Chapter 13: Tell Me Who They Are!

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Gabriel Agreste was staring out the window when I entered the secret room, as if surveying the city. Flashes of eerie lightning lit the sky, followed by thunderous booms that shook the ground. He turned to me, his face a mask of concern.

"Another akuma created by Ladybug and Chat Noir." He said, "I fear my beloved Paris will not be able to last much longer. " The room shook again. "How goes your investigation, Agent [Y/L/N]? Have you uncovered their secret identities?"

I nodded.

"I have." I answered and watched the surprise briefly cross his face.

"Really?" He asked condescendingly, looking back towards the window. "And were you planning on divulging this information any time soon?"I hesitated. 

This was the moment, when I could either be horribly wrong, or I would incur the wrath of someone very dangerous.

"No." I said.The sound seemed to echo throughout the giant room.

 Gabriel Agreste turned slowly to face me.

 "No?" He repeated, and I resisted the urge to take a step backwards at the ominous tone in his voice. "You were hired to do one simple thing, Agent [Y/L/N]. Uncover the secret identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir. If you have learned who they really are, why won't you tell me?"

"I accepted the mission because I was under the impression they were the ones behind the attacks in Paris." I countered. "But that's not true, is it Hawkmoth?"Gabriel flinched slightly at the sound of the name; that was enough of a confirmation for me.

 "You're mistaken, Agent [Y/L/N]" Gabriel replied calmly. "I am merely a humble billionaire who occasionally helps Hawkmoth with funding to keep this city upright."

"No, I'm not." I reply, cutting him off before he could say anything else. "Using a decoy was clever, I'll give you that, except you were practically in charge the whole time. You can't help but take control, that's just your nature, and that's why you would never assist anyone because you prefer to be the boss. It also means you'd need someone subservient you could control to play the decoy, since you don't trust anyone, it's most likely your assistant Natalie played the fake since she knew my identity as Agent Sphinx." 

Gabriel Agreste was quiet for a second, then he chuckled quietly. It was not a pleasant sound.

"Brava, Agent [Y/L/N] I underestimated your intelligence. Perhaps this is a conversation best continued in our superior alter egos?"He whipped away his red ascot, revealing a purple butterfly pin. "Darkwings, form!" He commanded, throwing his arms wide. I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. Well, when in Rome...

"Guardian of the Gate! Awake!" I returned, as I changed into my Sphinx form. Hawkmoth's red and white outfit was replaced with a suit of purple and a facemask as my wings sprouted from my shoulders and fur covered my body. He twirled his cane and bowed with a flourish.

"Hawkmoth at your service, Agent Sphinx." He said, looking like he was enjoying himself. 

"Yeah, thanks, I got that. Now hold out your hands," I demanded, pulling a bracelet off my wrist. With a push of a button two links separated, becoming handcuffs. "By the authority of C.L.A.W. and the allegiance of Superheroes, your are under arrest for terrorizing the City of Paris." Hawkmoth frowns, looking vexed and irritated. 

"What is the meaning of this?"

"My mission was to stop whoever was causing the akuma attacks on Paris," I explain. "By arresting you, I am doing just that. Now put up your hands." Hawkmoth glares, then abruptly turns and paces back and forth for a second with the contained anger of a caged tiger. Another rumble of thunder shakes the room but we barely notice it. 

"I told you I lost my wife, didn't I, Agent Sphinx?" He looks at me for confirmation and I nod. "What if I told you that Ladybug and Chat Noir hold the key to bringing her back with their Miraculouses?"

"I'd say I don't believe you and you're still under arrest." I retort. Hawkmoth slams his stick on the ground in frustration. "You think I'm the villain here? Those two have the power over life and death in their hands and yet they waste their time dealing with trivial things like...saving cats from trees and helping old ladies cross the street. I tried to lure them into the open by creating...situations that would catch their attention but they continue to defeat every akuma I've sent after them."

"Yeah, they're good at their job." I agree. "I'm guessing they didn't really steal anything either and you're not the Parisan Emissary for Superheroes."

"It was a necessary fallacy," Hawmoth said with a dismissive wave. "Besides, if those two gave up their Miraculous, I wouldn't require all these extravagant plans, therefore it really is their fault they City is still under attack!"

"Those attempts of yours are putting people in danger! They're in danger right now you crazy fruitcake!" I snap, gesturing toward the window and the storm outside. 

"Please," says Hawkmoth callously, "Ladybug's Lucky Charm takes care of the damage."

"For how long?" I practically scream at him. "One day an akuma is going to throw a car and someone is going to get killed. Can you honestly condone the loss of someone's life if Ladybug's charm won't bring them back?"

"Yes, I would, a hundred times if necessary," Hawkmoth says righteously. "I would burn Paris to the ground if there was a chance it would bring my wife back and neither you, or your agency could stop me."

I flex my wings and drop into a crouch.

"Wanna bet?" I snarl, leaping forward with claws extended.Hawkmoth dodges to the side easily, unsheathing the blade in his cane.

"Please," He smirks, as the rapier-like sword slices my paw. "Give me a challenge."

I run up the side of one wall and dive down, going into a barrel roll as his sword comes at me again. I swipe at him as I pass but my claws don't even tear the material. What the heck is his costume made of?I turn my dive into a shoulder roll, but before I can come up Hawkmoth leaps on my back and drives his blade into my shoulder. I scream in agony as he stabs again, twisting it in the wound.

"Tell me the secret identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir or continue to suffer." He whispers dangerously in my ear. 

"You're insane," I gasp, lifting my hips and rolling sideways, slashing at his unprotected face with my claws so he releases his hold on me and his blade, then follow through with a kick that stuns him and brings him to his knees. He tries to stand woozily and fails, collapsing on the ground.I pull the blade out of my shoulder with a wince and toss it out of reach, in the corner. 

"You're going to be locked up for a very long time." I say through gritted teeth as I grip his wrist and manage to get one of the restraints on. "And trust me when I say this, I will make sure you never see the light of day again, because that's exactly what you deserve." 

"Unacceptable." Hawkmoth snaps, suddenly more alert, pulling his arm sharply forward, throwing me over his shoulder. I hit a wall and slid down, only to double over in pain as Hawkmoth kicks me in the ribs, breaking at least two."Tell me!" He yells. "Tell me who they are!" He grabs my leg and throws me across the room. I manage to twist in the air so I land shakily on my feet. "So cats really do land on their feet." Hawkmoth says, smiling nastily, retrieving his blade. "Maybe I should break those next. You might be less inclined to keep secrets from me."

"You...are going to be in so much trouble with C.L.A.W." I gasp, holding my side. My ribs feel like they're on fire. Hawkmoth laughs, looking for all the world like the maniacal villain he is."Does it look like I care?" He pauses then looks thoughtful. "Actually do you think they care what happens to you? You're just another lackey doing their bidding, saving the world in exchange for a place to belong, am I right?" He must've seen something on my face because he nods, looking vindicated. "Pathetic. You're just a pawn, to me and to them. I could tell them you had a little accident with Ladybug and Chat Noir and they'll send another to fill your place."

Something about how he said that made me lose my temper.

"You're lying!" I scream, leaping at him again. As if in slow motion I see the blade extended at my chest, dead center. I expect to feel pain as it stabs me, but instead a giant shockwave knocks me away from Hawkmoth, up, up, and through the giant window. I see Hawkmoth cover his face as glass shards rain down on him, and then I'm free, flapping painfully towards the lightning storm where I know Ladybug and Chat Noir will be. 

Relief washes over me. Somehow, I'm still alive. I can find somewhere safe and recuperate, then Ladybug, Chat Noir and myself could go back and take down Hawkmoth together. Suddenly my wings disappear and I plummet down, hitting the peak of a sloped roof and sliding down the slick tiles. 

"Ahhh!" I scream, human fingers scrabbling for purchase on the slippery roof. I manage to grab a ledge and hold on, stopping my descent to the street and almost yanking my arms from their sockets. I cling for a second, catching my breath.My body is raw with new scrapes and scratches, and worse still, the sudden shift into human form hasn't healed my shoulder wounds. "What is going on?" I gasp, reaching for my amulet. 

To my horror I see a giant crack running through the center of the stone. Hawkmoth must've damaged it with his sword!I have to get to Chat and Ladybug. Maybe they can help."Guardian of the gate...Awake!" I plead. My wings return, but I'm not sure for how long. I have to find my friends fast. 

Twice more on the journey I loose my wings and I have to grab onto gargoyles and TV antennas to avoid plunging to my death.Finally, I see two familiar figures sumersaulting over the rooftops. I flap as hard as I can but as I get closer my wings give out and I crash at their feet in a mass of bloody feathers and fur. I look up to see Chat Noir and Ladybug bending over me, expressions of concern on their faces. "" I gasp, and pass out.

Hi Everyone! So Sorry for the delay but I hope the extra long chapter is worth it! Summer might be here but work continues :(

After what seems like a lifetime, I am almost done with this story, however if I get enough requests, I might be tempted to write a sequel! :) I am also working on other stories so feel free to check them out. Thank you to everyone who continues to read! It really motivates me to keep going.

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