Spirit Animals - If The Characters Were Spy Agents (3)

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"100,000," okay. I may have gotten carried away with that one but I was getting quite annoyed.

"500,000," Shane bids, looking as if he was struggling to keep his calm.

"550,000!" I said.

Shane looked at me as if he'd had enough, "1,000,000."

I opened my mouth but no sound came up. The whole room was silent now. Shane was seriously desperate for that artifact. Whatever it is (something the group had excluded from me), it must be really important.

I met Rollan's gaze who was frozen on his spot near the stage.

"Going once" the auctioneer began. I hesitated. 1,000,000 was a large amount..

"Going twice." I stayed silent. I couldn't risk the possibility of outbidding Shane with money I don't have.

"It's settled then," the auctioneer spoke, proceeding to say a couple more things but I wasn't listening anymore as I watch Shane slowly make his way to the front.


"Meilin, cut off the power now," I was slightly relieved to hear Rollan's voice cackle back through the earpiece, only to stiffen at the sight-panic in his tone.

I wasted no time dashing into the generator room, my grip on the pistol tightening. Turning a corner, I skidded to a halt as I almost crashed into some sort of cage. Stepping back slightly, I finally got a good look at this cage, seeing the power box right inside in. I tried to push in only to fail at my efforts as the big, metal lock held the door tightly.

"It's locked," I sighed in frustration, once again aiming the pistol at the lock.

"Mind hurrying up a bit?" Rollan hissed through the earpiece, "You're lucky Shane's taking his time to get up the stage."

Lots of shots were fired. The lock felt to the floor with a loud clank. The door flew wide op- no never mind. It just opened a crack.

"Shane's on the stage," this time, it was Conor who spoke, the nervousness clear in his voice, "Meilin please te-"

"I'm in, I'm in," I said, immediately pushing into the room, quickly busting open the rectangular power box, hoping it's the right one, before revealing many colorful wires overlapping on top of each other. Stepping back, I took my aim and pulled the trigger...only to hear a click sound. No bullets came out.

"I see that you're taking your time, Meilin," Rollan muttered.

"If you want to be helpful instead of adding to the pressure while standing around and waiting to do your job, then shut up," I snapped, quickly reloading my pistol.

"If you would've let me do it instead, then I would've done my job already!"

I had already finished reloading my pistol, taking aim and was about to retort back when I froze as I felt something hard and metallic at the back of my head.

"Drop the gun and get on your knees," the man spoke.

I acted too late.

-A few minutes before-

I had managed to sneak on top of a deserted balcony, overlooking the auction below as Devin and Shane kept outbidding each other. As of how I even sneaked into the building without getting caught...I guess I got lucky?

"1,000,000," Shane called out  as I quickly began assembling my tranquilizer/sniper gun.

"Going once," I took out a piece of tranquilizer dart from the small back strapped to my belt, "Going twice."

"It's settled then," I rose from my spot, glancing over the railing to find Shane walking towards the stage. Why wasn't the lights out yet?

I decided to turn on my earpiece only to find myself listening into an argument between Rollan and Meilin. Why am I not surprised?"

"...and waiting to do your job, then shut up," I heard Meilin say through the microphone.

"If you would've let me do it instead," Rollan argued, "then I would've finished my job already!"

Really guys? Right now? I thought quietly as I kept my gaze on Shane who was really taking his time to get to the stage.

There was a pause then I heard a new voice speaking in the background, "Drop the gun and get on your knees!"

Swearing could be heard from Rollan (which I totally had not censored), "Conor, what's going on?!"

"Uh," I could hear rapid tapping noises through the earpiece, "I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know?" Rollan hissed, "Can't you see through the cameras?!"

"How do you expect me to know how to use this thing?" Conor exclaimed, "I can barely spell!"

"That's it. We're screwed!"

"No. Plan B."

"We didn't plan a plan B!"

"I just did! You're stopping Shane."

"How do you expect me to do that with a lot of people. My face is not so unforge-"

"Rollan, just do it!"

"Rollan, don't," while they had been arguing, I had rested my tranquilizer gun on the railing, already aiming it at Shane.

"Where the hell did you come from?!"

"Quit talking! You're gonna mess up my aim."

(A/N: Prepare for a lot of POV changes)


"I said, drop the gun and get on your knees," I could hear Abeke's voice along with the boys with my hands already raised. I can hear the slight waver in his voice and feel the gun shaking slightly. He was nervous.

After a pause, I dropped the gun, ignoring the argument that was taking place over the earpiece. Then I slowly got on my knees, not once had the gun left my head.

I sense shuffling sounds before hearing the security guard speak, "I need some back-u-"

I attacked, suddenly sliding my legs under his, causing him to lose his balance and his aim.


I aimed at a spot on Shane's neck, inhaling sharply and holding my breath as my gun followed his moving figure who had only begun making up the steps to the small stage.

Shane, the boy who I grew up with during our high school years. The boy who I had grown to trust. The boy who I was forced to turn against.

I hesitated.

"Hurry up," Rollan hissed through the earpiece.

"Birdbrain, leave her be," Conor scolded.

Taking another deep breath, I took my aim as Shane approached the host, counting down the seconds to pull the trigger.


I stood up, finding my pistol on the ground just as the security reached for his own pistol. Reacting quickly, I snatched it up, taking aim at the man, just as he began raising his and lulled the trigger. The man let out a howl of pain as he dropped the gun, clutching his hand in pain.

I turned my attention back at the power box, took aim, and fired.


I breathed sharply. Shane neared the man. I felt a trickle of sweat running down the side of my head. I began pulling the trigger-

"Hey! Stop!"

Startled, I fired. I missed as the dart went sailing right above Shane's pale-blonde hair.

He immediately ducked as the crowd let out startled gasps. I turned to my right and paled as I saw a security guard running towards me.

"Leopard, you gotta run. Now!" Conor yelled through the earpiece.

I glanced back down at the stage and met Shane's familiar blue eyes. His shock turned into cold anger.

But before anything else could happen...

...the lights went out.

- - -

Gah why do I keep lying?!

I swear this whole spy agents thing is gonna end in part four! When will that be published? After I've published "Thief's Quest" which I haven't published for a long, long time.

I've got two new Spirit Animal fan fiction story ideas and I'm planning on starting one of them after I've finished "Thief's Quest" book one.

What is this new fan fiction, you may be wondering? (Probably not even tho imma tell you anyway!)

The reason as to why no one really knows a lot about the Keeper of Greenhaven (gender, name, looks, etc). And it has a bit to do with a traitor, modern stuff, and death (obviously someone has to die). And nu this isn't related to The Ten Keepers AT ALL!

I shall stop speaking now. Goodbye!

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