VM: Two states - Part 11

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A fortnight later,they departed for Delhi.In the flight,

V: What book are you reading Ms.Fish?😃

He asked her just to break the ice but she didn't respond.

V: Ms.Fish,I'm sorry...I did that to make you win not to touch you.I won't do that again pls speak to me...🥺

She ignored him.

V: You don't have to see me as your husband.We're going to stay together hereafter it will be unpleasant for the both of us if we are like this staying under one roof.Here,accept this cadbury chocolate...😊

Meenakshi felt he had a point and she too hated being stuck up so she took the bar from him.

V: ...and also my friendship...😊

He forwarded his palm and she shook it mouthing a thank you.🤝♥️


Welcome to Delhi

Like a traditional Tamil house,a photo of 'drishti' Ganesha was hung on the wall above the door,a thread of mango leaves dangling across the door frame,and kolam drawn with wet rice flour on the floor.

V mv: Mini Karaikudi in Delhi...

Vicky and Meenakshi entered her home which was now theirs.♥️

It was a small flat but neat and well maintained.On one corner of the hall was a piano and on the other side was an easel that held an incomplete painting.There was also a table by the side which contained all art materials.Vicky spotted a modern art painting of lord Ganesha.

V: Ms.Fish,you painted that right?😃

M: No.That was bought.

Meenakshi pushed the sliding door which separated the balcony from the hall and Vicky stepped out to get some fresh air.With two mugs in hand,she joined him.

M: Sorry,since we weren't at home there is no milk so I made black coffee.

V: That's ok.Very nice view and it's so cooling here...

M: Yes.During winter we just leave this door open and it'll do the job of an a/c.Come,I'll show you around...

She showed him the kitchen and the dining area.He spotted another painting there.

V: Ms.Fish,some idiot has splashed paint on a paper and you have bought it as piece of art what a waste of money.It has ruined the look of the wall.😤

M: Erm...that's not bought.I painted that.

V: Huh...uh...oh...It's Excellent!Marvellous!Amazing!Even Morticia Adam's painting would come to life and praise this beautiful piece of work!😃

M: Morticia Adam?🤔

V: Yeah...the painting of that ghost lady in black gown looking so dull as if attended a funeral wake.😏

M: That is Mona Lisa.😳

V: Huh...uh...(mv: Rei,you are weak in this subject,why do you want to discuss?Ask her where the bedroom is.)Ms.Fish,where is our room?😃

She led the way.There were two rooms opposite to one another.She opened the first room door,

V: Our room is so beautiful...😍

M: This used to be my parent's room but let it be the guest room hereafter.If our parents or any guests come they can use this...

V: Which is ours then?😃

She opened the second room door.

M: This one...

Vicky's gaze first fell on the bed.The grin on his face narrowed to a frown.

A sad bgm played in the background.

V: 😟😢

M: This is mine and Veni's room.You can sleep on that cot I will sleep on this one...

V: Ms.Fish,shall I join the two beds?😢

M: For what?

V: Huh...uh...because I'm used to sleep in double bed that's why...☹️

M: Oh I see.In that case do you want to use the guest room?I'll be here...

V: Huh...uh...(mv:who knows luck might favour me in the form of a lizard if I am in the same room)it's ok,this mattress is soft and comfortable I'll be here only...😞

He sat on the bed.

V: Treating patients on individual beds in hospitals she has made a  similar arrangement in her room as well.😤

He mumbled to himself.

M: You want to shower first or shall I?

V: (mv:What is the use of sleeping here)I'll only go...😏

He got up sulking.

M: Wait a sec...

She passed him a towel.

M: You can get the soap from the shelf.😊

V: 🙄


Vicky stirred in his sleep.He saw Meenakshi in track pants and tshirt and tying her shoe lace.He checked his phone and the time showed 5:30 am.

M: Goodmorning...

V: Goodmorning...where are you going this early?

M: Jogging.See you later...

V: Huh...wait...wait I'll also come.

He sprang out of bed.Quickly changing into his sportswear he went with her.While the weather was ok for Meenakshi,Vicky was finding it super cold.

V: Brrr...brr....

M: Are you feeling cold ?

V: Huh...no no I'm fine...brr...brr..

She smiled inwardly.Jogging further she stopped at a tea stall and got two tea.

M: Have this...

For that chilly weather the piping hot tea came as real life saver for Vicky.

V: Isn't there a gym around?

M: There is one.On our way home I'll show you...

V: Thanks.As you can see I'm a gym freak.I can even lift the heaviest weights,it's like a pencil for me.😎

He bragged about his prowess but stopped when he saw Meenakshi's boring face.

V: Do you jog everyday?

M: Most of the time.Unless I'm too tired or unwell.

V: In that case can I join you tomorrow?Exercising with a partner is more engaging than doing it alone.🤓

M: Yeah you can but I hope you won't call me to accompany you at the gym because I'm not into that...😁

V: Hihihi...no I won't...

After their jog she showed him around her locality.

M: If you walk straight...

V: ...take a left and that's our flat.

M: Yes.You go home,I need to pick up some things from the grocery shop.

V: I'll also come with you.

She took him along.Buying the groceries they returned home.She started cooking breakfast.

V: Why so soon Ms.Fish?You can do it later I'm not hungry...

M: I'm returning to work today that's why.

His smile faltered.

V: Oh...

M: When do you have to join ?

V: Huh...uh...I still have time...


Lighting the lamp at the prayer alter she closed her eyes in prayer. He was observing her.

Pinching some kungumam she rubbed it on the partition of her hairline.She also put a dot on the pendent of her thaali and touched it on her eyes.

V mv: Nothing less for all this but the husband who gave her this touches her she will make a big scene as if she was groped...😏

She picked her handbag,lunch bag and coat.

M: A helper lady will come to do the housework.She'll be here for about two hours.Pls open the door for her.Incase you are going out,inform her.She will lock the door and pass the keys to the security you can take it from him.

He shook his head.

M: Coffee is in the flask.Breakfast is on the table.Lunch is in the hotbox.If you want anything extra you can order there are many takeaway pamphlets beneath the phone table.What else...mmm...

V mv: I love you?

M: I think that's it...Bye...

She left.Vicky completed his morning routine.Settling on the couch with his breakfast plate,he flipped channels.

V: Baahh all Hindi...I don't understand a word.I'll travel to my hometown...

He changed to a telugu channel.

V: Aahh Pawan Kalyan...super!!!🤩


She was a little late as she went to do some marketing.Balancing the heavy bags she entered her home.

V: Had you told me you were going to buy these I would have followed you to carry them why you had to struggle alone?

M: It's fine...I'll have shower and then prepare dinner...Is that ok?

V: No problem...take your time.

Post dinner Vicky was having ice cream in the hall when she came with vegetables and cutting board.

V: We had dinner no why are you cutting them now?

M: This is for tomorrow.If I prep everything now itself it will be easy for me in the morning else it will be too rushing if I have to do everything then.

V: Hmm...it must be difficult for you to manage work and household chores that too with an extra like me....😕

M: As you have seen the helper lady does housework.I only have to look into cooking and whether it is one person or two it is all the same.

V: But I must say you cook well...

M: Thank you.How did your day go?

V: Bad...Super boring...I mean how long can one watch tv and play games in laptop?

M: Oh...I'm sorry...I forgot to tell you.You could help yourself to the books on that shelf.

V: That one there?

He asked pointing at the bookshelf.

M: Yes...

He browsed through the books.

V: Tolstoy,Paulo Coelho...

M: My favorite authors.Whose yours?

He picked one book and leafed through the pages.

V: The last book I touched was my textbook after that no books in my life and you're asking me who my favorite author is...

She smiled lightly in response.He kept the book back on the shelf.

V: Err...I noticed you have not fixed any x-box or PlayStation to your tv console why?

M: Sorry but what are those?

V: Video games Ms.Fish!How can you not know it?😳

M: I hate video games it's so noisy and such a strain to the eyes.I don't recommend anyone to play those rather read good books knowledge will improve what can you gain by staring at screen for so long apart from discomfort to senses?Only tasteless people do that...

She bit her tongue realising she was talking to a video game developer.She looked up at him.

M: Sorry.I didn't mean you I meant people in general...err...

V: Nevermind.If I have a game console I don't need anything else in life.No need for food,sleep or sex...

She paused cutting and looked at him squeezing her eyebrows as if asking if that was also part of his daily routine.

V: Huh...uh...no no it just came in a flow Ms.Fish...I swear I've never done it so far...4 years I was in Australia but not once also.My friends used to call me but I would refuse because I wanted to wait till marriage.You can cross check with Priya and Maggie also if you have doubts...😇

Adjusting his tshirt like a good boy,he returned to his seat.

M: Priya ok what's your story with Maggie?

V: Not a big story...maybe 1-2 chapters.Didn't Priya tell you?

M: Yeah is it some great achievement you did to talk about highly?🙄

Vicky told her about him and Maggie.

M: Hmm...Something seems to be edited here.That day Priya mentioned about you kissing Maggie...

She asked just to see his reaction.

V: (mv: Is that a brain or a human computer?She remembers every single detail.😥)Huh...that was just a normal kiss...wait,I'll demonstrate to you...mmm...how to...err...can you lend me your cheek for one second?

She stabbed a carrot,picked it up with the knife and twirled it before him.Seeing that he took a cushion and kept it on his lap to protect his manhood.

V: It's ok pass me that tomato pls...

She threw it at him and he caught it.

V: Now imagine this is Maggie's cheeks...so what I did was...

He gave a blink-n-miss kiss to the fruit to demonstrate to her.His antics made her want to laugh but she suppressed it.

M: Still you kissed her no...

V: Huh...uh...in that case I've kissed my mother,sister and girl babies also...even if it is wrong now I have reformed.Vicky version 2.0.I promise I'm a good boy and a pure virgin.😇

He placed his hand on his head to prove his point.She walked to him.

M: Ok give it to me...

V: Huh...give what?😰😰

His heart raced a mile.She took the empty ice cream cup from him and went to the kitchen.

V: Phew!I thought she was asking for my...silly me...hihihi...😅

Later in their room,Vicky was staring at the ceiling while Meenakshi was reading a book.

V: Ms.Fish!

M: Mmm...

V: I discovered something!You want to know what?

M: Tell...

V: I'm a video game developer so more prone to eye related issues.With an eye doctor by my side I've no worries.You can only treat me!This is probably why destiny brought us together.

He looked at her expecting her reaction but she was engrossed in her book.

V: Ms.Fish,talk something no...🙁

M: We spoke a lot just now...

V: You're so stingy Ms.Fish...keeping track of how much we spoke.Will money get automatically deducted from your account for every word that comes out of your mouth?

M: Mmm...

V: It's ok I'll only talk then.Do you remember that night we took shelter in the hut?Cha..what a question to ask...how can you forget?That incident changed the course of our lives.That night I was talking about corn romance but since you were Priya's friend then I couldn't talk more but now there is no restrictions to discuss.Shall I?

M: Zzz...

V: Ms.Fish?

She had nodded off with the book spread across her chest.He picked it up keeping it on the side table pulled the bedsheet to cover her before he slept.♥️


A month later,

Meenakshi returned home after work.Plopping on the sofa,she rubbed her temples.She wanted to drink something hot.As if read her mind,

V: Coffee!

She took the cup from him.

M: Why you took the trouble I would've made...

V: It's ok...I also need to kill time...how is it?

She took a sip.

M: Mmm...I needed one as this badly...thank you.

V: Hihihi...not up to yours but still...

M: I'll have bath and come then prepare upma for dinner.

V: Err...Ms.Fish,don't cook today let's go somewhere out for dinner!

M: Why?

V: (mv:Because I don't want to have upma for dinner.)Just like that...we've never dined outside from the time I came so for a change.

Meenakshi was also tired to cook so she agreed.They went to an Indo-Chinese restaurant.Settling down at their table,they placed their order.

V: Pls get the following items in two portions: cream of chicken soup,chicken momos,schezwan chicken fried rice,sweet n sour chicken,chicken lollipop...

M: I don't want so much chicken.Why not order something different?

V: This is all for me alone Ms.Fish.You order what you like.

M: I'll have one hakka noodles and baby corn manchurian.

V: I want that also!Two plates.Bring it all piping hot!!

After their meal they each ordered an ice cream for dessert.Their conversation was interrupted by a familiar voice.


They looked up and saw Siva smiling at them.In a fit of rage,Vicky got up to bash him but was held back by Meenakshi.

M: Vicky,people are watching us I don't want any scene...let's go...

S: I never expected we would meet again this soon...

V: What do you want now?You left her on the day of her wedding.Do you even have a clue how much humiliation she and her family suffered because of you that day??If you didn't like her you should have told earlier not leave her in the lurch...

S: If you allow me to talk,I can explain why I behaved that way.

They offered him a seat.Meenakshi was calm while Vicky shot daggers at him.

V: Say what you have to say fast...we've no time to waste on you.

S: I'm extremely sorry Meenakshi.I walked out that day so that you both could marry.

Both of them wore a shock look.

M: Why did you want us to marry?Did you eavesdrop us?

Shaking his head no,Siva began narrating his side of the story.

S: That night I was searching for you to talk...to know whether you liked me or was forced into the marriage alike me...then...

Siva was looking around for Meenakshi when he saw Aachi sitting at a corner sniffling onto her saree pallu.He went to her.

S: Aachi,why are you crying?What happened?

"What to tell?She has brought disgrace to our clan..."

S: Who?

"Who else but Meenakshi?"

S: Meena...I don't understand...

"Come with me..."

He followed Aachi.

"Look up there..."

Siva saw Vicky and Meenakshi talking.

"What can you see?"

S: They both are talking...

"What do you think it is about?"

S: Err...they're friends must be talking something...

"Nope.They're not just friends they are the beshttt fraands...she is now 3 months pregnant with his baby.The boy is good but from a different caste so our people won't agree for their marriage."

S: Huh...what?

"See you're shocked even I didn't know until she vomited earlier and tried to cover up but I read her pulse and knew instantly it's vomit due to pregnancy."

S: I can't believe this...😳

"You can ask her but if she knows you are aware she might suicide out of humiliation.You might have a magnanimous heart to accept her and her baby but isn't it unfair when the biological father is willing to marry her?"

S: What should I do now?

"Vicky has to marry Meenakshi for that you have to leave.Not now but just seconds before tying the knot.The rest I will handle."

S:...at her request only I did that.

M: That's all a lie!Neither was I pregnant nor did I ever do anything immoral!

S: I know.I'm a police officer.By looking at someone's eyes I can tell if they are speaking the truth or lying.Your Aachi was blatantly lying.

V: If you knew it why did you still go?

S: If her Aachi who loves her a lot had to scheme to call off our wedding to get her married to you there must be some reason.It was her wish and I didn't want to disappoint her.Moreover seeing you both together I myself felt you would be the best for her.I'm 2 inches shorter but your height is perfect for her.

Vicky was floating in air.

V: Sir,pls have ice cream with us...😅

He grinned at Siva.Meenakshi shot him a look.

V: Huh...uh...it doesn't look good if we don't offer him something no that's why.

S: Thank you but I'm actually waiting for someone...maybe next time.Oh she's here...

Siva waved at her and she went to their table.He introduced his fiancé to Vicky and Meenakshi.She was a girl arranged by his family.

S: This time I personally asked her if she was interested in marrying me.After getting a nod from her only my mother proceeded with this alliance.I'm inviting you both to my wedding.

V: Oh sure we'll definitely come...hihihi...

S: Meenakshi,I'm sincerely sorry if I have caused you and your family unnecessary humiliation and agony.Your Aachi is a gullible lady pls don't get angry on her.I wish you both a happy married life.

Vicky shook hands with Siva and they left.On the way home,

V: See Ms.Fish,you accused me unnecessarily now truth is out.Thanks to your aachi all this confusion.Why she wanted us to marry?🤔


Meenakshi was seething with rage when she entered home.Despite Vicky requesting her to leave the matter,Meenakshi called up Veni.

Ve: Akka! You're calling at this hour? How are you?How is maams?

M: Is the old hag awake?😡

Ve: Yeah...she's nibbling oranges and listening to songs in my iPod...why?

M: 😤Pass the phone to her!

"Alooh....Meenu kutty,how are you?How is my grandson?"

M: I had so much love and respect for you but look what you have done!

"What did I do?"

M: Just now I met Siva.He told me everything!

"Oh.I hoped you'd never meet him again but it's ok so what now?"

M: So what ah?Why did you speak nonsense about me to him?

"Because I wanted you and Vicky to marry!"

M: Why?Vicky is not manmadha incarnate!

"But he is the only goof who listens to my stories with interest.If we lose him we might not get another one!"

M: Wth!Just so you wanted someone to listen to your tales how could you ruin your grand-daughter's life??

"Meenu kutty,calm down...When I saw you and Vicky together it was like seeing me and your grandfather.Then itself I liked him.It was when he stayed awake to keep you vigil that I realised he is the right one for you so I played foul but I don't feel bad about it because I know I've entrusted you in good hands."

M: Good hands...my foot...🙄

"Why?Is he coming home drunk every night and bashing you?"

M: No...

"Is he harassing you for dowry or stopping you from work?"

M: No...

"Is he visiting brothels or bringing girls home?"

M: Chi chi...no...

"Then what's your issue with him?"

M: I can't tell you all that...leave it...

"Ok but let me tell you one thing.. a good husband is a blessing but getting a husband who looks after wife like a baby is more than that.You and I have been lucky in that way.Instead of showing your temperament to me show some love to your husband and your life will be happy.Today you might hate me but there will be a day you will thank me for this."

M: I'm feeling sleepy...bye...

Call ended.Meenakshi sat down pondering over her aachi's words.By the time she went to her room Vicky was asleep.Looking at him,

M: I'm sorry Vicky...😔

To be continued...

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