Chapter Five

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Luna wondered around the woods of Greenhaven, following a Greencloak who she found suspicious. She frowned, remembering she told Daisy and Deavan she'd be back in ten minutes, and it was passed that, cause the greencloak was starting to head towards one of the cliffs at the edge of the island. She stared, noticing he was gone. "Where'd he go"Luna demanded. She heard Zeus yowl, her eyes widening in fear as she jumped back. Grazer tackled her down, looking gleeful to see her alone. "Hey pup, remember me evil old Grazer"Grazer chuckled. "The Grazer your parents told you to stay away from"Grazer adds looking quite amused. Luna stared her eyes wide, her ears pinned back. "You know, it's really funny that you were following me, I was just thinking about doing something suspicious to get you out here"Grazer laughed grinning down at her. She sunk her nails into his skin, but he showed not an of pain, but he chuckled at how she tried to get him off her.

He raised his claw, glaring down at her. "Die." Luna let out a muffled scream, gripping his wrist. "GRAZER!" Grazer's claw missed, slashing Luna's eye causing a scream to pierce the air. "MOMMY! MOMMY! MAMA!"Luna screamed covering her eye. Lishay shoved Grazer away, hurrying over to the crying girl. "LUNA!"Tarik yelled running over to her. "MAMA, MAMAAAA!"Luna screamed trembling. "It's alright, I'm right here"Lishay says quickly. "Mama...mama it hurts..."Luna says. Lishay shook, staring to see red. "GRAZER WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, HOW DARE YOU FORCE YOURSELF BACK INTO MY LIFE, THREATEN MY CHILDREN THEN HARM MY DAUGHTER!"Lishay yelled. "Cause she's not yours"Grazer says. He walked closer, till his mouth was directly next to Lishay's ear. "I know you only carried Tarik's children to give Luna siblings, you don't care about him, it was just all about her wasn't it Lishay"Grazer grinned. "Leave"Lishay ordered backing away from him.

Luna slapped Tarik away, shocking him as he touched his cheek where she slapped him at. "Mama!"Luna yelled. Lishay hurried back over to Luna, checking her eye. "Come on honey, lets go see Lenori"Lishay says. "Where's Zeus"Tarik demanded wondering why the snow leopard didn't help her. "I think Grazer's anaconda has him in a death grip"Luna responded sniffling. "And he'll release him right now!"Lishay says angrily. "Let him to BoBo!"Grazer called. Zeus yowled, and came running shaking his messed up fur. "Now lets go"Tarik says. He walked away, Luna's slash dripping with blood. "Lu!"Deavan stared his eyes wide. "Not now you three!"Tarik says rage radiating off him. He kept his calm expression, taking Luna to see Lenori. "Lenori!"Tarik called. "Oh spirits, what happened to you Lu"Lenori flinched. "Grazer attacked her again!"Tarik responded anger in his tone. Luna laid down suddenly, letting out shallow breaths, Lenori getting to work on her slashed eye.

"She should be fine for a little while, but she's in a coma like sleep..."Lenori says. Tarik laid on the edge of the bed, Luna rested upon. "Then I stay right here, just until she wakes up, tell Olvan that"Tarik responded. "Lenori, Grazer came back and admitted he attacked Luna right to Olvan"Rollan informed peeking into the room. "Rollan!"Lenori gasped shaking her head. "What"Conor blinked. Both boys spotted Tarik, who had the most terrifying scowling glare on his face that they've ever seen, they could tell he was more then livid, and that he was ready to send someone to their grave. "Don't you two EVER mention that name in front of me again"Tarik warned careful not to end up shouting. "Tarik- that's not- we're sorry we didn't mean to!"Conor says quickly. "Whatever, just don't mention that cursed name in front of me and my children"Tarik snorted. He laid back down, his back facing the two boys. "Tarik!"Lishay says glaring at him.

She walked over, looking upset with him for scolding the boys. "Tarik, we're not-"Lishay says starting to shake him. "DOOOOYGHHH!"Lishay screamed as her hand went through Tarik's body, causing him to wake up from his angry slumber. "Lishay..."Tarik stared. "Oh lord, I think I'm imagining things!"Lishay says poking his shoulder. "What"Tarik frowned. "I swear to the spirits above....Tarik, you were a ghost for a moment"Lishay says. "You must've hit your head, why don't you go nap somewhere"Tarik says grumpily, narrowing his eyes at her. "Tarik, I know you're furious, livid even, with Grazer but don't take it out on other people"Lishay scolded. "Furious and Livid aren't even the beginning of what I'm feeling for that cursed human being"Tarik snorted. "I heard about what happened"Olvan says. "Get out Olvan"Tarik commanded angrily. Olvan stared at Tarik, now at a loss of words. "I guess Lenori was right, he is in a terrible mood"Olvan says. "And he won't move till she wakes up!"Lenori adds quietly.

"That could take a few days, weeks at most she's in a coma like state, I don't even know when she'll wake up"Lenori sighed. "I CAN HEAR YOU!"Tarik grumbled. "Lishay, you're in charge of the other summoners until Luna wakes up"Olvan sighed shaking his head. "Okay Olvan..."Lishay nodded. "Is Lu okay, we heard what happened from Conor and Rollan"Abeke asked hurrying in with Meilin behind her, both looking concerned. "She's fine, she's resting"Lenori says. Tarik looked sharply at them all, the scowling glare reappearing, startling the two girls at how furious the man seemed. He turned away, going right back to sleep. "Lets go cause I'm sure he's close to attacking one of us"Lishay sighed. She ushered the two girls out, Lenori flinching as Tarik glared at her when she moved to check Luna. "Tarik"Olvan says in a warning tone. "Don't. Touch. Her"Tarik growled. He turned his head away, closing his eyes. "Why is Tarik so mad"Meilin demanded. "Tarik has alway in a way been overprotective"Lishay sighed.

"When Luna started to walk, he would always spend his time playing with her whatever she wanted, but Grazer attacked her once when she was alone, and he was never the same after that day, I don't know if you kids noticed during your adventure with him but...he became different around certain people"Lishay explained. "Why did Grazer attack Lu"Abeke asked. "That we do not know"Lishay says clearly lying. She walked away, leaving the two girls silent. Grazer stared from around the corner, before walking away letting out a yawn. "I don't like him"Deavan says. "Me neither, he's mean and he hurt Lu"Daisy adds eyeing Grazer with great dislike. "I respect him, anyone who can attack a hybrid without care is brave in my book"Qibli chuckled petting Barak, Who grunted in response to his words. "You're mean"Daisy says. "Whatever"Qibli snorted rolling his eyes. Daisy and Deavan glanced at each other, nervous about having Qibli as their teammates. "Hope we doesn't cause any trouble for us." "Me neither Deavan, me neither."

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