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"I'm telling you, he's starting to remember!"

Vanya, Five, and Klaus are talking in the living room. Spinebreaker is in his room (as always, he never left it if no one commanded him to), Diego is vigilante-ing, and Allison is shooting a movie. Pogo is who-knows-where (after their return, he's rarely seen anywhere at all) and Grace is recharging.

"That's impossible, Vanya!" Five insisted. "I tried with every way, he's not progressing! It's impossible!"

"Your method is more info-dumping, Five," Vanya interrupted. "That's why he couldn't remember. You are telling him. I involved him!"

"I mean, info-dumping works for first-encounters," Klaus butted in. "But I understand shit more if I'm involved."

"See!" Vanya gestured at her brother. "Info-dumping is good for the first encounter, but we have to involve him more. We can't just keep sheltering him. He likes writing poetry and I read his poetry to him, the one he wrote for your first failed mission, and he told me his first independent thought!"

"What did he say?"

"He said he was helpful," Vanya answered. "Yeah, it's not much, but it's something! He made an independent thought!"

"Shouldn't we let Luther out?" Klaus interrupted as he's sprawled all over the sofa. "I mean, the poor guy's been stuck in the same room for like a month, now. I'd hate it if I were him."

"But what if he hurts us or something?" Five asked. "He doesn't have morals."

"Neither did you," Vanya commented. Five gave her an annoyed look but deliberately chose to ignore her.

"Remember the last time he was brought out to see us all, how he freaked out?" Five recalled. "I had to command him to retreat to his room, since then, we all have to switch times seeing him!"

"There's only three of us now-" Klaus shrugged. "And if Vanny's right, then he should calm down now. It's been a month, he's probably not used to seeing more than two people at once then but he's more used to six other people now."

It's technically five other people and one android, but Five isn't going to comment on that. They can only presume that the effects will be disastrous.

"I'll get Luther out-" Five started leaving where they stood, going straight to the hallway and turning right a bit, reaching his room door. Five knocked and entered the room, seeing Spinebreaker immediately sitting up from his laid down position, neutralising his face. Five puckered their lips, Luther had always been quite a smiley person, Anja really fucked him up.

"Hey, Rückenbrecher," Five greeted.

"Hello, Mx Five," Spinebreaker greeted back, not averting his gaze from the wall ahead of him, keeping his head at 45° down.

"At ease, Spinebreaker," Five commanded. Spinebreaker's body relaxed, slouching a bit and his hands released. Time to prove what Vanya said. "Rückenbrecher, what do you say if we go down now?"

"As Mx Five's servant, what Rückenbrecher thinks does not matter," Spinebreaker answered plainly, the answer planted in his mind. "As Rückenbrecher's master, Rückenbrecher must do what Mx Five says."

"I command you to answer it!" Spinebreaker flinched, fear in his eyes as he immediately looked down again, fixing his posture. Five cursed, this is NOT what they're trying to achieve. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell."

"I think you need a margarita, Sibby." Five turned their head to see Klaus, leaning onto the doorframe. "I'll do it."

"He's my twin! I can-"

"But you need to rest" Klaus rolled his eyes. "You've been helping him ever since we retrieve him,  rest."

Without a doubt, Five stood up and started leaving Spinebreaker's room to where Klaus is. "If you put him in danger-"

"I know," Klaus interrupted. "He's my brother, too. Loose up some tension, Fivey."

Five left the room, leaving Klaus alone with Spinebreaker. "At ease, Rückenbrecher. Can I sit next to you?"

No answer. Klaus took it as a 'yes' and sat on an empty space of the bed to Spinebreaker's side.

"Do you want to play a game, Rückenbrecher?" Klaus asked. No answers. "It's called 'hide and seek'. Do you know how to play hide and seek?"

No answer.

"Hide and seek is when you hide and I closed my eyes for ten seconds, then I seek for you. But you can't move if I already seek for you," Klaus explained. "That sounds fun, doesn't it?"

No answer. Klaus sighed, even Grace is more interactive than this blondie right here. "I'll close my eyes and you'll go hide, ok?"

"Where?" FINALLY, Klaus thought. He finally speaks!

"Just around the house," Klaus said, gesturing the air. "But DON'T go beyond the house, ok? Stand up."

Spinebreaker complied without question. Klaus inwardly giggled, this should be easy. His footsteps are as loud as it can be, due to his increased body mass.

"Go hide." Klaus closed his eyes and started counting down from 10 - 1.

He can feel that Luther has left, but he doesn't hear his thundering footsteps leaving at all. Did Luther learn how to walk stealthily during the six years? If so, then finding him won't be so easy. But he knows every crook and cranny of this manor, right? Luther will be fine and he won't be missing again, Klaus did tell him not to exit the manor.

"Ready or not, here I come!" Klaus said in a sing-song voice.

Now, where is Luther? Klaus left Luther's room, entering the closest room which is Diego's. Nope, not here. He entered the room opposite it, which is Allison's. Not there. He turned to the side of that room, his room to see it empty. He entered the one across to Five's room, null. What about Ben's room beside Five's room? Nada. Maybe try Vanya's room across it? Nein. Klaus continued on his search, looking from room to room. He hopes that he'll find Luther somewhere here, or else he'll never hear the end of Five's lecture.


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