Chapter six

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Luna walked with Luca talking with him. "What was it like being raised by regular wolves"Luca asked. "Not bad"Luna smiled. Crow looked up alert. Millie and Julica looked scared for whatever was coming. Ash snarled ready for an attack. Something moved separating them all. Luna crashed into Luca. Both blushed eyes wide. She punched him before backing away arms crossed looking furious. He rubbed his cheek startled. Luna got to her feet walking away. Jinla prowled after her quietly. Luca followed rubbing his cheek. "Human"someone yelled. A Sandre werewolf left a claw mark on Luca's cheek knocking him down. "Leave him alone"Luna yelled. He backed off from Luca glaring at her. "Slate leave him alone"Luna shrieked, shoving him away. Slate snarled at her alarmed. "Are you okay"Luna asked, pressing her cheek to his. "Traitor"Slate snarled. He knocked Luna off Luca choking her. "Slate that's enough"an older werewolf snarled. Luna coughed leaning on Luca. "Boulder"Slate stared. "I will not have you harming humans who we don't know"Boulder snarled. "Can you run"Luca muttered. "My ankle hurtd"Luna whispered. Luca placed an arm around her waist as the two werewolves argued. Luna placed an arm around his neck. "Hey come back here"Slate yelled. "Their gaining"Luna gasped. Jinla's roar startled them. The jaglion appeared in a whirlwind of teeth and claws. She ran after them leaving Slate clawed up. Luca helped Luna duck under a log running. "Guys"Millie waved, running over. Julica hurried over with Crow and Ash their spirit animals in passive. "I found the item"Ash nodded, holding up a ruby tear dropped necklace. "Run"Luca ordered. Jukilo waved his arms attracting their attention. "Luca"Luna yelled. Slate rammed into them knocking them into a bit. Luca scrambled over to her helping her sit up. "No, no, no hang in there"Luca stared. "Too bad you ran"Boulder sighed. "You gonna kill me"Luca yelled. "Oh no! We won't"Slate gasped. "She will"Boulder snarled, shooting Luna with a deadly nightshade berry. Luna gasped sinking her nails into the ground. Her eyes bursted open wildly. She savagely growled at Luca. He turned running towards the south edge of the pit. He threw a log at Luna watching her shred the log apart. She cornered him snarling. "Why her"Luca stared, sadly. Luna came closer to him glaring. She snapped her jaw down on Luca's throat.

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