Chapter Twenty Eight - Fall Of The Ten Keepers

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DO NOT SKIP CHAPTERS. DO NOT SKIP CHAPTER TWENTY THREE TO ONWARD CHAPTERS (that didn't really make sense but you get the point) DO NOT SKIP!!!


All will be explained...

I'm sorry...

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George's POV

George ran back, trying to get to Hope's rescue while she struggled to fight off three infected. Her Spirit Animal struggled with more of the infected as it climbed on the horse's back, being pushed down.

George tackled one of the infected but another one quickly came and joined the fight, followed by more. That's when he knew he had made a wrong move as he struggled to fight all of them, losing sight of everyone else.

"Lire," he tried to call out for his lynx only to hear an anguished, animal cry.

- - -

Zoron's POV

Zoron battled through the infected as he tried to reach Hope in time. George had arrived, throwing himself at one of them only to be tackled by more and soon, Zoron lost sight of him. Hope was being pushed away from George with more of the infected coming for her and making it harder for Zoron to choose who to save.

He knew that when Conor and his army of infected had arrived, they were all outnumbered, especially when the infected kept on infecting others.

"Zoron!" He spun around at the sound of Zoey's voice as he saw her struggling to fight two of the infected.

He heard a falcon's cry screech from above him but when he peered up, there were only feathers of more birds. Infected birds.

- - -

Jef's POV

Jef and Riley fought Ivan together who growled in frustration before viciously swiping his sword hard, catching Riley stumble off balance. Jef struggled to block Ivan's blows for they were much stronger. Ivan saw an opening and was about to slice Jef across the stomach when Breeze, his Spirit Animal, had jumped right in front of Jef, the cheetah being stabbed instead.

"Breeze!" Jef yelled and all at once, he felt as if a part of him was slowly slipping away.

He knew at once that it was his link to Breeze, slowly slipping away until it wad no longer there. He trued to reach out for that warm, familiar feeling, trued to shake his Spirit Animal awake but realization slowly dawned on him. Breeze was dead. Was dead because of Ivan!

Jef looked at Ivan, his moment of loss and dullness fading away to rage and fury. He was preparing to jump at him when a familiar voice stopped him right on his tracks.

"Zoron!" He spun around at the sound of Zoey's desperate cry and he gasped as he saw her go down with the infected.

He saw Zoron hesitating whether to save her or Hope but was suddenly surrounded by the Many and Jef lost sight of them. Just then, he felt a sharp pain on his back as a sharp blade pierced through his skin, his vision blurring rapidly.

"Ivan, no!" He heard Riley's voice before his senses disappeared altogether.

- - -

Irene's POV

"Irene, watch out!" She heard Vhon yell a second too late as a weight knocked into her.

She spun around, preparing to stab her attacker with her dagger but before she could, the infected had twisted quickly and had bit her arm, making her yelp in pain. Vhon tackled the infected but another one was upon Irene and more kept on coming.

"No!" She heard Vhon's scream before it was blocked by the sound of the Many.

- - -

John's POV

John opened his eyes and gasped as if breathing for the first time. He glanced around then quickly remembered where he was. He felt free, he had fought for control and won.

"John..." He heard an all-too familiar voice and he immediately remembered Eilene who was standing right in front of him, weakly.

John quickly caught her as she was about to collapse, "Eilene!"

"The compass," Eilene winced as she struggled to say the words, "Conor has...the compass... You must...break it."

"What about you?" John exclaimed the he looked down to see the blood coming from somewhere on her stomach. He knew that he had made that, "Y-You're bleeding!"

"John please," her voice shook from the effort, "Break the compass... Save Erdas..."

"I can't leave you..." John's voice trailed off, completely torn whether he should stay with Eilene or get the compass to complete the talisman.

She then managed to form a weak smile, "You never...left, John. It"

There was a bright flash and her Spirit Animal, Ursa the bear, appeared. He could feel her slowly growing limp in his arms. The bear let out an anguished growl as he pawed at John to settle her down, which he slowly did.

She was right, in a way. She was the one who left to betray them. She was the one who left, making them think she had died in that ship crash. Now she was the one to leave again but this time, forever.

Nothing could describe what he was feeling right now. Everything was just happening too fast. That's when he felt a nudge and he turned dully towards the bear. The bear grunted then pointed at Conor with her snout. Conor was busy fighting Abeke, Rollan and Meilin with Zerif and his captured Great Beasts.

John then slowly began to feel something, a fire which was slowly growing stronger. He had felt anger before but never rage and he started feeding it as he walked closer to them.

Taking all the Greencloaks. John's anger burned as he sliced at one of the infected.

Eric and Ella. He remembered his mentors and he quickened his pace.

My Spirit Animal, Rusty. John's anger fueled at remembering his partner who was probably still infected.

My friends, my team. The fire grew bigger as he recited all the names of his Keeper friends.

Ivan, Jef, Zoey... John let out a growl as he broke into a run. Irene, Hope, Zoron... Each memory of each Keeper flashed into his mind as he gripped his sword tighter. Riley, my brother George... He was already running right at Conor who was too preoccupied with fighting Rollan. And Eilene...

Then he knocked into Conor, snatched the compass away then threw it at Rollan who quickly caught it. Just as the compass left his grip, someone knocked into him hard, pushing the breath out of him. He quickly scrambled back as he faced his attacker, Zerif.

"You fool," Zerif snarled, "You've made the wrong decision."

"The only wrong decision I made was being infected by that stupid parasite," John spat.

Zerif launched at him unexpectedly with surprising speed that John didn't have time to react. He could feel the tip of the blade pointing right at his stomach as another, tiny parasite wiggled at the tip of Zerif's finger.

"You're just wasting your breath, fool," Zerif muttered, "I'm giving you a chance to join us again. To make a new Erdas where you will be free forever with ultimate power."

John made sure that Zerif got his words correctly as he leaned in and growled, "I'd rather die then become a slave of that ugly, slithering parasite!"

Zerif's gaze darkened as he heard the unmistakeable sound of hatred, "I was hoping you would say that."

John winced and trembled as he felt the sharp blade pierced through his skin. The pain was unimaginable as his vision began to blur.

"Because I never liked you anyways," he went on, "And now, you'll never see what had become of your so-called team."

John managed to catch sight of Kovo with the Staff of Cycles and another talisman in his hand right behind Zerif. Then he said to Zerif one last time, "I don't have to. I already know."

Before his vision faded away entirely, blinding light struck the clearing and he heard Zerif scream in pain, letting go of his grip on John. John fell back as the world started to grow black. The sounds began to blur away and John saw the brilliant, bright light come out the Staff of Cycles before darkness overcame him.

The journey had really ended.

- - -

Don't abandon this story yet until you've read the epilogue. All will be explained in the next chapters.

Expect a couple more updates.

Sorry again for the ending...

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