Chapter Twenty Six - We're a Team

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George's POV

"Come here you little rascal," the Conqueror yelled.

George kept on running though the city with a bunch of Conquerors chasing after him. Beside him, Lire ran beside him giving him speed. He turned into an alley but stopped when there were Conquerors on the other side. He turned around but more Conquerors blocked his way.

"There's no way you can go now, can you?" the Conqueror sneered.

George spotted a garbage can and above it was a window. An idea began to form in his mind. He called Lire into passive form.

"Giving up?" he said.

"I don't give up easily," George told him then climbed on top of the garbage can and jumped up, reaching the ledge of the window.

Using all his strength, he pulled himself up and into the open window. He froze as he saw a woman looking at him crazily. George laughed nervously then ran. He kept on running up the building until he reached the roof. He could hear the voices of the Conquerors coming closer. George took a deep breath then jumped onto another rooftop. He kept on running and jumping on top of rooftops towards where the exit was, where the bamboo forest was supposed to be. He got closer and closer until he slid into a stop. The next building was too far for him to jump. He turned around to see the Conquerors coming closer.

"Why does it have to be me?" George asked out loud.

He backed up then ran as fast as he could. He pushed his legs up and forward, and reached for the ledge of the next building. He wasn't going to make it. Just when he was about to pass the ledge, a hand grabbed hold of him. He looked up and gasped as he saw his brother, a grin on his face.

"You think i'm just going to let you die, huh?" John asked as he pulled him up.

"How'd you find me?" George asked.

"Lazu showed me," John said, looking up at the falcon.

Just then, two Conquerors climbed up the rooftop where they were. Before anyone could move, a staff had knocked one of the Conquerors head to the other and they fell back unconscious.

"Eilene," John exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Eilene snapped.

"I'm saving George," he answered.

"Then i'm saving George," she mimicked.

"First of all, I don't sound like that-" John started.

"Guys, can you argue after we get out of here?" George asked.

"This way," Eilene said, leading the way.

They crept through the city until they reached a crack leading out the city. They went out and kept on walking until they found the others. Everyone looked up, annoyed and relieved.

"For Teullun's sake, what were you two thinking?" Hope snapped.

"We were thinking of saving our team member," Eilene answered.

Everyone looked at her in surprise. John told her the same thing which she disagreed to, leading to another fight. Now she was saying the same thing.

"Sorry, did I hear that correctly?" John asked.

"You were...right," Eilene admitted, then quietly added, "At some parts."

John glared at her, "I heard that."

"We're a team," she went on, "A team never leaves anyone behind, unless the person wants them to go on."

"I think by what you mean there is, unless there's no other way," John corrected her, earning a glare from Eilene.

"Okay, i'm done," Eilene said, "Let's get out of here."

"No sorry?" John asked.

Eilene sighed, "Fine, i'm sorry for hurting your feelings, oh great son of Lord Gaundor."

"Can you stop calling me that?" John muttered.

"Nope," Eilene said.

Zoron's POV

The team was following Sam as they led them through the bamboo forest. He told them about mosquito bites that might bring you the Sunset Death. Well, that surely reassured them. They walked through a narrow path because they said they couldn't risk getting caught.

"So what beast are we facing this time?" John asked.

"A black tiger," Sam answered as if it was no big deal.

Everyone groaned. Well, things just got a whole lot easier.

"Why can't it be a grasshopper or a worm?" John whined, "Even better an ant!"

"Maybe because if they try to wear it they'll get crushed by it," Eilene answered dryly, "If they even succeed on stealing the talisman."

Their conversation kept on going while Zoron walked beside Hope. Hope had stopped in front of a flower that was stuck to the bamboo.

"Wow, it's so beautiful," Hope gushed.

"Ehm how about me?" Zoron exclaimed, trying to look hurt.

"You're not beautiful," Hope rolled her eyes, "but you are handsome."

"Why thank you," Zoron said, bowing making her laugh, then went on, "You're right, that flower is beautiful but not as beautiful as you."

"That's so cheesy," Hope teased.

"At least I try," Zoron said with a smile.

That's when he realized that everyone stopped talking and were staring at them, amused.

"Oh Tellun," Eilene exclaimed, "The love is real!"

"Not expecting to hear that from you," John exclaimed, "You're so serious."

"I am serious," she replied, "The love is real between them!"

Zoron and Hope were blushing madly as they started teasing them. That's until Sam told them to quiet down, much to Zoron and Hope's relief. Zoron smiled at Hope who gave him a shy smile in return. Zoron took her hand making her blush. Zoron just smiled as they walked, neither of them letting go.

John's POV

"Yep, you're right," John was whispering to Eilene, "The love is real between them."

They were both walking right behind Zoron and Hope who were holding hands.

"Of course i'm right," Eilene said, "I'm always right."

"Yeah sure you are," John said, unconvincingly.

He didn't know how they ended up being friends. He doesn't even know what they are right now. One minute they're acquaintances, then enemies, then friends, then back to acquaintances, then friends again. They both know that they like each other so he doesn't even know what they are right now but right now, he was glad they're finally talking again, or more like arguing.

"Jealous that i'm always right?" Eilene asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"Pfft, in your dreams," John snorted.

It got silent between them for a while. It wasn't exactly that tensed silence when they were fighting but more of a comfortable silence. But then of course, Sam interrupted the silence.

"We're here," Sam announced.

There you guys are. Some sweet Zoron and Hope moments and some (Kinda sweet) funny moments from John and Eilene. Please vote and leave a comment on what you think. Stay tuned for the next chapters!

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