Chapter Four - Saved By A Game

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Who am I kidding? I'm a wanted thief of a continent and she's the daughter of a very famous general. What are the odds of a rich girl to like a street thief like me?


"I don't think it's very polite to touch someone else's belongings, is it now, Devin?"

I turn to see another boy with brown hair, this time, it was messily done which, for some odd reason, looked good on him. He had dark-brown eyes and wore a neat black suit as well. He walks up to them wearing a grin but Meilin could see the warning in his eyes as he glances at the boy named Devin.

"And look who decided to join the party?" Devin spoke, a sneer forming on his face.

"I've already arrived before the party already started, Devin Trunswick," he emphasizes 'Trunswick' and that's when Meilin remembered where he had heard of the name before.

Apparently, she learned from her tutors that Devin Trunswick was the oldest son of the Earl of Trunswick in Eura. She had also learned that he summoned the legendary black wildcat of Eura that was supposed to save them from something. Though people claimed that they saw him drink the Nectar and failed to summon one. Others say that he emerged from the woods with a black wildcat by his side.

"Forgive this young Lord, Mistress Meilin," the mysterious boy gave a small, polite bow, "He can be very...what do you call it? Tempted to steal shiny things. I guess it's a cat instinct which he got from his legendary black cat." He emphasized 'legendary.'

Devin glared at him while Meilin pretended to think, giving a nod, "That may be so."

"Anyways, what are you doing here?" Devin asked, his voice sounding irritated.

"The same reason why everyone else is here," the boy replied calmly, "Unless your reason is to steal shiny things."

"Well, if you don't mind me asking," Meilin spoke up, "Who are you?"

The boy exchanged a glance with Devin, "I like to keep a low profile as possible for I don't exactly trust others I barely know." He quickly adds, "Not trying to sound impolite or offending of course. But I like playing games and i'll give you a hint. It starts with an R."

"An R," Meilin murmured, "May I ask the rules for this game of yours?"

The boy grinned, "If you guess the next letter right, we'll do whatever you want to do. Guess wrong and we'll do what I want to do."

"And what exactly do you want us to do?" Meilin asked suspiciously.

He only shrugged, "You'll have to play the game to find out."

"I'm just going to go," Devin rudely interrupted their conversation and abruptly walked away, bumping into the boy's shoulder.

He just shook his head, "He really likes attention so he can't stand not being the center of attention."

"Which I don't suppose is a cat instinct?" Meilin asked jokingly. For some reason, she felt more comfortable around this boy then she was with Devin. There was an air of playfulness around him.

The boy grinned, "I suppose not. Anyways, guess the letter."

"Can you give a hint?" Meilin asked.

"Well then that would be too easy for someone as smart as you," the boy teased and she hoped the blush wasn't visible on her face.

"Fine then," Meilin sighed then took a guess, "E?"

"Wrong answer," he told her, "Now, do you have a garden we could escape to? Parties are not my kind of thing."

Meilin raised an eyebrow, "And what would we do there?"

He let out a laugh, "Don't worry, i'm not going to do anything to hurt you. We're just going to continue the game in a friendly matter. Be thankful you're not going alone with Mr. Catman."

"How do I know you're not any worse?" Meilin asked, still unconvinced.

"You'll find out when we get there," she could tell he was getting impatient, "Now I shall try to say this as politely as I can. May we please, Mistress Meilin, go to some garden and continue our game?" He said with exaggeration.

She rolled her eyes and led the way, "We'll have to sneak out without getting caught."

Meilin started to lead him up the stairs. When she glanced back, he looked at her confused.

She smirked, "Hope you're not scared of heights."

"Oh please, I should be the one carrying you down like a proper gentleman," he scoffed, "You wouldn't want to rip your dress now, do you?"

"Believe me, I can get down there as fast as you can blink your eyes," they have already made it to the second floor where there was less people.

"Remind me again why we couldn't have just went out the door on the ground floor?" He asked.

"Because there are many guards and they would start following us," she replied, "My father may be a bit protective of me when it comes to me being alone with a boy."

"Protective father, huh," he murmured, mostly to himself but Meilin heard him.

As they rounded the corner, Meilin saw two guards stationed at the hallway.

"So, how are we going to sneak pass them?" He asked once more, casting a nervous glance at the guards.

She smirked at him, "All you have to do is hide behind this curtain." She swung open a curtain, revealing a portrait of someone, "And stay still while I do the rest."

He raised an eyebrow but then gave a mock bow and said, "I shall do as you say, Mistress Meilin." And at that, he hid behind the curtain, sticking out a thumbs up.

Meilin rolled her eyes then turned the corner, making it look like she was hurrying towards them, "Help! Help! I lost my bracelet and I can't find it."

"Where did you last see it Mistress Meilin?" The guards demanded. The good thing about them is that they're extremely loyal and obedient that Meilin felt slightly guilty of lying to them.

"I can't remember," she cried, "I might've left it in my room or maybe when I was walking out the town. Maybe I dropped it somewhere in the party hall. Please help me. It's a present from my father!"

"We'll find it," the guards saluted and rushed off.

As soon as they were gone, the boy came out the curtain, dusting his suit, "You could've told me that it was dusty in there."

"Your welcome," she retorted, "Now come on."

She led the way again until she reached to where her room was located. They both entered and she quietly closed the door before heading towards the balcony and opening the doors. They both stepped out, Meilin leaving the balcony door slightly open.

"That's a long way down," the boy whistled then quickly added, "Not that I can manage it. I just don't think it would be a good idea to dirty my clothes any further than yours."

"You don't actually think we're going to jump off the balcony, do you?" Meilin asked flatly.

"I have much more experience with climbing down than you do," he replied with a smug look.

She smirked, "Challenge accepted."

And at that, the swung over the railings and carefully but gracefully with practice, balanced on a near hanging tree branch. Then she started climbing down, jumping carefully from branch to branch, knowing where to step by practice. She finally landed on both feet as she touched the ground. She then looked back up and smirked when he saw his mouth agape with surprised.

"So about having more experience?" She reminded.

"Pfft, this will be a piece of cake," he muttered before swinging his legs over and doing the same thing.

He started to jump down and swing from branch to branch, picking up more speed than hers until he reached the ground. She could've went faster but she had to take care of her dress.

"Well then, your secret garden?" He asked and she led the way once more.

"We have a public garden where some people might be using as an escape," she replied, "but I have my own secret garden, though since it's secret, it's also small."

"Anywhere we can continue our game without lots of people nearby," he agreed.

She led the way once more as they entered the garden entrance. Then she veered to a part of the bush where a stick was sticking out. The boy made sure the coast was clear before she started pushing through the bushes, revealing a path. They silently entered before emerging into a clearing. A small pond was in the middle while a tree stood nearby it. The place was filled with fireflies and the moon and stars were reflected on the waters of the pond.

"What a romantic place to play a friendly game, huh?" He commented.

"Don't get any ideas," she muttered, "You want a secret garden, this is the closest you can get."

"Fine, fine," he sighed before walking up to the tree and sitting down, leaning on it. Meilin hesitantly sat beside him but putting some distance in between.

"Okay, next letter," he grinned.

She thought hard for a moment. It's usually a vowel that's next so I should try that.

"O?" She guessed again.

He sighed reluctantly, knowing that she got it right, "Unfortunately for me, that is correct."

"Hm, so something you have to do," she murmured before speaking, "I want you to prank an unfortunate couple who so happens to be in the garden right now."

He grinned, "Great choice, I've always loved games. But i'm afraid in order for me to do that, I would need some assistance." He didn't need to ask properly as he tried to give her a pleading look.

She rolled her eyes but sighed anyways, standing up, "Fine but you're leading the way this time."

"Very well," he stood up as well the started to lead them out the secret garden and into the main garden, "I don't supposes you have much fun around here."

"Not really," she admitted, "It's either boring or very serious."

And by serious she meant when taking fighting lessons. Her father had secretly trained her to fight. The only ones who knew was her father and her master.

The boy grinned, "Then watch and learn. This, Mistress Meilin, is how you have fun."

- - -

I know it's long but the more detail the better. So Meilin and this mysterious boy (you guessed it) are having a bit of alone time. Yes, you might've read this part in my Spirit Animals one-shot book.

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