Reilin/Conbeke - Halloween Special (Part Three)

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The four friends faced a difficult challenge, The Halloween Challenge. They were given a task to be done and must find a certain object for each challenge they face.

They had retrieved two of the objects successfully and were now on the third and final mission. They were to seek out a Golden Pumpkin though it seemed to be harder since they have to wear masks.

Final part to the late Halloween Special! Some crossovers with some characters from my Spirit Animal fan fiction series, "The Ten Keepers." (as always).


Rollan opened his eyes and immediately found himself in front of the gates of Greenhaven. The only difference though was that people, wearing different costumes, were walking in and out the fortress. Rollan glanced around and noticed that Meilin wasn't beside him anymore.

Before he could call out, someone had bumped into him and he turned around to see a girl with some sort of black mask. She wore a long black cloak and she looked at him, irritably.

"Can you not stand here and make things harder for others and just go inside the party?" The girl said, annoyance evident in her voice but Rollan's eyes widened as he recognized that voice.

"Eilene?" He exclaimed, "Wait, what party are you talking about? What's happening?"

Her eyes widened in realization which quickly disappeared, changed into a serious one, "Rollan, you'd want to get out of here as quickly as you could right now. All of this isn't real but the only way out is if you find the Golden Pumpkin."

"What are you talking about?" Rollan asked in confusion, "Where's Mei- I mean, the others?"

"Rollan, this isn't real," Eilene said, more serious, "You do not want to be here. Get the Golden Pumpkin before midnight before it's all too late. Find the others and wake up."

Rollan could sense the seriousness and truth in her but before he could ask, she had disappeared into the sea of people, making their way inside Greenhaven. Rollan took a deep breath and did what he did every time he was in the streets.

Just follow the crowd.

- - -

Rollan had was in Greenhaven and had reached where the part was being held. As he walked through the huge doors, he looked around in awe at the place. It was beautifully decorated with many people each wearing a mask.

He looked down for the first time and noticed that he was wearing a neat suit. That's when he noticed that he had been wearing a mask too.

"Excuse me but i'm a bit lost," he turned around as soon as he heard that familiar voice.

"Abeke?" Rollan whispered/shouted.

The girl's eyes widened, "Rollan? You're here too. Have you seen the others?"

"No, i'm just as lost as you are," Rollan replied, glancing around anxiously, "We're supposed to find a Golden Pumpkin-"

"-Before midnight, I know," Abeke finished the sentence, "I saw Hope a while ago."

"I saw Eilene," Rollan nodded.

They both looked around, hoping to find some familiar faces but without being up-close, it's hard to tell from the masks.

"What happens at midnight anyway?" Abeke wondered out loud.

"I'm not sure," Rollan mumbled, "but by how serious Eilene sounded, it's nothing good."

"Then we better find the others and the Golden Pumpkin quickly," Abeke replied.


"Where is he?" Meilin muttered as she kept on walking through the sea of people.

She had just bumped into Zoron a while ago, telling her to find the others and this Golden Pumpkin. As she thought about it more, she was wondering what had actually happened before and how they had ended up in front of a haunted house in the first place. It just felt so normal at the time.

"Ah sorry, uh, sir," her head snapped up at the familiar voice, "I, uh, didn't see your drink."

"Why don't I show you some manners there, young Euran boy?" An older, angry man fired, balling his fists.

Conor nervously stepped back and Meilin quickly stepped forward in between them.

She then grabbed Conor's arm, "There you are. I've been looking for you. Come on, our parents are waiting for us."

"Hold up," the man stopped them, "You think you're going to get away with your girlfriend that easily?"

"Excuse me?" Meilin fired at the man, "First of all, he is my second cousin removed!"

"He is?" The man asked, startled.

"I am?-" Meilin nudged his rib, "H-Her second cousin removed."

"And second of all, I already have a boyfriend," Meilin went on, glaring at the man who stepped back, startled, "So why don't you know the facts first instead of skipping to conclusions."

Without another word, Meilin pulled Conor by the arm until the man was out of sight.

"Seriously? Second cousin removed?" Conor asked, letting out a small chuckle.

"It's the only thing I could think of," Meilin muttered as they kept walking.

"I don't even get the 'removed' part," Conor said, shaking his head, "And who's your boyfriend?"

"Can we just focus on finding the others and this Golden Pumpkin?" Meilin snapped, avoiding his question.

"Okay, we'll find the others," then Conor added teasingly, "And your boyfriend."

Meilin playfully punched him on his arm but as soon as she did that, there was a loud crack that filled the whole room.

They both froze and Meilin mumbled, "Surely I didn't hit you that hard."

"No, you didn't," Conor nodded, "but I think I know who did. Or more like what did."

Meilin followed Conor's gaze and gasped. Her gasped was echoed with more screams from the people around them but a loud voice towered them all.

"Where is my Golden Pumpkin?"



"Rollan, snap out of it," Abeke snapped, grabbing his arm, "We need to find the Golden Pumpkin before"

"W-W-Walrus!" Rollan sputtered and stumbled back.

"Just keep moving," Abeke muttered and they ran through the throng of panicking people.

As they kept on running, she caught Rollan glancing back a few times, causing him to stumble.

"Rollan, stop looking back and help me look for the Golden Pumpkin," Abeke exclaimed.

Then there was a flash of light and she turned to see Essix soaring into the sky, squawking in confusion.

"I know we're in Greenhaven that doesn't look like Greenhaven," Rollan snapped at the bird, "but if we're going to be able to get out of here alive, then we need to find the Golden Pumpkin!"

Essix then flew away and Abeke was unsure if she flew away to find the pumpkin or because she just wanted to.

There was another thundering roar and huge loud footsteps were coming faster and closer. Abeke risked a glance back and saw the huge creature (that actually looked a walrus) lumbering towards their direction.

Rollan was about to look back but Abeke kept pushing him, "What's happening back there?"

"Nothing's happening," Abeke replied, her voice high with fear and panic, "It's not like a huge beast is chasing us."

"What?" He exclaimed and they both fan faster.

There was a screech and they both glanced up to see Essix screeching at them. They didn't need to be told again as they ran after the bird, pushing through the people. Abeke finally saw it, a huge Golden Pumpkin right at the middle of a huge table. What surprised them was that it was just like any ordinary pumpkin. They had expected something...bigger. There were mini-sized steps leading up to the Golden Pumpkin and Abeke wondered how the table could support it all.

"What are we supposed to do?" Rollan muttered, "Eat it?"

"THAT'S. MY. GOLDEN. PUMPKIN!" They both whirled around just in time to see the huge beast running at them with full speed.

They jumped out of the way just in time as the beast crashed into the table behind them, the stairs cracking and starting to crumble. The Golden Pumpkin started to shake and Abeke knew that it was going to fall. She didn't know if it was strong enough to survive a fall and she didn't want to learn the hard way.

"Come on, we need to get it," Abeke told Rollan.

"B-But what about t-the-"

"Forget the walr- I mean, beast," Abeke snapped, "We'll never see that beast's face again once we get the Golden Pumpkin."

The beast was already starting to get back up, making the stairs crumble even more. Before either of them could move, Abeke saw two familiar figures running towards the huge beast, a wolf running beside them with a panda appearing after. Abeke then summoned Uraza and they both joined their friends as they faced the beast.

The beast finally stood up and roared at them, his eyes seemed to be burning with fire, 
"I officially hate humans!"

"Not as much as I hate walruses," Rollan muttered.

Conor them moved forward, swinging his axe wildly with Briggan leaping at one of the beast's arms. Abeke quickly joined him as she aimed her bow at the beast as Uraza leaped at the beast's other arm.. That's when she wondered how they have gotten weapons in the first place. Then again, how had they ended up in this situation in the first place.

"Rollan, Meilin, get the Golden Pumpkin," Abeke yelled at the two as she rolled away from a piece of wood that the beast was throwing at them.

As soon as she got back up though, she saw a bigger piece, coming right at her that in a split-second, she knew it was going to hit her. But as soon as she thought that, someone had knocked her down from the side and she found herself looking up to meet Conor.

His eyes widened as he immediately got off her, his cheeks turning red, "Heh, s-sorry."

"I'd be in a concussion right now if it weren't for you," Abeke replied, though a blush was appearing on her cheeks as she got up as well.

The beast let out a huge roar and the most unexpected and weirdest thing happened. Water came out from its mouth and they were both knocked off their feet.


Rollan didn't need to be told twice as he shot up the crumbling steps with Meilin following right behind him. He could hear the fight happening behind him but he didn't turn in fear of what he might see. His gaze was fixed on the Golden Pumpkin which was about to fall. There was a huge shake, making the pumpkin finally fall from the stairs. Taking a deep breath, Rollan dived forward and snatched out his arms, feeling the object on his hands as he crashed hard on his back.

"Are you okay?" Meilin asked as she finally reached him, stretching her hand to pull him up.

As soon as he grabbed her hand, there was another huge shake, followed by two familiar screams. They both turned and gasped as they saw the unthinkable happened. The beast/walrus was a water gun as water rushed out from his mouth, sending Conor and Abeke tumbling backwards.

Rollan shook his head, feeling a little dizzy, "Yeah, i'm dreaming."

Meilin didn't say anything as she shot down the stairs and towards their friends with Rollan following behind. Already, the room was already flooding with so much water that it began to rise, covering the steps quickly. Rollan hesitated, whether or not if he should jump into water that was coming from a beast/walrus' mouth.

Meilin hesitated for a little bit until she glanced at Rollan, seeing his fear reflected on her eyes. Rollan then found himself reaching for her hand and to his satisfaction, she didn't let go as well. As if in a silent command, they jumped into the water and swam towards their friends. The lights had died down from the water, the current was surprisingly strong but not once had they let go as they struggled forward.

Rollan caught a glimpse of blonde hair and he reached out and pulled Conor out the water as he coughed out water.

"Where's Abeke?" Rollan asked him worriedly.

That made Conor's eyes widened as he looked around in a panic. He disappeared under water again and Rollan tried to find him until he saw him swimming again. He then disappeared before he once again resurfaced with Abeke coughing out water. They barely managed to swim towards each other.

"Now what do we do?" Meilin managed to ask as they tried to stick together from the pushing currents.

Rollan held up the pumpkin which started to glow brighter. Meilin followed his lead and held the pumpkin which glowed brighter. Conor then Abeke followed and a bright light grew brighter around them as they closed their eyes. Then it was silent.

- - -

Rollan blinked his eyes open and saw his other friends blinking their eyes as well. He glanced around him and noticed in confusion that they were somehow in the library. A figure appeared in front of him and had snatched something from his hands.

It was silent for a moment before Conor broke the silence, "Did we just...have the same...thing...?"

Rollan glanced down a noticed that he had a closed book on his lap, the words, "Hallow's Eve" on the cover. Pictures of a pumpkin with a weird face, a bat and a cat on the cover as well.

Before he could say anything, someone had snatched the book up so quickly that he got startled. He then looked up and found himself looking at Zoron, a look of anger on his face.

"You weren't supposed to read this," Zoron growled.

"Uh, we, uh," for once, Rollan didn't know what to say.

Rollan glanced to where the entrance to the library was and saw Hope, Eilene, and John looking in, anxiously.

"Er, at least they're alive," John said, letting out a nervous chuckle.

Zoron glared at him, "It was you, wasn't it?"

"Uh..." And John disappeared with Zoron running after him.

- - -

Sorry guys for the long update again! Happy very late Halloween! This Halloween Special is finally finished! Btw, check out, "A Thief's Quest, A Warrior's Mission."

Anyways, I've been thinking, I've seen many joint Warrior fan groups/joint accounts and other fan groups/joint accounts. But as far as I know, I haven't seen any Spirit Animal fan groups/joint accounts which is kinda sad...

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