|The Beginning|

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"Hey, Yusuke!"

"Koenma!" I yell, holding myself back from punching the jerk in front of me.

"I got a case for you! Four thieves have stolen the artifacts of darkness from my father's vault! And escaped to the Living World!"

"Can't you see I'm busy with this asshole here-!" I instantly cover my mouth in shock at what I just said.

"Don't worry about him Yusuke! He can't see or hear us!"

"Well anyway, can't you call back later!"

"Stupid! This is much more important! If these stolen artifacts are used to their potential then the whole Living World will be in chaos!"

"I'm not going anywhere until I clear up my own, okay!"

"Well, there's your culprit right there! Take out your psychic spyglass and look into his left pocket!" I take my spyglass out of my pocket, looking exactly where Koenma told me to see a bunch of 'stolen' stuff my jerk classmates.

"Now hurry up and do your thing!" I instantly go towards the asshole teacher's pocket and he tries to keep me out of it but I pull out the dragon pen I heard about.

"An explanation, Mr. Iwamoto!"

"Well come on, Mr. Takanaka! Isn't it obvious! This master thief must have slipped it into my pocket! I'm so mad about it that I can't stand to look at him!"

"Hold on-! Mr. Iwamoto!" Mr. Takanaka goes after the real thief into the hallway and I follow to see them walking further down.

"He tried to set me up!"

"Yes! You're freed from the charge so go to work!"


"Koenma sir! We've got data on the criminals!"

"Good, show me at once!" I demand and on the screen, I see a redheaded boy first.

"His name is Kurama and that's all we know. Somehow he has avoided all of our files." The informant tells me and shows the other intruder with spiked hair.

"Hiei is also a mystery. No criminal record, origin unknown, informants consider him very cut-throat- definitely a loner." The oger tells me and shows a muscular fellow with short brown hair.

"Here we have Goki who we have info on. Twelve previous convictions killed his last ten pursues. Murder seems to be his hobby." I'm told and the last picture is of a girl with black hair, bangs towards the left nicely going downwards diagonally that covers her left eye a bit and blue eyes in a girl's uniform- similar color to Kurama's male one.

"It can't be!"

"Sadly sir, her name is Meyome and that's all we know besides who her parents are. This is a rough bunch, sir."

"I expected as much."


"Oh yes, this is perfect!" Hiei jumps around a bit before hitting a tree to see a small gargoyle appear. He lands on the floor proudly showing the sword we stole.

"If the sword can make demons from trees imagine what it will do to humans. I say we should go to the next big city and carve out a thousand of them! Imagine raising a whole demon army!"

"I like the way you think, Hiei, if we teach them how to eat souls I know how to feed them. The Orb of Bast!" Goki laughs in agreement and I look at Kurama to see him still thinking before I look back at the two demons.

"And once the moon is full we can use Kurama's weapon supposedly to gain control, isn't that right?" Hiei turns his attention towards me and Kurama, we instantly step forward with disinterest.

"Sorry, we'll be withdrawing from this alliance."

"Huh! Surely you're not dropping out of the game this far."

"Yes, we are."

"You cowards! The years of hiding yourselves in this human world made you both just like them! Spineless and ready to be walked on!" Hiei argues with Kurama and Goki just shrugs off the situation.

"I don't give a flip if they leave but they got no right to the loot- give us the mirror."

"We can't since we need it first, Goki!"

"Then I'll punch it out you!" Yells at me and Kurama, coming towards us quickly while I get ready to counter-attack.

"Howdy neighbors!" We all instantly look to the side to see a junior high kid in a green school uniform with a cocky grin.

"I couldn't help but notice there's no rain falling here, maybe the next time you go stealing some magic toys you should hide where it's not sunny." The boy claims and I feel the tension rise even more with the boy here.

"Who are you? And how do you know about the artifacts?"

"Oh thank you! I hoped you'd ask! Hello boys and girl my name is Yusuke and I'm a Spirit Detective."

"Don't worry, he's just another one of Koenma's fools. He must have been the only human they could round up, his spirit energy is pathetic." Hiei insulted instantly, Kurama and I walk away from the situation.

"Hey! Where are you two going!"

"Sorry, we don't have time to get arrested! Maybe another time!" I call out to the boy and head somewhere away from that location, feeling the rain instantly fall on us.

"Meyome, you should-."

"It's fine." I cut Kurama off and I grab a Japanese maple from the ground, making it grow large enough to cover both of us.

"But I can't have you catching a cold," I tell Kurama with a small smile, and he looks at me a bit surprised before looking forward.

"Thank you."


"Meyome! A boy is waiting for you outside!"

"Thanks for telling me!" I exclaim to one of my coworkers and I close my locker, heading towards the back.

Let's hope he doesn't attack.

I open the door to see the Spirit Detective looking rather bored.

"Nice to see you again, Detective, didn't think you'd show up."

"I gotta accept the criminal's invitation- who knows it could be fun." He asks and I simply nod.

"I asked you to come since I do want to tell you something important."

"Forlorn Hope?"

"It involves the mirror but I'm talking about Kurama," I tell Yusuke and right away his gaze becomes a bit soft with a mixture of warmth.

"Kurama just needs someone to listen to his sorrows before he uses the Forlorn Hope. That's all I ask since you seem like the understanding type- to an extent." I plead with my heart heavy, knowing I'm at the limit where Kurama lets me help him.

"Why? Are you not his girlfriend or something?"

"I'm a dear friend of his and I think he wants someone from the outside to understand. I hope it's not too much to ask from you." I explained to him and he was surprised.

"Meyome, how do you feel about Kurama using the Forlorn Hope? I mean you seem sad about it." Yusuke said, his words hitting me out of nowhere with such concern it scared me for a second but I compose myself.

"I'm scared for my dear friend but I have to respect his decision and take care of the aftermath as I promised him," I told Yusuke, walking away from him with my grief starting to surface from his words.

"When we meet again please act like you only know my name. See you tomorrow."

***Next Day***

"Sorry, we're late!" I exclaim, entering a hospital room with my brother and sister to see Kurama's mom turn her attention towards us.

"Aunt Shiori! It's good to see you!" The twins exclaim and right away at the women's side which puts a smile on my face. I walk over and help her sit up slowly so she won't get dizzy.

"It's nice to see you, Ayame, Hiroshi. How was school?"

"It was great, Aunt Shiori! And today is better because we get to see you!" Ayame exclaims excitedly with Shiori smiling and attentively listening to Ayame and Hiroshi talk about their day with her.

"I even brought Meyome's photo album so you can tell us the stories behind them, Aunt Shiori!" Hiroshi exclaims and the door to the room opens to reveal Yusuke and Kurama.

"It's been such a long time since you've brought a new friend with you."

"Mother! You shouldn't sit up." I step back to give Kurama space to be by her side. I notice Ayame and Hiroshi look at Yusuke in curiosity.

"Are these your kids or something?" I turn my attention to Yusuke and shake my head with a small smile while my siblings laugh. I look at Kurama who walks towards the door with a somber look.

"I'll explain, excuse us, Mother. Meyome will stay here with you, is that alright?"

"Of course, Meyome can help me tell stories about the photos, right?"

"Yeah," I agree, smiling at Kurama trying my best to keep up my happy facade.


"What about this one? Meyome running from Uncle Shuichi with a hose and frosting on his face."

"We were celebrating your birthday, Ayame, Hiroshi. And Meyome decided to smack Shuichi's slice of cake in his face which he instantly tried to get her back but he couldn't get her, so he opted for the hose when they ran out of the house." Shiori tells them while they laugh and notice that Shiori is starting to sway a bit.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"M-Meyome, I feel faint..." Shiori mumbles and I quickly help her lie down and notice how pale she's gotten.

"Ayame, Hiroshi, go wait outside."

"Will Aunt Shiori be okay?"

"She will just please wait outside and tell a nurse to come in quick," I instruct my sister and quickly grab Shiori's hand to let her know I'm here, hearing my siblings quickly leave the room.


"I'm right here, Shiori, the doctor will be here soon to help." I soothe Shiori from her worry with the doctor and nurses barging in with machines right away.

"We'll take it from here, please wait outside!" I instantly listen to the doctor and when I just step outside more nurses go in with other supplies. I instantly walked over to Ayame and Hiroshi, they hugged my waist with me patting their heads.

"She'll be okay, right?"

"She will, Ayame. Shiori just has to get through this and we'll be able to be with her." I explain softly, Kurama and Yusuke run down the hallway as the doctor steps out of the room with a somber look.

"Doctor, how is my mother?"

"She's fallen into the critical stage. To be perfectly honest your mother is about to die."

"How long?"

"Probably tonight, we'll do what we can, Shuichi, I'm sorry." The doctor answers Kurama's questions truthfully and he looks at me, I nod hesitantly.

"Just go, we'll wait here."

"Right." That is all that Kurama says before rushing to the upper levels with Yusuke glancing at me with concerned eyes before following Kurama.

Don't pity me. I-I can handle it.

I kneel to Ayame and Hiroshi's height, wiping away the tears in their hopeless eyes.

"Shiori will pull through, we just have to be strong. And once she's better she can tell you both all the stories behind each photo in the album."

"Will she really, Meyome? The doctor said she will die!"

"Anything can h-happen, Hiroshi. Please just trust me." I tell them, pulling into my arms as they hold on to me and I feel a strong surge of energy rattle my whole body like an earthquake. I pull them closer to me, knowing the pain that is to come soon after. The minutes that passed felt like hours, each one weighing on my shoulders and my emotions on a wild roller coaster to the surface, to be expressed physically until a nurse steps out of the room.

"It's a miracle!" The nurse calls out, looking at me with joy.

"Ms. Minamino pulled through, Hamiru! She pulled through! Her health even improved!" She exclaims, I instantly stand up with a fake surprised look.

H-He's gone...

"R-Really!" The twins exclaim and the nurse quickly lets us in the room to see one of the doctors putting the devices on a cart while I go to Shiori's side.

"Shiori, it's me, Meyome. You made it!"

"I did..." Shiori mumbles while Ayame and Hiroshi out their hands on top of hers while I try to hold back tears of my own.

"Meyome, where's Shuichi?"

Please, not that.


"I'm right here, Mother." I instantly turn around to see Kurama approach Shiori, the twins allow him to hold her hand and It instantly hits me. I quickly walk out of the room and head towards the roof hoping I get to see the detective.

I can still feel his spirit energy!

"Detective!" I call out once I open the door to see Yusuke and a girl with blue hair in a pink Kimono standing next to him. I walk over to them and bow with a small smile on my face.

"Thank you for what you did, Yusuke, it means a lot to me. And thank you to your assistant as well." I say my thanks to both of them and the assistant grabs my hands with a big smile.

"Oh aren't you a dear! Watching you save Kuwabara from school punks to being a strong woman taking care of Kurama's mother! I hope both of you end up together!" The assistant exclaims and I look at her a bit surprised while Yusuke shoves her away.

"Hey! I was admiring her!"

"Don't mind Botan, Meyome, you should go focus on Kurama and take care of your siblings," Yusuke says as I turn around to see Kurama and I just smile at him.

"Of course, Yusuke. Thank you again, Botan, Yusuke."

***Next Day***

We run through the port with the moon high in the sky and our feet briefly touching the ground is all that's heard. We continue to run until I stop in front of a warehouse with a certain demon's scent suddenly becomes stronger.

"That scent is unmistakable. Hiei must be desperate to take that form!"

"Then let's hope we're not too late, Kurama!" I exclaimed, running towards the warehouse with great urgency. Kurama quickly picks at a door's lock and we quickly get in, hiding behind some boxes.

"This isn't good. Botan is preventing the girl over there from turning into a demon, she won't hold out much longer."

"We'll run in there right before Hiei strikes Yusuke with his sword."

"Got it," I whispered back and saw Hiei start to run towards a chained down Yusuke, so do we to stop such fate.

"Kurama!" Yusuke and I exclaim to see him in front of the detective with a sword through his stomach.

"You really have gone insane!"

"Meyome, go help the girl!" Kurama calls out before splattering his blood and I quickly run over to Botan.

"Meyome, what are you-?"

"Not now, Botan, please let me take over."

"Right!" Botan instantly takes her hand away from the girl's forehead and I instantly put both hands over the eye, having my hands and her body be covered in a soft blue glow.

"H-How? Won't you strain yourself?"

"I won't strain myself so don't worry about me," I explain to Botan and Kurama comes over trying to see how he can help.

"How can I-."

"I have it under control, Kurama. Just try to heal your wounds, please." I told him and hesitantly leaned against one of the crates to heal his wound.

"Botan what's going on with Yusuke right now?"

"Uh- he just reflected his Spirit gun with the Forlorn Hope to hit Hiei! Amazing, I didn't know that!" Botan exclaims happily and I glance at Yusuke to see his opponent fall to the floor.

"Yusuke, bring the sword quickly!"

"Right!" I hear Yusuke respond and I gesture Botan to come closer.

"Do you know how to access the antidote of the Shadow Sword?"

"Sadly I don't, what do you need me to do?"

"Make sure the girl is okay after we give her the antidote since I have to heal Kurama afterward." Botan nods in agreement to my words as Yusuke runs over.

"Okay, how do we give the antidote to Keiko?"

"I advise you to give the blade to, Meyome, you could turn yourself into a demon if you're not careful."

"Wait, I could turn into a demon just by getting a small cut? That's lame." Yusuke comments to Kurama and I take the blade out of his hands. I glance at Keiko to see her demon eyes haven't opened. Keeping one hand on the hilt, I put my thumb and pointer finger on each side of the blade right above the hilt. I press both sides carefully for it to sink in and separate the hilt by twisting it towards the right, setting the blade aside with ease.

"Here, four drops of it in her mouth should do the trick."

"Thanks, Meyome." Yusuke instantly gives Keiko the dose I recommended while I go over to Kurama to heal him but shakes his head but I just adjust my energy's wavelength to his and heal him.

"I'm not letting you go like-."

"Thank you guys for all the help. How are you feeling, Kurama?"

"Good, I guess- I avoided the organs at least," Kurama answers Yusuke's question I have a lingering question for the boy.

"Yusuke, how did you know that spirit energy can be reflected on mirrors?"

"About ten minutes ago."

"What!" Botan and I exclaim once Yusuke answers my question out of sheer shock that he just risked everything on something he wasn't sure of.

"Hiei was way too fast I knew he'd dodge the spirit gun unless I hit him from behind, that's when I spotted the Forlorn hope in the corner- I thought I would give it a try."

"Wait- you weren't certain?"

"They bounced light from a mirror and thought they might be the same."

"Might! Risked our lives on a might!" Botan yelled at Yusuke out of outrage once he answered Kurama's question. Both of us can't help but laugh at this lucky fool.

"All the while we've been thinking you were a brilliant strategist when really you're just a lucky fool."

"You're even more clueless than we thought."

"Hey! Watch it, Fox Boy! You too, Fox Girl! What does that word even mean!"

"A strategist is someone who uses his brain." I laugh along with Kurama with Yusuke annoyed with us.

Heyo! I hope you liked this chapter!~ Grizzly Girl

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