Chapter One - Keepers in Amaya

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Here's my first chapter. Enjoy!

Zoron's POV

Zoron was in his room, fixing his hair for he was preparing for the day he had been waiting for. Today was the day for Zoron and her younger sister, Zoey's Nectar Ceremony. Usually, children drank the nectar when they were 11. They were very close since Zoey was born and because of that, Zoron waited until he was 12 because he wanted to be drinking the nectar with his sister who turned 11. They said that if you don't drink the nectar before 12, a bonding might happen naturally and there's a chance you'll get the bonding sickness.

There was a knock on his door and her little sister, Zoey barged in. He had never seen her so exited before for she was literally shaking in anticipation.

"Come on Zoron," Zoey squeaked, "It's almost time for the Nectar Ceremony."

"Okay, okay," Zoron laughed, "I'm going, i'm going."

They lived in a small village near the sea. Zoron followed Zoey out the house and he spotted his father waiting for them outside. Their mother had died when Zoey was born and so his father took care of them all alone. Almost all of the villagers were gathered outside. Two other children were also having their Nectar Ceremony today.

Their father escorted them to the other two children. Zoron tried to act calm but inside, he was excited and nervous at the same time. Zoey didn't even tried to hide her excitement and literally bounced to the other kids. Their village Greencloak, Daysun was an old Greencloak but he still stood firm with the jar that holds the Nectar in his hands. Beside him, a strong looking Greencloak watched. Zoron has never seen him before. Daysun motioned the crowd for silence.

"We are gathered here today for it is the time for these kid's Nectar Ceremony," Daysun announced and walked in front of the first kid which was a girl.

"Sante, receive the Nectar of Ninani," he instructed.

She took a sip then withdraw. The crowd waited but there was nothing. Daysun did the same thing to the next child which was a boy. Still nothing. Now, it was Zoey's turn and Zoron felt nervous. He wanted her to have a Spirit Animal even if it meant he wouldn't.

"Zoey," Daysun repeated, "Receive the Nectar of Ninani."

He watched her sister take a sip from the Nectar and withdraw. Then, there was a blinding flash of light and out of nowhere, a pure white rabbit hopped towards Zoey. Zoey knelt down and gently petted the rabbit's soft fur. Everyone watched in awe and amazement, including Zoron. He had never seen someone summon a Spirit Animal.

As the crowd quieted down, Daysun walked in front of Zoron. He felt all eyes trained on him and he had never felt so nervous.

"Zoron," Daysun spoke, "Receive the Nectar of Ninani."

Zoron took a deep breath and took a sip from the Nectar. It tasted so sweet, just like honey. He withdraw from the jar and suddenly, he felt a dizzying sensation go through him. There was another blinding flash and suddenly, there appeared a gyrfalcon. He heard loud gasps of shock. Zoron himself was shocked. The falcon flew gracefully and landed on Zoron's shoulder and he felt the dizziness disappeared.

No one can summon a falcon, let alone a gyrfalcon for Essix the Falcon was a Great Beast. How is this possible?

"We did it, Zoron," Zoey exclaimed, "We both summoned Spirit Animals!"

"B-but i couldn't have summoned a falcon," Zoron stammered.

He spotted the stranger Greencloak walk towards them.

"Greetings Zoron and Zoey," the man spoke, "My name is Olvan, commander of the Greencloaks. I am here to bring you to Greenhaven for you have fulfilled a prophecy."

"What?" Zoron didn't notice that his father appeared behind them, "You're taking my children away?"

"Like I said, they have fulfilled a prophecy," Olvan explained, "There will be ten children who would summon Spirit Animals and can free those who are captured. Three will be from here in Amaya. A falcon, a rabbit, and a horse. We need them to join our side for their will be great danger that will affect all of Erdas. I promise you sir that they will come back to you alive and more stronger than before."

He saw that his father was thinking hard and carefully. He had always supported the Greencloaks but giving away his children to become Greencloaks in a young age was hard for him. His father sighed, a long, sad sigh.

"Very well," he agreed reluctantly, "I trust that you will protect my children."

Zoron and Zoey had always wanted to be Greencloaks but it was hard to leave their father, their only parent. Their father placed both his hands on each of their shoulders.

"Promise me," he told them, "That you will always remember who you are."

"We promise father," Zoron replied and Zoey added, "Yes we promise. And we promise we'll come back and make you proud."

He smiled, a sad smiled, "Of course you will. You always do."

Hope's POV

Hope was standing in the middle of a clearing with her best friend Kate beside her. It was their Nectar Ceremony today. People had gathered around them, watching with curious eyes.

Hope's parents had died from a deadly sickness and she lived with her grandfather. She spotted her grandfather sitting with the other people and he gave her an encouraging smile.

Their village Greencloak, Carla, was chatting with another strong looking Greencloak. He had just arrived and interrupted their ceremony but they seemed to be talking about something urgent. Just then, Cara nodded to him then motioned for silence.

"I am sorry for the delay," Cara apologized, "Let us proceed on to the Nectar Ceremony."

She walked towards Kate and instructed, "Kate, receive from the Nectar of Ninani."

Kate sipped from the Nectar and withdraw. Nothing appeared. Now it was Hope's turn. Cara looked at her with a look of curiosity in her eyes.

"Hope," she spoke, "Receive the Nectar if Ninani."

She took a sip and and a sweet flavor entered her mouth. She withdraw and immediately felt dizzy. There was a bright flash of light, and there trotting towards her was the most largest, majestic brown horse she had ever seen. She slowly placed her hand on the horse's head and the dizziness faded. Their were gasps of shock and amazement.

She looked over at Kate who immediately hugged her tight. As they parted, the stranger Greencloak walked towards them.

"Greetings Kate. My name is Olvan, leader of the Greencloaks," he spoke, "You have just fulfilled a prophecy and I believe Erdas needs you."

So that's the end of my first chapter of my first fan fiction. Stay tuned for the next!

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