Chapter V

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Chapter 5


Sun blinded Juan as the bronze bell rung.

He snaked up a hand to his cheek and felt the bloodred claw marks of Requiem on it.

"Requiem? Are you awake?" Juan whispered.

'Spirits cannot sleep, Juan. We wander.'

"So, I take that as a yes?"


Juan swung his legs over the bunk, earning a groan from underneath him.

"Oi, mate, we still got ten minutes until the blasted gong rings."

"I'd really rather get up now and not get chewed out for being late again."

"That really fine, Juan, just lemme sleep instead of tramping around the tent, o'right?"

"Goliath giving you sensitive ears again?" Juan whispered as he began to stealthily climb down the ladder.

"Crikey! Yes mate, not so loud!"

Juan smiled and touched down on the floor, trying his best to remain on the pelts strewn over the floor. Goliath was a brown dragon, the keeper of the earth itself. At times, he extended his ability to feel the earth to his Marked, Damian. This meant that Damian would be able to hear anything moving within a good thirty foot radius, but it also meant that his hearing in general would become oversensitive.

Juan knew almost exactly how Damian felt. The first few weeks since he arrived at base, he had woken up with singed sheets and ashes as a pillow. His anxiety didn't make anything better. In fact, as Juan found, the more heightened his emotions, the more the temperature increased around him. As if he was an embodiment of flame itself.

Juan slipped on fresh garments and began to seek out his training wear.

Just as he was about to begin buckling up the straps around his middle, he heard a dull thump as Damian finally got to his feet.

"It's like a hangover, but fifty times worse." He muttered as he rubbed his eyes.

"How would you know what a hangover was like, Dame?" Juan poked.

Damian lowered his hands, eyes red.

"I wouldn't share with a newbie. Secrets are for the older ones." Damian grinned.

"Aw, Dame, I'm just thirteen, spill, will you? You've barely hit fifteen and you claim to be so much older than me!" Juan laughed as he fastened his belt.

"Cuz' I am, pipsqueak! By two years!"

"Just two measly years?"

"S' better than one."

"Sure Dame, sure."

Juan reached for the quarterstaff near his equipment stand. It lay between a crossbow and a short sparring sword.

"The quart again Juan? C'mon! You need to use real weapons!"

Damian stood next to Juan and reached for the sword.

"Something like this bad boy!" Damian said as he began to swing the sword around lightly, his amber eyes glittering with challenge.

Juan smiled at Damian for a little longer, shaking his head before slipping on a pair of deerskin moccasins. Juan felt the weight of the staff in his hand. It was his own, one of the few possessions he had been allowed to bring with him on the weeklong trip from Kamna. He was right on the border of Jina, a few hundred yards towards the western edge of the base and he would be in Evtyre.

Of course, negotiations had to be made, and little to no contact was allowed between the countries. Save for times when all of the Marked came together for a rest hour. Lunch and the sort.

Juan pulled back the flap of the tent, allowing the sunlight to enter the room. Boys from all over the camp were in small clusters, some sparring with others, some huddled around a small bonfire, indulging on rabbit stew.

The moment Juan stepped out of the tent, he heard catcalls and shouting from the center of the clearing.

Another fight.

Juan ran towards the area, pushing his way through the largely accumulating crowd. Finally, he could see the two competitors.

One of the boys was Clayton, the oldest boy in the camp. Juan had learned rather quickly to stay out of his way, he still had bruises that needed to heal. Next to Clayton was Hestaphus, a lightly built grey dragon spirit. The duo could have been no better matched, Hestaphus was known by Requiem to have possessed a rather challenging persona, and Clayton was known as a brawler. Together, they could create havoc.

Juan observed the other challenger. He was crouched in a low stance, ready to deflect a blow as it seemed. To Juan's interest, the newcomer bore no mark. The boy was well built, but slim, and it seemed that he was scoping out the situation. His lip was already cut, and his blonde hair was ruffled in a crazy way. Despite the way he was placed in the fight, the boy looked very confident in his stance, shoulders back, bent in a way that could have been subtle pride.

Clayton charged the boy, who could be no older than Juan, snatching him by the arm.

The effect was instantaneous.

The boy's head snapped back, and he went rigid.

Clayton was electrocuting him.

The boy dropped to his knees, his arm still being held by Clayton, who was towering over him.

Juan spied the smaller boy ball his free hand into a fist.

'He wouldn't...'

It was so fast, Juan almost didn't see it.

The boy lashed out and upwards, the one place Clayton wasn't expecting.

Clayton released his grip and stumbled back, electricity sparking through his scale mail.

The boy stood, slowly, electricity still crackling, and pointed his index finger at Clayton.

Roots sprung from the earth, curling about Clayton's legs, securing him to the earth.

It was then that Juan finally saw it.

A green dragon curled around the boy's torso, eyes glittering with intelligence.

Hestaphus stepped forward, as if to challenge this new opponent.

The green dragon made no move, only staring at the grey dragon with narrow spite.

The boy now stepped forward, towards the restrained giant. After punching Clayton twice, he clicked his fingers and the roots released.

The boy wiped his mouth, only smearing red across his face.

"Round two?"

Clayton snarled,

"You arrogant, puffed up prick!"

"That doesn't answer me. Round two?"

A voice shouted next to Juan,

"What's the matter Clayton? Scared that you'll be beaten again? Scared of being overshadowed by a first year?"

Clayton went rigid, turning towards Juan and the person who had spoken.

"Who said that?" He growled.



The boys around Juan shifted and murmured to the others. No one wanted to be in Clayton's way. Whomever had challenged him like that had been a fool.

The young boy without the mark crossed his arms and spoke with utter conviction.

"They're not important, Clayton. This challenge is. Last chance. Round two? Or do you give?"

Clayton swerved to the boy.

"I don't back down from a challenge, especially one against a puny brat like you!"

"Very well then," the boy shrugged, "Take your position."

"One rule," Clayton continued, grinning wickedly, "No extra help. This is between you and me, pipsqueak."

The boy shrugged, nonchalant. Didn't he know what he was getting himself into?

Juan's head spun as he watched the opponents set up in the center of the circle of boys.

One tall third year stood between the two, white dragon nearby.

"Boreas will make sure that neither of your spirits get out of line. A rule is a rule, not meant to be broken." Finally, the boy whistled between his two fingers.

The match started.

Dust was kicked into the air as both sides collided. Clayton had the boy in a headlock, but the boy was already reaching down to Clayton's knees, ready to flip him.

'He couldn't...'

One moment later, Clayton was sprawled on his back, the boy standing triumphantly with a foot on Clayton's chest.

The boy wound up and finally haymakered Clayton right in the jaw, knocking him out cold.

The voice who shouted out earlier challenging Clayton jeered and whooped, finally exiting the crowd.

Juan didn't know him as well as others, the kid had just arrived a few days earlier.

"Pay Up Edward strikes again! Did'ya miss me?"

The boy in the ring, Edward smiled and ran towards the orange haired boy who had just spoken.

"Robert! I wondered where you were yesterday!"

"I had a talent I guess..."

"You guess?"

Juan shook his head, starting to step away.

The bell began to ring again.

'Not going to be late again!'

'Well you had better start moving Juan.' Requiem laughed as she appeared from Juan's marks.

Juan didn't need to be told twice. He started off at a faster clip than the rest of the boys, staff strapped on his back, heading for the center of camp.

He was ready for training.

He really needed it.

It was then that he noticed the new boy, Edward was trotting at the same clip. Juan began to observe the boy more.

No marks, no indication of a Marked. Yet, he had a Spirit.

How was that possible?

Juan began to stride ahead, but Edward pushed forward, almost evening their leads.

"Why are you running away from me? I just want to talk!"

Edward spoke effortlessly, as if running had no impact on his annunciation.

"What do you want to talk about?" Juan puffed, "We're gonna be late as it is!" Juan began to sprint, leaving Edward behind.

Juan heard the sound of swishing grass behind him and Edward began to pass him, his feet seeming to skim the grass, as if he wasn't really making strides.

'A Green Spirit.' Said Requiem with slight amazement, 'Druids of the forest.'

This section is still in progress!  I'll see you in the next story!

Keep Rockin'


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