Gods and goddesses

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Dusk (goddess)

The wind whistles a heart-felt tone as Dusk with her rose-tipped fingers pulled the sun away. Pink light arose like mist, sending color to the dull pine trees. The sun's last rays bounced around hoping to escape, but their luck ran out as the sun disappeared into the shadows.

Night (demon)

Darkness crept from behind, glad the light that had concealed them was gone. Dusk quickly followed the sun, barely avoiding peril that was called Night. With his large jaws and aching claws, Night defeated any remaining faith or light. Creating dreams and nightmares was his job.

Dawn (goddess)

Only one could push Night back down into his cage of wailing souls. Her name was Dawn. With her bright eyes, Dawn sent out shafts of curious light and with the gossamer touch of her fingers, everything awoke. She pulled the sun out of its bed and jostled Day from his dreams. 

Day (god)

After young Dawn worked it was time for one they call Day. With his soft wrinkles and old smile, Day coaxes the sun into walking across the sky. He persuades the cloud as well as sometimes rain or snow. 

Nature (immortal)

As Day swept the land with light, Nature walked around the forest, her grassy feet leaving trails of blooming lilacs. The sweet scent of cherries fills the mountains as Nature takes her walk, dropping dew on trees and turning the colors of leaves. 

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