Chapter Seventeen - Poison

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George's POV

"I will never get used to this cold," Ivan shivered.

The group had finally reached Eura and were traveling by horse.

"So, where in Eura are we going?" George asked.

He secretly hoped to stop by his home to see their father again.

"In a small village up north near the mountains," Eric answered.

"Is their a chance we could stop by at Gaundor," John asked.

He wasn't the only one who wanted to visit his home. He glanced over at Eilene who didn't look happy at all.

I guess she doesn't have much pleasant memories in Eura, George thought.

"If we follow this trail, we'll be able to pass your home," Ella replied, "We could stay there for the night before moving on."

"How much farther till we get there?" Riley asked.

"If we keep a fast pace, we'll be reaching there before night," Eric said.

Just then, a figure ran into their path. George looked at the figure and gasped.

"Conquerors!" Eric warned, "It's an ambush!"

Suddenly, more Conquerors leaped down from the trees above. One knocked into George and was sent falling off his horse. He rolled out the way just as the Conqueror brought his axe down. He quickly drew out his sword and sliced his arm. The man yelped in pain and ran away. George quickly summoned Lire, his Spirit Animal, just as another Conqueror faced him. He felt strength and speed flow through him as he quickly dodged the man easily and slicing his leg.

He looked around to see who needed his help. He spotted Eilene facing a huge, strong Conqueror but she managed to push him with her staff, making him flying into the bushes. He spotted Riley and John fighting together. Everyone seemed to be doing fine until he spotted a Conqueror pointing an arrow towards John who was busy fighting to notice.

"John, watch out!" George warned but he was too busy to hear him.

George started running towards him but even with his Spirit Animal giving him speed, he wasn't going to make it on time. He saw that Eilene spotted the archer and started running as well. As soon as John had sent the Conqueror running into the woods, the archer had let go the arrow, straight for his heart.

Everything seemed to move slowly as he watched the arrow flying into the air. John saw Eilene and his eyes widened as she pushed him away, the arrow piercing her back. They both fell down, Eilene made no sound when the arrow hit. He saw that their wasn't much Conquerors left and the last few had ran away.

George ran until he was beside them. Eilene got off John slowly, wincing in pain. She took the arrow out, almost yelping in pain. John's eyes widened as he realized. Eilene stood up wincing, her legs swayed. John quickly steadied her, worry showing in his eyes. Ursa was beside her looking very worried. Everyone had gathered around her. Eilene seemed to be getting weaker.

"Eilene, are you okay?" John asked.

"I'm-" she started but then fell.

John caught her in time and lowered her slowly to the ground. Lire, George's Spirit Animal, had been sniffing the arrow and growled. Eric grabbed the arrow and looked at it closely.

"It's a poison arrow," Eric said.

John's POV

They were on their horses, riding as fast as they could towards Gaundor but as smoothly as they can for Eilene. She needed to be still as she could so the poison wouldn't spread as much. They needed to reach Gaundor if they were to cure Eilene. When they reached the city gates, there were no guards in sight.

"Weird," John mumbled.

They walked into the city and people stopped what they were doing and stared. Others quickly ran into their houses.

"Something's not right here," George mumbled.

They kept on walking until they reached the clearing. The clearing where he had his Nectar Ceremony. Guards started coming out from the shadows and had circled around them, leaving no opening for them to escape.

"What's happening here?" George asked.

"Hey, don't you remember me?" John demanded, "I'm Lord Gaundor's son, John."

"We know that," one of the guards said, "The Lord will meet with you soon."

"Actually, i'm here right now," he saw his father approach them.

"Father, what's happening?" George asked.

"I'm sorry son," his father said, guilt filling his eyes.

Just then, another man approached. He wore a black cloak. He heard Irene gasped.

"That's the same man I saw back in Amaya," Irene whispered.

"I have sided with the Conquerors," his father announced, "and we do not appreciate Greencloaks anymore."

"What are you talking about, father?" John asked, "You know they're the bad guys."

"To ensure peace for my city," Lord Gaundor explained, "I don't have much choice. I'm sorry."

"Your father made the right choice," the man with the black cloak spoke, "Now it's time to join him."

"We will never join you," George yelled.

John just glared at his father as he looked back at him with regret and guilt.

"Wait," Eric said, "Before you do anything, please, we need antidote for our friend here."

John helped Eilene down the horse. She was so weak that she could barely stand.

"Please, help her," John pleaded.

"Please Derek," Lord Gaundor added.

The man named Derek looked at Eilene then nodded, "We'll help her but only with one condition."

"Anything," Ella said.

"Bring us the Marble Swan, the Copper Falcon, and the Iron wolf," Derek said, "If you aren't back in three days, when the sun of the third day is gone, your friend will surely die. Ask for reinforcements and i'll make sure you never see her again."

The clearing filled with silence. Eric and Ella exchanged a desperate glance. They were their guardians and were assigned to protect them but they were also supposed to help them get the talismans.

After a long silence, Eric spoke, "Very well. We'll do it."

"Five of you may go while the rest can stay with your friend," Derek said, "You may use the talismans now to help get the Silver Wolf."

"I'll go," John volunteered.

"I'll come too," George added.

"Me too," Ivan and Jef said in unison.

"I'll come," Eric spoke, "I am your guardian."

Hope and Irene supported Eilene on both sides. John had never felt so worried and scared in his entire life.

"Don't worry Eilene," he whispered to himself, "I'll make sure I come back."

Well, great. Read on to find out if Eilene will live or die. Please vote and leave a comment on what you think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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