humorous side was adored by Aishu and soon she clicked with him.He took her to play at the swing.He made her sit and pushed gently from behind.

Vaishnavi was watching them.

SP: Madam,what is your opinion about Sahoo?

V: He seems to be a nice person,humble and plain at heart.Why do you ask?

SP: I think he'll be right for our Chanchala.

V: What are you saying Sampath?

At that time Chanchala brought refreshments for everyone present there.When she went near the swing,Aishu took a glass of soft drink and Chanchala showed the tray to Sahoo for him to pick his choice of drink and snacks.He turned away trying to avoid looking her in the eyes.

S: It's ok,I don't want.

"Uncle,just a minute ago you said you were thirsty now you are not taking any drink?"the little girl blurted out.

S: Huh..That time I was now I'm not.

Chanchala smiled to herself.She kept a glass of coke on the table by his side and additionally a plate of samosas knowing about his voracious appetite.After she left,Sahoo gulped the coke and greedily munched the samosas dunking them in the sweet tamarind sauce and mint chutney.

SP: Saw that?Something is brewing in between them.

V: Is this real?I can't believe this is Chanchala!Did you enquire about him?Can we trust him?

SP: Yes.He works with my brother.From the time he met Chanchala he is not himself.She too seems happy around him.

V: I pray this should work out.

To be continued...

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