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Together, we will rise. Alone, we will fall. The fate of Erdas is in our hands.


Siku stood at the council disapprovingly. The fate of everything was in their paws, and yet the others did nothing. So she spoke up. "Nimwits! Suka! You made a statement earlier, about how we should wait and see, did you not? Are you snowblind? Are you too blinded to see, my friend, that if we wait, things will go wrong? Cabaro, you speak of protecting your oasis, that if we interfere, humans will turn on us. Has your brain been speared on a cactus? Humans have already turned on us, and it is out of laziness that you hold back from the fight. And Halawir, what in Erdas?" her voice had a soft, dangerous tone to it. "Your eggs have been smashed, your talisman had been stolen, and you still do not see? If you keep this up, the Conquerors will take everything. That is all I have to say, except this; together, we will rise. Alone, we will fall. The fate of Erdas is in our hands. Or paws. Or talons. Or hooves."

A while later, Siku was wishing the others had joined them. A spear was thrown at her, and hit her leg. She took off, searching for her friends. Here was Essix, fighting a crocodile. She dove, killing the reptile quickly. Then, a spear was thrown at the Devourer. She ducked just in time, and saw an arrow slicing towards the boy who'd thrown it, and Essix hit by Kovo's club. She was long gone. Siku made a split-second desision. 

She launched herself over the boy, towards the arrow, putting herself behind him. 

Her last act of bravery.

The arrow struck her chest. She saw and heard the Conquerors retreating, felt Tellun's presence. One by one, he tried to heal the others, and one by one, they dropped out, dying. Finally, she felt her friend's breath on her face. She heard him say, "Please don't go." Using the last of her strength, she opened her indigo  eyes and looked into Tellun's golden-brown ones. As she watched, they filled with tears she knew he would not let fall until he was alone, or so she thought. Slowly, a line of water dripped down his face. It took her a while to realize that he was crying. Tellun. Tellun was crying. Wow. 

Her eyes closed for the last time,  her final breath filling the air. Her head fell back, and along with Briggan, Uraza, Jhi, and Essix, she left the world.

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