Chapter Three

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Deavan yawned, stretching a bit as he turned over. He yelled out, falling off his little sleeping ledge. “You okay D!”Jewels gasped. He looked up, finding her staring down at him concerned, her sparkling blue hair making him smile. “Yeah Jewels”Deavan smiled. He got up, touching his back where his wings could’ve been if he was born outside. He walked beside Jewels, the two walking through the colony tunnel. “Hey Forest get up!”Deavan commanded. Forest blew his grey hair out of his vision, to see who was talking, but it immediately fell right back into his line of sight, covering his eyes. “Hey D!”Forest smiled. He followed them, moving a bit of hair from over his eye, so he could see. “Forest you gotta cut your hair”Deavan chuckled leaping up onto a ledge above. “I’m good!”Forest laughed. He leaped up onto the ledge after Jewels, making sure his wings didn’t hit the ceiling.

The trio walked to another room, finding a Southern werewolf laying in mud. “Hey Tank come on!”Forest says walking over to him. Tank yawned, and climbed out of the mud, a uneasy smell coming from him. “Oh Tank!”Jewels yelled. She covered her wings, her eyes wide in alarm at the disgusting smell. “Sorry...”Tank says. He dove into the water on the other side of his room, vanishing under for a few seconds. He reappeared, all clean a lily smell coming from his wings. “Oh that’s better”Jewels smiled relaxing a bit. The smell of flowers wafted through the room. Deavan walked out, going to get their last “sibling” from their cave room. He peeked into a small cave, where a girl with shiny gold hair moved around, putting books away and cleaning her room carefully. “Hey Dandelion!”Jewel beamed coming in. “JEWEL, DEAVAN, TANK, FOREST!”Dandelion beamed.

She leaped into Deavan’s arms, hugging him tight a big smile on her face. “Hey Dandelion”Deavan chuckled hugging her tight. He walked down the hallway, and yawned stretching his arms. The group came out in the training room, where their guardians waited for them. “For the oldest of the group you gather them all pretty slow!”Jackal spat growling at Jewels. “I slowed them down...I was stinky”Tank sighed. “Of course You did little brat!”Jackal spat. “Why are you grumpy today!”Deavan demanded defending his friend instantly. “Silver Star is returning, and she needs new warriors, you four have been chosen”Drake yawned walking over, looking a bit disturbed. “Four!”Jewels gasped. “Deavan needs a bit more training”Jackal responded clearly lying. “Follow me you Four, your escorts are here!”Yarrow called. “Okay!”Dandelion nodded.

“Good luck guys!”Deavan waved. “If we survive this war, lets all meet up back in this cave!”Tank waved. “Promise!”Deavan nodded. He waved watching them go, then lowered his hand as his friends vanished out of view. “These are the new kids who will be training with us”Bird smiled walking over. She carried an egg in her arms, three over kids following her. “Hi I’m Anna, over there is Raymond, Blizzard and little Carol is in the egg!”The Oldest of the three beamed. “Names Deavan”Deavan smiles. Bird handed him the egg, and he nuzzled it gently, a big smile on his face. “I can’t wait till she catches!”Deavan smiled. “Should be sometime next month or maybe after that month...”Bird informed. “Back”Drake greeted a bit of blood on his chin. “Where’d the blood come from”Deavan asked. “Oh I ate a lizard on my way back”Drake says. “Still hungry though”Drake chuckled patting his stomach.

Deavan laughed, as his guardians stomach growled loudly, making Anna join in on the laughter. “Lets dig into our food!”Drake beamed. “Yeah!”Anna beamed bounding away a large grin on her face. Deavan followed her, carefully carrying the egg. “We can’t keep Deavan alive...”Jackal hissed. “Did you do what I said”Drake demanded. “Yes, I switched it out”Jackal sighed. “What are you two talking about”Bird asked. The two males looked at each other, having not told Bird the real reason they choose to send kids out that grow up here in the “colony” with them. “Just what we should catch tomorrow...”Jackal says coldly. Deavan sat in his usual spot, using his body to keep the egg warm, as he read her a book, causing the egg to shake a little. “Here you go dear!”Bird beamed giving her his food and drink. “Thanks Bird”Deavan nodded. She gave him a small grin, looking a bit amused.

She tickled him, Deavan laughing trying to push her off like she had taught him. He set his feet, placing them on her stomach, and pushed her off. “Good job!”Bird smiled. She went over to the new kids, giving them their food and drinks. Deavan looked up, hearing movement on the roof. He stared silently, then dug into his food, taking a bite out of his cooked deer. He grabbed his bowl, staring silently at it for a minute at the liquid inside, before gulping it down. He went back to reading out loud to the little egg, before he felt a zap go through his stomach. He got up, his eyes wide as he shook in fear. “Bird!”Deavan yelled stumbling a bit. He forced himself to fall over, Careful not to step on the egg. Bird hurried over, coming into his line of sight. “Deavan!”Bird says looking alarmed. She covered his face with her wing, as a bright light appeared in the room.

Drake stood over Anna, Raymond, and Blizzard quickly a snarl coming from him. The light vanished, an Amur Leopard sitting in the middle of the room silently. “Ajax”Jackal snarled looking furious that Drake’s assumption was correct. Jackal turned sharply and leaped at Deavan, his claws forward. “JACKAL!”Drake yelled. The roof caved in, a Snow leopard standing there silently. “The hell...”Jackal stared looking at the cat. A werewolf with large wings, and dark brown hair swung in, a vine wrapped around her leg. She grabbed Drake, and swung him right into the wall, releasing him causing a loud thud to accur. Deavan snarled, dragging her down. “I’m trying to save you!”The she-wolf yelled alarmed. She kicked him in the jaw, then landed looking at Bird. “Your friends are dead...”The stranger adds looking at Deavan, stepping closer.

She spread her wings out, Deavan Feeling an overwhelming urge to obey her. “Follow me if you wanna live another day...”The stranger ordered. “You’ve summoned Ajax the Amur leopard...there is another summoner here we must hurry!”The stranger growled. She turned away sharply, and grabbed the vine climbing out, the snow leopard using its claws to keep hold. Deavan looked at Bird, who was looking at Drake and Jackal, her wings raised and her stinger out, a look of pure fury on her face that appeared when she heard the word Dead. “Come on!”Deavan commanded. Ajax leaped up onto his back, sinking his claws into his shoulder as he climbed out. “Dad, Deavan And Deavan Met my dad Tarik”The stranger says when Deavan appeared behind her. “How...”Deavan stared. “I’m your cousin names Luna, I’m your cousin from my moms side”Luna adds chuckling a bit.

“I never knew I had a cousin...”Deavan Says. “Well now you do, lets go”Luna says turning away. “Is that Zeus”Deavan asked pointing at the snow leopard. “Who else would it be...”Luna sighed looking a bit annoyed. “Come on”Tarik says walking down the steep slope carefully. Luna flew back into the cave, and grabbed the egg placing it into her scarf, before flying after her dad and Deavan quickly. “Wait up!”Luna yelled. Deavan stared his eyes wide, spotting the decapitated bodies of his friends. Tank laid beside Jewel, an arm around her head, making Deavan guess he tried to protect her. Forest laid not far, his wings torn off, and a smile still on his face, finally feeling at peace. He looked further back, finding Dandelions stomach ripped open and her head twisted at an uneasy angle. “We’re Sorry for your loss...”Tarik says. “Dandelion was the youngest of us...yet she got the most brutal ending”Deavan muttered.

“That’s why we’re gonna stop this war”Luna promised using her wing to rub his back. “I hope you join us cousin”Luna says. She turned, walking away flicking her tail. Zeus stalked beside her, his tail swooshing to the left them right, following his partner. “Lets go...”Deavan says walking away, his head lowered. Tarik placed a hand on his shoulder, and walked ahead of him, Luna laying on a moss rock already asleep. “Where’s the camp...”Deavan asked. Tarik pointed up, on a higher branch where a hammock hung. “We decided to sleep in the trees, so we don’t get caught by any of Silver Stars old followers”Tarik says. Deavan watched him climb up, then climbed up after him. “Hey what’s with the scar on your side”Deavan asked. “Oh a fight...a fight I thought I was gonna die in”Tarik says. Luna opened one eye from below, her hair turning a shade of color that Deavan would barely see since it was a bit faded.

Tarik laid in his hammock silently, his eyes closed as he fell asleep. Luna snatched Deavan out of his hammock, flying way leaving the egg all bundled up in her greencloak as the duo left. “Where are we going!”Deavan demanded gripping onto her wrist alarmed. “To find the other summoner Of course, or are you a coward...”Luna responded looking at him, with an unimpressed look. “I’m no coward, lets go!”Deavan says walking away. “Uhm she’s this way”Luna grinned flicking her ear towards the north. “I knew that!”Deavan says changing directions, walking away. “Sureee!”Luna laughed walking after him. “No really I did, I just wanted to know if you knew!”Deavan says quickly. “So defensive”Luna teased giving him a small smirk. The sound of screeches and roads shut the duo up, both hurrying towards the sound, finding a blonde running towards the gap a bald eagle overhead.

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