Conor and Tasha - Trust Yourself

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Tasha, a new Greencloak-in-training was finally getting proper training after the war. What she didn't expect was being partnered with one of the Four Fallen summoners, Conor. And it didn't help that she highly admired him that she felt intimidated.

This was requested by Iceprincess1638. When I first read about Tasha, especially the part where Rollan mentioned that Tasha and Conor have similarities, I was like "Hm, i'll be looking forward to their conversations in the next four books."

I know I said Reilin is next but that's still on working progress.

Fact: Conor is my favorite out of the four but I love all of them very much.

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Tasha walked through the halls of Greenhaven, feeling quite nervous and anxious for her first day of having a proper training. Behind her, Ninani the Swan, waddled after her, pausing to glance at other Spirit Animals.

All the Great Beasts and their summoners have been given places to stay in Greenhaven for safety purposes, of course being able to leave anytime. Some Great Beasts and their summoners have decided to become a Greencloak, like Tasha, while others were given time to think about it.

Anda, Tellun's summoner, became a Greencloak but was mostly focused on healing. Dawson, Rumfuss' summoner, also decided to join the ranks along with Takoda, Kovo's summoner. Kirat had left to go back to help rebuild Zourtzi and look for his mother but had promised to come back and maybe take on the green cloak after his uncle, Tarik. The other summoners were still being given time to think about it but had been offered some training. Some left to visit families but had promised to come back after.

Tasha finally came to huge double doors, took a deep breath then pushed into the training room. She spotted Dawson and Takoda having a conversation while their Great Beasts had some sort of staring contest. Griff, Arax's summoner, was talking to Suka's summoner, Anuqi. Their were two older Greencloaks in the room who were having an important discussion. Raisha, Gerathon's summoner stood apart from the group. She had been given another chance, though some clearly didn't trust her completely. They all turned as she entered.

"Tasha, Ninani the Swan's summoner," One of the Greencloaks greeted.

"Sorry, am I late?" She asked anxiously.

"No, no," the other Greencloak reassured, "Your trainers are the ones who are actually late."

Just when he finished speaking, four people had burst into the room, followed by some arguing.

"Food isn't something to be rushed," Tasha recognized Rollan's voice after spending time with him and Abeke, "It's supposed to be cherished and savored."

"Yeah, you really took your time, causing us to be minutes late," Tasha saw a Zhongese girl walk in with a panda right behind her. She guessed that she was Meilin from Zhong.

"You forgot something," Rollan said, "A few minutes late. You forgot the word 'few'."

"Do you guys ever shut up?" Abeke muttered from behind them.

"Okay, listen up everyone," one of the Greencloaks spoke, causing conversations to die down, "Today, we will be working with partners. The Four Fallen are training to become mentors and so, four of you will be partnered with them."

"We will be choosing the partners of course," the other Greencloak spoke, "Raisha and Griff, you will be partnered with one of us. Abeke, you will be partnered with Anuqi and Suka. Rollan, you can take on Dawson and Rumfuss. Meilin, you can handle Takoda and Kovo. And Conor, you'll be with Tasha and Ninani."

At the mention of her partner's name, Tasha froze. I'm partnered with Conor? It's not that she didn't like him but she really admired him. Out of the Four Fallen, she had admired Conor the most. A gentle, kind, shepherd boy who changed to become the leader of the group.

She started to get nervous, her hands becoming sweaty. What if he doesn't like me and would ask for someone else? What if I trip being my clumsy self and he would laugh at me?

"Tasha, right?" She jumped at the voice and turned to see that Conor had already made his way towards her. "S-Sorry," he quickly added, "Didn't mean to startle you."

Tasha forced her voice to stay calm, "It's fine." Inside, she was getting so nervous and had started to panic a little.

Conor gave her a friendly smile which somehow warmed her a little, "It's okay to be nervous. I was nervous myself the first time I trained." He glanced at Ninani, "I've heard you mastered the passive mode and you started gaining some powers from Ninani already, right?"

"Y-Yeah," Tasha stammered slightly, avoiding his gaze to Ninani who was flapping her wings at Briggan. The wolf gave a playful bark.

"Let's test that out then," Conor said, glancing at her, "Which weapon do you prefer most? Unless you prefer no weapons at all."

"I'm comfortable with the baton," Tasha replied, anxious of what his reaction would be. He only walked to where the table of weapons were and had tossed a baton at her. She caught it easily, feeling Ninani's gracefulness flow through her.

All around them, some had already started fighting. Meilin was having a bit of an argument with Kovo the Ape while Rollan sparred with Dawson who had a sword. Abeke had instructed Anuqi to try and move the sack with the help of Suka's powers. If they're doing fine, then I have to do fine too.

In front of her, Conor had his staff ready, a bit to Tasha's confusion. She had always heard of him using the axe. Conor must've sensed her confusion for he explained, "Sometimes, I would use a staff when training just to avoid injuries. Axes aren't exactly the safest weapon to use when training."

"Of course," Tasha nodded and felt a bit relieved. Though she had already faced some battles before, she wasn't sure if she was going to escape unharmed by someone more experienced than her.

"Okay, now fight me," Conor simply said, his staff poised to defend.

Tasha's confidence wavered and she started to get nervous, afraid of messing up. She ran at him, feeling a bit graceful but when she came nearer, she hesitated to land an attack. Conor sensed her hesitation and had easily sidestepped, making Tasha trip over a piece of equipment on the floor and landing hard.

She looked down, embarrassed and ashamed as footsteps approached. She braced herself for some scolding or laughing but instead, she saw a hand. She looked up to see Conor giving him a warm smile which warmed her up. She hesitantly took his hand and he pulled her up.

"It's okay, you don't have to be hesitant with attacking me," Conor told her, "I understand that you might feel intimidated with fighting me. Just try again and this time, focus on where you're going to attack."

Tasha nodded, took a deep breath then concentrated. Silently asking for Ninani for help, she ran at Conor and this time, she didn't hesitated as she swung her baton at him. He managed to block her in time. As Tasha tried to attack again, Conor stepped back to try and block it but he had stepped on the same equipment, making him trip for a moment. 

Tasha being her clumsy self, got distracted by Conor's mistake and had swung her baton wrong, her gracefulness leaving her as she tripped into Conor. They both fall back, Tasha ending up on top of him. They stared at each other for a moment, their faces only inches apart. They were still processing what had happened before Tasha immediately got off him, both their faces turning red, only Tasha's was even more red.

"I-I'm so s-sorry," Tasha stuttered as she stood up and took a step away, "I should've been more careful." 

Inside, she was screaming at herself. Why did you do that? I am so clumsy. What will Conor think of me now? I've made a complete fool of myself.

"Hey, it's fine," Conor reassured her, standing up as well, "If it makes you feel better, this is my first time teaching so i'm learning as well. Everyone makes mistakes."

Tasha nodded but she still felt bad and went on blaming herself anyway. Conor must've sensed how down she was so he walked towards her, slowly taking her hand. She immediately looked up and her heart started to race as she realized how close their faces were. Conor gave her a smile, a warm smile that seemed to have lifted some of her spirits up.

"Sadness isn't good for training now," Conor told her, "How about this. Since we're both doing this for our first time, let's help each other."

"How?" Tasha asked doubtfully.

"By trusting in yourself more," Conor replied, "And trusting each other... Do you trust me? Considering this is the first time we're actually having a real conversation."

"Of course," then she quickly added, "Rollan and Abeke talk about you a lot and they seem to trust you very much. I just...don't trust my clumsy self."

"Well, you should trust yourself more," Conor told encouragingly, "Have a bit more confidence. Instead of worrying that you might trip or fall, concentrate more in getting back up and fighting once more. Instead of blaming yourself for all the mistakes you make, think of the ways where you can learn from them and improve."

Tasha thought about what Conor had just said. He was right, I should trust myself more. He really is a leader.

"What really matters is trust," he went on as he glanced at Ninani, "Trust in you Spirit Animal more and she would do the same. Trust in yourself more and you can avoid getting hurt. Trust me and we could help each other."

Tasha nodded thoughtfully, thinking about Conor's advice.

"Now, let's try again," Conor said, preparing his staff once more.

Listening to Conor's advice, she took a deep breath and focused on how she was going to approach him. She glanced at Ninani and hoped she could read her thoughts, Please help me one more time.

Then she ran at Conor and struck with her baton which Conor blocked with his staff. They kept going, back and forth, not once had Tasha thought about tripping. Just then, she forgot all about that stupid equipment and she missed her swing, tripping to the floor again.

She heard footsteps quickly approach as she heard Conor asked, "Are you okay?"

Just when he was about to reach her, Tasha had immediately risen back to her feet, feeling Ninani's power flowing through her as she spun at Conor and hit his staff away from his grip. Then she pointed the tip of her baton at his chest while he stood there, stunned for a moment.

Then a grin made its way to his face, "Okay, you caught me this time."

Tasha smiled brightly, "I had a great teacher."

All around them, the others were already wrapping up. The two Greencloaks were already announcing that class was over and it was time for lunch. They decided to wrap it up as they headed towards the cafeteria.

"Hey, mind if I sit with you beside lunch?" Conor asked, "I'd like to talk with you more."

Tasha faintly blushed but asked, "What about your friends?"

Conor gave her a smile, "I think they'll do fine without me for just one lunch."

Tasha smiled back. Conor wasn't just someone that she admired because of stories anymore. Now, Conor became her friend, a friend that she could trust.

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 I need help for the Larik one-shot guys. Any ideas cause i'm on a writer's block for that. Sorry for the long update but I was focused on finishing the Ten Keepers series so I can finally publish "A Thief's Quest, A Warrior's Mission." Guess what?

IT'S ALREADY OUT. The prologue, chapter one and two are already published! If you haven't known, well what are you waiting for? Go on and read it!

I promise that Reilin will be next. Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next one-shot!

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