Chapter Fifteen - Mistress I-Don't-Trust-Thieves

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"Then why join them if you didn't want to?"

"Because I had no choice. I was just doing what I usually do until I got dragged into this mess I can't escape..."


-3 Years Ago-

"Father, who are they?" Shane asked as he looked at the visitors with curiosity.

"I'm not sure," his father, King Irwyn, murmured, "They must be here to witness your brother's Nectar Ceremony. Speaking of him, will you check on Reynald and make sure he's ready?"

"Yes father," Shane gave a little bow then made his way inside the castle, his home.

Shane gave one quick glance back at the visitors and saw one of the men looking at him with such intensity. Then he gave some sort of cold grin which sent shivers down Shane's spine. He quickly entered the castle and walked towards Reynald's room.

Once he reached his room, he knocked and called in softly, "Reynald? Can I come in?"

When he heard no reply, Shane began to worry a bit and slowly entered the room. There was his brother, his face filled with uneasiness as he sat at the edge of his bed. He didn't seem to look good.

"Reynald?" Shane asked, feeling slightly worried, "Are you okay?"

"I don't feel so good," Reynald reply, looking down at the floor.

"Why?" Shane asked in concern as he walked towards him. He gently touched his forehead only to quickly pull it back as he exclaimed, "You're burning!"

"What's wrong with me?" Reynald asked weakly and he looked like he was about to faint any minute.

"Lay down," Shane instructed and he did as he said, slowly, "I'll go get help."


-Back to the present-

"I'm really getting tired of sneaking around," Rollan muttered, "I mean, seriously. There are no Conquerors nearby."

"And how would you know that?" Meilin snapped, obviously annoyed at how many times he's been complaining.

"Because Essix would tell us if there is," Rollan answered her curtly.

"And you really think I would believe that?" Meilin exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," he rolled his eyes sarcastically then tried to mimic her voice, "Mistress I-don't-trust-thieves."

Meilin looked like she was about to wack him in the head with her staff when Abeke suddenly hissed, "Conquerors."

Everyone darted to different directions. Before Rollan could actually move, Meilin shoved him into a bush with her staff and followed after him. Rollan glared at her who only glared back as a silent conversation went something like this.

"Did you have to shove me that hard? You almost broke my spine!"

"Then I supposed that's a good thing."

"Good thing for you, Mistress I-don't-trust-thieves."

"Well, it's a good thing I didn't because i'm pretty sure you just said that there were no Conquerors nearby."

"As if you would've believed me if I told you."

"Your right, I probably wouldn't."

The footsteps of the Conquerors died down and after a couple of seconds, they got out of their hiding spots, still glaring at each other.

"Everyone here?" Tarik asked.

Everyone nodded and began walking north once more.

After a couple more sneaking around, Rollan sighed in frustration, "Can I just play the look-out already? We'll be able to travel a lot faster than just sneaking around."

Before Meilin could reply, Tarik sighed and said, "Very well. We may as well test your loyalties."

Rollan shot him a glare and walked onwards. For the first bit, they were a bit cautious for some hadn't trust the thief fully yet. But after a few warnings from Essix, they finally relaxed as they journeyed on.

"So," Abeke spoke up, "How are we supposed to find the Polar Bear, Suka?"

"My Redcloaks said that she was summoned by a girl at a village up North," Shane answered."

"Then why can't your Redcloaks just get the bear instead of making us travel all the way to north?" Rollan muttered.

"Her family are a bit...protective over her," Shane replied, "If we have a chance of convincing her to come, we need proof."

"They'd just think that our Great Beasts are like any other Spirit Animals since no one has ever heard of these Great Beasts before," Meilin pointed out.

"That's true," Shane nodded, "but i'm talking about the talismans. If we could prove that they hold power, then there might be a chance of persuading them. Sadly, we don't have the boar or the wolf..."

Rollan glanced at him skeptically, "There seemed to be a deeper meaning when you said 'wolf.'"

Shane winced but caught himself, "Briggan's talisman is a strong one and will be able to help us more. It can give its holder prophetic dreams-"

"But you said you don't know of what powers these talismans hold," Meilin interrupted, glancing at him suspiciously.

"For some, I do," Shane said, "I had witness the Silver Wolf's powers myself. I would know of its power."

Rollan knew there was more to the truth than he was revealing. There was something he knew that they didn't. He caught Conor shift on his foot uneasily but Rollan wasn't paying much attention.

"How would you know?" Rollan asked, suspiciously, "You really seemed to be against these Conquerors. It's interesting you haven't revealed where you have come from."

Shane's eyes flashed as he glared at him, "And it's interesting you haven't revealed your real name, Roll."

Now he understood. If Shane's using his excuse for not revealing his name, what Shane must be hiding was personal. And that he didn't trust them enough to tell them.

Something happened to Shane that involved the Conquerors. He didn't seem to be helping find the talismans, mainly to save Erdas.

He seemed to be doing it for another reason.

- - -

So, like how we have a bit of a flashback from Shane 3 years ago? There will be more of these coming up. They'll have to learn who to trust first before revealing their secrets. Anyways, Rollan and Meilin will have more interaction in the next chapter.

Now this part isn't Spirit Animals related. Who of you read the Warriors from Erin Hunter? Cause I have a Warriors fan fiction coming right up!

Vote, comment, follow and read on!

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