Chapter Twenty - Hopeless

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Sorry for no updates recently. I've been busy updating this other book from our joint account. I've also been busy writing a few chapters for that new Spirit Animal fan fiction about Reilin (hehe).

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Riley's POV

The days have never before been so dull and...lifeless. Riley remembered on their first journey together as Keepers, even when things went rough, the air always had this tinge of fire and determination. Now, the air felt so dull and hopeless.

Shane's death shaken them badly, Abeke being affected the most. She had mostly stayed in her cabin room, only coming out when necessary. The usual long talks and bonding between the Keepers were now muted silence, maybe not even a glance. She tried to bring up a conversation, she could sense the others trying as well but what could they say? What could they possibly say to make things right again?

"It's going to be okay."

That has just been said too many times over. Riley was starting to doubt if things will ever be okay again.

Right now, Riley was sitting on one of the chairs where they usually ate. She was alone with her thoughts when she heard footsteps approaching. She looked up to see Irene who barely gave her a smile. Riley tried to smile back but she knew that it would never hide the pain underneath.

"Hey..." Irene said softly.

"Hey..." Riley replied, not knowing how to continue.

A couple seconds of silence and Irene finally sighed, "Things are so...different now. Everything is so...hopeless. It wasn't like this before."

"We didn't really know what it would be like when we take on the green cloak," Riley replied softly, "Perhaps now....we're finally realizing it. Realizing what a duty of a Greencloak is."

"No," Irene replied, "What a duty of a Keeper is."

Just then, urgent footsteps interrupted their talk and Gerald, John and George's father, walked in with the strange raven still on his shoulder.

"Keepers," Gerald told them grimly, "I believe the final battle is near. We have arrived."

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Hope's POV

Hope tried to ran faster and faster, keeping pace with the whole group as they try to outrun the Many and make it to the Evertree as fast as they could.

Eilene risked a glance back and she scowled, "Don't they ever give up?"

"Unfortunately not," Zoron mumbled back as they kept on running.

"We can't keep running forever," Hope exclaimed. Already, her legs were tiring out.

"Quick, up here," Xanthe called to them who was already getting in a small hole and disappearing up.

When Hope came closer, she saw that there was a hole leading up. Takoda quickly went up next, followed by Meilin and Haley. Hope came climbing up next which only leaves Eilene, Zoron, and George. The Many's numbers were growing as they struggled to fight them off and find an opening where they could climb.

"This is not going to work," Zoron said, slicing two of the Many back, "We'll need to split up. We'll meet you guys back at the Evertree."

Just then, Hope felt sick, the familiar feeling of knowing something bad was about to happen, only much worse. She opened her mouth to protest but the three Keepers were already running past the small cave.

"Help me pull the ropes up," Xanthe said, pulling up the ropes with Takoda.

They sat there, trying to catch their breaths for a moment.

Then Meilin broke the silence, "We can't stay here. Xanthe, does this tunnel lead to the Evertree."

"Yes," she replied but fear entered her eyes as she exchanged a glance with Haley who obviously knew as well, "but I hope the path will be easier going there."

"What do you mean?" Hope asked anxiously.

Haley looked at her with a grim expression, "We'll find out soon enough."

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George's POV

The three of them ran past the cave as the Many continued their pursuit. They jumped over stones and climbed and dropped down small ledges. All around them, the Many were trying to catch them, trying to trap them.

"I'm running out of gas," George panted, his pace slowing down.

"What kind of gas?" Eilene then exclaimed, "because I think I smell something foul..."

"What? No not that kind-" but he stopped when he saw the glimmer of amusement in her eyes.

George gave her a funny look, wondering how Eilene was able to joke at a time like this. That's when he realized this was the first time she had joked ever since what happened to John.

"You may be running out of gas," Eilene told him, "but we better not run out of hope."

"Hope..." Zoron mumbled, casting a glance back, his eyes filled with worry.

With Zoron distracted for a moment, one of the nearby Many lashed at him. George managed to pull Zoron back on time while Eilene struck the Many on its head.

"You can worry about your girlfriend later," Eilene snapped, "Right now, worry about your own life before you end up like someone..." She immediately stopped, knowing where that was going.

"Wait, girlfriend?" Zoron exclaimed and he stumbled on the rock. George quickly kept him upright just when one of the infected tried to claw on his boots.

"Just shut up and keep running you two," George snapped and they kept on running.

George then spotted one of those light things that Haley used all the time, stuck on one of the lower hanging mushrooms. He remembered Haley telling him to pull and squeeze to make the light. George then started running towards it, veering of the path towards the Evertree.

"George, what are you doing?" Zoron exclaimed but both of them quickly followed after him.

George reached the mushroom first but it was still too high for him to reach. He then turned to the both of them, then crouched down as if to give them a boost. Zoron looked at him confused and George could already tell what was going in his mind. Is he proposing?

But Eilene seemed to figure out his plan and she started running towards him. She then stepped on George's hands and he pushed her up as high as he could. Eilene stretched out her hands and was able to snatch up one of the glowing bulbs.

The Many were already getting closer, quickly surrounding them. Eilene quickly tossed the bulbs to George who quickly caught it. Just when the Many were about to touch them, he closed his eyes and ripped apart the bulb.

Bright, purple light filled the whole place.

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I noticed the lack of humor in this story and it was starting to get very serious and sad. Well...we are nearing the end of this series. Anyways, about that new Spirit Animals fan fiction, no wait, it's actually 2. I have 2 Spirit Animal fan fictions coming up right for you Spirit Animal fans out there.

One will be set years after the Wyrm was defeated (you WILL be seeing the Keepers again, along with the Four Fallen) and it will be based on new characters.

The other fan fiction is for all you Reilin shippers (RollanXMeiln)! Yes, you heard me, it will be mostly based on Rollan and Meilin! Of course the other Four Fallen are there too but this will be a different plot, different from the original series.

Please vote and leave a comment on what you guys think. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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