Conor and Abeke - Arrows of Love

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Conor daydreams about Abeke, his feelings for her growing but was afraid to be rejected. What happens when some friends decides to interfere, causing him to force an interaction with Abeke?

Kinda like a second part to "I Win", only a Conbeke one. Enjoy!

Conor was eating at Greenhaven's cafeteria with Rollan and Meilin. Briggan sat near his foot, Jhi was in passive state as usual and Essix was on the table as Rollan fed her bread. Abeke had already finished eating and was headed to the training room to train with her bow and her Spirit Animal, Uraza. To Conor, he thought that Abeke was already so perfect with using a bow. Conor sighed as he thought about Abeke...again.

"I bet I know where that sigh came from," Meilin teased, jolting him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah, from Conor's mouth," Rollan replied sarcastically, making Meilin glare at him.

"Thinking about Abeke again?" Meilin asked, ignoring Rollan who kept on feeding Essix.

"How did you- Never mind," Conor muttered.

"So I was right," Meilin said.

Conor nodded and before he knew it, he was thinking about Abeke again. He loved everything about her. How she moves with feline grace, how she's so accurate with the bow, how she always tries to prove herself and her kindness and her-

"See, you're doing it again," Rollan cut through his thoughts.

"So, what if I am?" Conor snapped, getting annoyed.

"Just get out of here and go get your girl. I'll take care of that stew for you," Rollan told him, "You're no use if you just sit there with that moony-look all day."

"Like you don't," Conor muttered under his breath, making Rollan glare at him.

"Just tell her how you feel," Meilin suggested.

"What?" Conor exclaimed, "No way am I telling her that. What if she doesn't like me? What if she still likes Shane? What am I supposed to say?"

"Stop worrying about nonsense," Rollan reassured him, "I promise you she feels the same. Or well she looks at you with a moony-look as well."

"You have to make a move soon, Conor," Meilin added, "Or else someone might get to her first."

Rollan coughed, "Yeah, like Shane."

"But what am I supposes to do?" Conor asked, starting to panic.

Meilin groaned, "Just go up to her and say 'I love you'."

"Easy for you to say," Conor mumbled.

"Just get your butt over there before I kick you out myself," Meilin snapped, clearly losing her patience.

Conor scrambled out of his seat and out the cafeteria, Briggan following him close by. Though Meilin was his friend, he knew better than to get in a fight with her.

"Hey Conor," he heard Rollan call to him, "I'll take care of this stew for you."

Conor quickly walked out the cafeteria and sighed. All he needed to do know was to confess to Abeke. He looked down at Briggan who looked back at him with a look that says, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"What do you expect me to do?" Conor asked, "Go up to her and say I love you? Cause that's not happening in a million years."

Just then, Conor thought that a mischievous gleam entered Briggan's eyes and before he knew it, he had darted away and started bumping into other Greencloaks and Spirit Animals.

"Briggan," Conor scolded, running after him, "Get back here!"

He started to chase Briggan as they ran through the hallways of Greenhaven. Greencloaks and Spirit Animals quickly moved out the way. Some let out terrified squeals while others let out annoyed growls.

"Briggan, stop," Conor ordered as Briggan jumped over a tortoise, accidentally making it turn upside down, "Sorry about that. Briggan!"

Briggan then burst open large doors, leading to a huge room as he kept on running. Conor realized that they just entered the training room and he froze with realization.

That smart dog. No wait, smart wolf I mean, Conor thought.

Briggan had bounded towards an all-too familiar girl with a huge leopard nearby. Of course Briggan had to lead him to the training room to where Abeke was training.

Abeke spotted him and smiled, "Conor, what are you doing here?"

Conor chuckled nervously, "Well, I was trying to chase down a certain wolf who started to make some trouble."

"No wonder I heard so much racket from outside the training room," Abeke replied, bending down to pet Briggan.

Conor didn't really know what to do now. He saw Briggan shot him a glance that says, "Now's your chance. You can thank me later."

Silence fell between them for they didn't really know what to say next. It started to get a bit awkward.

Come on, Conor, just tell her, he thought.

Conor cleared his throat, "Uh, well, there's something that I w-wanted to tell you."

"Sure, what is it?" Abeke asked curiously.

"I, uh," he looked at Briggan who had a look that says, "Just get on with it."

"I l-love youuu-rr archery skills," Conor did a mental face-palm. He saw a look of disbelief enter Briggan's eyes but Abeke looked pleased.

"Why thank you," Abeke replied.

Great job, Conor. Now what do I do?

"W-Well," Conor quickly added, "I was wondering if you could teach me a bit."

Abeke's eyes lit up, "Of course."

Doing well...I think.

Abeke handed him another bow and for a split second, their fingers touched and he felt a spark. He tried to cover up his blush and looked away. Abeke handed him an arrow.

(A/N: I'm not a pro with using a bow unlike Abeke so forgive my description with the whole "how to use a bow" thing.)

"First of all, you have to take the arrow then draw the string back with it like this," Abeke instructed, giving him a demonstration.

Conor felt quite nervous since he didn't really have much experience with using the bow. He tried to copy what Abeke had done but surprisingly, it's not as easy as it looks.

"Here, let me help," Abeke said, dropping her bow as she came over to adjust his hands and arms.

Conor felt another spark and his heartbeat quickened, feeling how she was so close to him. Conor looked at Abeke and their eyes met. They held their gaze, not daring to make a move. Conor unconsciously lowered his bow as he started to lean in. Abeke didn't pull away as she started leaning towards him as well. Their eyes slowly closed and their lips met with a spark. Their hearts were beating so loudly that they were sure the other could hear it.

Neither pulled away, enjoying the moment...that is until-

"So you guys are training, huh?" They both jumped apart and whirled around to see Rollan and Meilin right at the door. Meilin had an amused expression while Rollan just smirked.

Rollan chuckled, "Look who's playing kissy-face now?"

Conor and Abeke both glared at him, "Shut up, Rollan."

And there's my first one-shot of Conbeke kissing. Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. If you have any suggestions for another ship, please comment. Peace out!

Check out GriffinFur1933 and Griffin-Bluestar!

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