Chapter six

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Someone woke, Luna, up by pulling the blanket off of her. Tenga grunted his way of, laughing, at her. Luna sat, up straight, looking at the other summoners. "Come on my brother is arguing with my mom"Glory called, from outside. Luna climbed, out of bed, running outside. Chief Hazel had, pinned, Captain Slash yelling at him. He snarled, moving, towards his mother. Luna tackled, Slash, slamming his head down on the ground. "Don't start anything you can't finish my dude"Luna snarled. "You've been hanging around those boys too long my dude"Luna snarled. The other summoners, laughed, behind her. "How come you always say 'my dude' to people"Carlos grinned. "Cause I like it got a problem with that"Luna smiled. Luna turned, to the Chief, looking serious. "We need to go to Greenhaven"Luna said, looking the chief in the eyes. "Your training is going fine here"Chief Hazel countered, sharply. "Then what's the point of us summoning great legends if we can't go to Greenhaven"Luna snarled. "Sorry"The Chief shrugged. "Then I challenge you"Luna yelled, pointing at the Chief. The Chief looked, mildly, surprised by Luna's attitude. "If I win you gotta let us go to Greenhaven and find out what they want"Luna glared. The Chief raised, a brow, before nodding. "Your team will obviously be the great legend summoners"Chief Hazel asked. "Yes"Glory yelled, furiously. "Fine then we'll do a horse race, hide and seek, flower hunt, arrow shooting, and flying race"Chief Hazel smiled. "I choose Squall, Tempest, and Exquisite oh and Iguana"The Chief added. "Squall will obviously compete in hide and seek, Tempest will do arrow shooting, Iguana will do the flying race and Exquisite will do the flower hunt"Chief Hazel smiled. "I'll do flower hunt I know all about flowers"Luna nodded. "You and flowers"Victor grinned, throwing his head back in laughter. Luna glared, at him, growling warningly. "I've been riding horses since I was six so I'll do the race"Glory nodded. "Hide and seek"Carlos claimed. "Flying race"Victor nodded. "That leaves me with arrow shooting"Violet smiled  smiled. "Give us a speech before we begin"Carlos smiled, looking at Luna. "Okay let's see"Luna mumbled. "This war might happen could still happen if we don't win this. The war can come to anyone, to anywhere if we don't stop it, people are being taken prisoner and we gotta rescue them"Luna said, starting her speech. Glory's eyes, twinkled, in admiration as the crowd listened most of them looking ashamed. "These people are like you and me. They need us to save them no matter what. They need the great legends and us to stop this war"Luna continued. "That's why I'm going to win this with my fellow summoners. Not so I can gloat as we leave, or to embarrass the Chief in front of everyone. I'm doing this for Erdas for all the people who need us"Luna said, turning to the crowd. "I'm doing this for everyone so that you don't have to spend the rest of your lives thinking 'Erdas is lost....and we did nothing to help' as you look over your shoulders at the chaos"Luna finished. She took, a deep breath, looking at the crowd. "What a speech"Violet breathed. "Why should we save Erdas"Slash demanded. Glory went, crazy, her hair turning to a furious red.

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