|Four Saint Beasts 6|

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      The four of us run up multiple flights of stairs only for there to be more cultivated humans coming our way. Hiei and I slash at them first then Kurama and Kuwabara. We stop at the next case of stairs in front of us that even more come out like cockroaches.

       "This blows! By the time we get through all these weirdos, we'll be too tired to help Urameshi!" Kuwabara exclaims and I sigh, trying to think of how to go through them more quickly.

      "Tired hands are better than none," Kurama tells Kuwabara and Hiei steps forward.

      "Do what you like. I'm not stopping." Hiei mentions and instantly starts hacking down the cultivated. Kurama and I follow right after him. I bring my scythe down on multiple cultivated humans, cutting them in half, and continue going forward.

      "Wait up you guys!" Kuwabara exclaims behind us.

      "Meyome couldn't you use your voice techniques!"

      "Sadly, no, Kurama! I've tried it once back then!" I answer, Hiei looks at me weirdly as I strike down three more cultivated humans.

      "And I thought you had more taste, Meyome." Hiei comments, giving me a sly look and I deadpan.

      "Ha, ha, very funny."


      We continue running up the stairs that lead us to an open spiral staircase that big webs hold in place.

      "There aren't that many stairs left!" I exclaim happily but we all instantly stop when Suzaku's thunder shakes the walls once again.

      "The biggest eruption by far. Suzaku is getting desperate!" Kurama mentions and my anxiety spikes.

      "That attack surely killed one of them." Hiei comments and a bead of sweat go down my cheek.

      It's likely.... No, I have faith Yusuke will make it.

      "Let's assume for now Yusuke is not dead. We should-." Thunder interrupts me again and shakes the whole tower. Kurama grabs my hand and pulls me next to him as the stairs in front of us crumble. The rest of the stairs crumble away from the tower walls except for the section we were on.

      "Now what are we going to do?" Kuwabara asks helplessly and the roof shakes the debris to fall. Our section of the stairs starts to shake. I look up to see the slab to the doorway intact.

      "Hiei, the stone slab above!"

      "I'm way ahead of you," Hiei answers me, throwing his sword towards the slab. It embeds itself in the center of the stone. Kurama lets go of my hand and grab a small vine from his hair. It instantly grows in his hand and instantly snaps it towards Hiei's sword, wrapping itself around the blade.

      "Needles to say hold on tight," Kurama mentions and starts climbing up the vine. Hiei grabs the vine and we see Kurama make it to the top, he starts climbing up.

      "Uh, are you sure it'll hold me up?"

      "It will Kuwabara, just don't look down," I reassure him, he nods and reaches for the vine once Hiei reaches the top. Clumsily, Kuwabara gets on the vine and starts climbing. I grab onto the vine and wait for Kuwabara to get to the top but the stairs begin to shake under my feet.

      "Meyome!" Kurama exclaims as the stairs erode even more under me. Sweat goes down my neck when I notice Kuwabara is only halfway up.

      "Screw it!" I jump onto the vine instantly making it sway and Kuwabara starts freaking out at the sudden movement. I look up to see Kuwabara's panicked face and Kurama's relieved expression.

      "Meyome, did you have to do that!"

      "Kuwabara, did you want me to fall?" I mention, my tone being matter-of-fact and he freezes up.

      "I guess not."

      "Okay then keep climbing," I said and he tugs himself up a few times, pulling himself up to the stone slab. I pull myself up and up the vine, in a few pulls, I make it to the stone slab. Kurama extends his hand to me, I reach for his hand and grab hold of it tightly. I pull myself up with his help and my feet thankfully meet something solid again.

      "Past this doorway and down the small corridor we should reach Suzaku's chamber."

      "Let us not waste any more time then," Kurama said, taking in my information and we start running once more. We push ourselves to be even quicker when we hear Yusuke's screaming and Suzaku's rambling. I sense Yusuke's spirit energy intensifies suddenly.

      Oh no, he's using his life energy!

      We run through the doorway to see Yusuke's spirit energy splinter into multiple blasts against Sizaku's arrows.

      "Uramsehi!" Kuwabara reaches out and the clashing energies suddenly cause a big explosion. The walls of the chamber crumble away to dust. The whistle shatters to pieces and both fighters fall to the floor. The dust clears from the explosion the flames and rubble surround us.

      "Come on you guys!" Kuwabara exclaims and takes off as the three of us follow him to where Yusuke is. Past some ruble, Yusuke lies on the ground but he doesn't move at all. We approach him and I kneel, putting my hand over his chest to heal him but I don't sense his energy along with his heart beating slowly.

      "Wake up, Urameshi! Let's go home!" Kuwabara exclaims but I shake my head and look at him.

      "I'm sorry, Kuwabara, but he's used all of his energy even his heart is slowly stopping," I tell Kuwabara and he suddenly kneels across from me putting both of his hands over Yusuke's heart.

      "Then I'll give him some of my own!"

      "That wouldn't be very wise. Your body is still badly injured from Byakko, any more strain on it could kill you." Kurama interjects as I step away from Yusuke's body and join Kurama and Hiei on the sidelines.

      "Me and Urameshi jumped into this together and we're both going to come out alive or we're not at all!" Kuwabara exclaims and a smile paints itself on my lips.

      "I think he'll be fine," I mention to Kurama as Kuwabara starts transferring some of his life energy to Yusuke's body. A soft white aura surrounds both of them that makes this whole action so pure.

      "Well, I suppose now we'll have to return to Living World carrying both of them on our backs."

      "Like I said, babysitting." Hiei translates Kurama's comment and he turns to look at us.

      "Here's what I don't understand, why would he bother saving her if he died in the process?"

      "Trust me, Hiei, there are reasons," Kurama answers, but he scoffs.

      "Ha, maybe for a person who's lived there, but I'd never do it. The challenge is enough without taking someone else's slack." Hiei mentions and I notice Kuwabara's energy stops flowing into Yusuke. He falls over Yusuke's midsection and sounds asleep as if he were at home in Living World. I walk over to the knocked-out teenagers and gently pick up Kuwanara's upper body.

      "You say that Hiei, but instead of laying your life down for someone," I said. I hook my arms under Kuwabara's shoulders and lift him to his feet. Kurama walks over to me and has his back to me as he leans down a bit. I drag Kuwabara closer and place his upper body on Kurama's back.

      "You'd kill for the person closest to you. Just like you were willing to do when you ran into both of us for your sister." I continued and Hiei stays quiet but I can tell he instantly becomes flustered.

      "That has nothing-."

      "It has a lot to do with this situation~." I cut off Hiei and Kurama crouches down, hooking his arms under Kuwabara. He stands up tall and gives me a simple nod that he can handle him. I move to Yusuke's side and crouch down to lift him.

      "Perhaps the part when you ambushed me and a classmate, questioning me where Yukina was?" Kurama chimes in with a teasing tone. I can't help but smirk as I go under Yusuke's upper body. Pulling him up a bit more onto me, I stand up halfway and hook my arms under his knees. Fully standing up, I look at my two friends.

      "I guess we're set to go home."


      "Koenma, Yusuke, and Kuwabara are safely resting in the human world and I have taken the liberty of healing Botan physically," I report to the toddler ruler as he nods and stamps three papers at his desk.

      "And as promised your records as now officially cleared but Hiei will be confined to the city," Koenma informs us. Hiei just huffs as Kurama and I bow.

      "Thank you, Koenma, we shall take our leave," Kurama says with a soft smile and the three of us start walking towards the door.

      "Meyome, could you stay for a moment." I stop walking as Hiei and Kurama leave the room and Koenma walks over to me.

      "There is something I must say to you."

      "And that would be?" I question, crossing my arms and waiting for Koenma to tell me whatever is on his mind.

      "I read the report when your mother passed a few years ago in the fire. Why did you lie to law enforcement if Sharo was the one who killed her." Koenma asks and I sigh looking away from him to focus my gaze on the floor.

      "For one, you have confirmed my suspicion of my mother's family being involved with Spirit world affairs. Is that right?"

      "Yes. Your mother and Aunt specifically were Spirit detectives before Yusuke."

      "Thank you. As for your question, I lied because I knew a human prison would not be enough to stop a man like Sharo from killing anyone else." I tear my gaze from the floor to look at Koenma.

      "I've tried to track him down multiple times and I'm aware Spirit World is struggling to find him as well. He's like a ghost that constantly torments me to no end. I plan to get rid of him myself. " I continued and Koenma only nods when he felt my cold words leave my lips.

      "I can't stop you but all that I ask is that you don't kill anyone else," Koenma mentions to me and I only nod, walking towards the door.


      "Put the pot over here, Meyome." Shizuru, Kuwabara's older sister tells me when I step into her home. I follow her into the kitchen and put the pot over the stove.

      "I hope you don't mind that I brought my siblings over," I tell her and she shrugs.

      "Nah, you're good. Plus you brought food so that cover you." Shizuru jokes with a smile and I nod. I look over to the kitchen entrance and Botan walks through the drapes with a big smile.

      "Meyome, it's good to see you! Yusuke has started yelling."

      "All that's left is for him to start kicking." I joke and she chuckles as we both leave the kitchen. Ayame and Hiroshi stand up from the floor. Keiko stands up from the couch and goes towards Kuwabara's room and we follow. We stop and Botan opens the door with a big smile

      "I recognize that yell anywhere. What's up, Yusuke!" Botan greets the boy who looks confused at us as we step into the room.

      "Botan, Keiko, Ayame, and Hiroshi?" Yusuke questions when suddenly Kurama and Kuwabara start laughing. Yusuke glares at them.

      "He, he, oh my gosh, that was so great!"

      "Ha ha, sorry, Yusuke, he insisted." Kuwabara and Kurama laugh even harder which causes Yusuke to get angry. All of us look at them confused.

      "Meyome, what's so funny?"

      "I'm guessing a prank, Ayame," I tell my sister when Yusuke puts Kuwabara in a chokehold. Kurama instantly gasps, trying to pull Kuwabara away from the mad boy and all of us laugh at the scene in front of us.

      At least he's alive and still the same as ever. 

Hey, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I hope you have a good day!

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