Chapter 15 : Where is [U/N]?

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[U/N] = Undercover Name

Chat crept back into his house through the bedroom window, using his cat ears to listen for the slightest noise of anyone stirring. Once he was satisfied no one was awake, he de-transformed and crawled gratefully into bed.

"What a night!" Plagg complained, curing up on the pillow next to Adrian. "I'm too tired for even my midnight snack." He opened one green eye and considered. "Well, almost."

Adrian opened the drawer on his bedside table and took a slice of camembert out, and handed it to his kawami.

"Here you go, buddy." He whispered quietly. Plagg opened his tiny mouth as wide as he could, swallowing the slice whole.

"Ahhh..." he sighed. "Much better."

Within seconds he was sleeping soundly on the pillow, like a tiny cat. Adrian sighed and closed his eyes. It felt like it had been weeks since he'd woken up to the sounds of [U/N] crying and had gone to her room to check on her.

"[U/N]" he suddenly realized, sitting up in bed, she was probably wondering where he had gone to. After all, he had seen and heard the thunder when she had gotten the call from her aunt and had slipped out her window as Chat Noir to check it out.

Throwing off the covers, Adrian padded quietly across the hall to [U/N]'s room, opened the door and peered in.

The window was still open and moonlight streamed through, faintly lighting the empty room, with the covers on [U/N]'s bed thrown back like they had been hours before when he left.

"[U/N]?" Adrian whispered, looking around the room, then tip-toeing across the carpet to check the bathroom. It was empty. A quick search of the closet and dresser showed that her clothing and possessions were still in the drawers, maybe she had slipped downstairs for a snack?

Adrian turned back towards the door and stopped as his bare foot came in contact with something on the floor. Stooping down, he felt it in his fingers. It was downy, and soft, and...he sneezed suddenly and had to wipe his nose on his sleeve. A FEATHER.

Taking it back to his room, he examined it carefully in the light. It was the wrong size and color for a pidgin feather, and too big to be a sparrow...

"Looks like it came from a hawk, but bigger," Adrian muttered.

An image of Sphinx flashed through his head. The colors were definitely the same...

Suddenly no longer tired, Adrian sat down in front of his computer and turned it on. He had a list of questions now, maybe he could find some answers.

                                              *  *  *

Master Fu hung up the phone, a worried frown on his face. It had taken him almost an hour of talking to various people and being transferred to different departments to be connected to Sphinx's agency contact, and another good half hour to get her to admit – albeit reluctantly-that Agent Sphinx was one of her operatives. Master Fu appraised her of the situation and told her that Agent Sphinx had been injured in a fight with Hawkmoth and he was taking care of her until someone could be sent to pick her up – which #412 agreed to do, also reluctantly. During their conversation he mentioned that the amulet had been broken and the true spirit of the Sphinx was fighting for dominance in Agent Sphinx's body. That information appeared to intrigue #412 more, however she waved away his concern about how to help her, saying only that she had a few methods at her disposal that C.L.A.W. could try, before assuring Master Fu she would take Agent Sphinx off his hands within twelve hours, and hanging up.

Master Fu tugged at his short beard thoughtfully. His instincts told him that whatever "methods" #412 decided to use, they would not be as helpful for Agent Sphinx as they would be for C.L.A.W. Which meant that he, Ladybug and Chat Noir had less than twelve hours to find a solution for the good of all.

He gently stroked his kwami, who was sleeping soundly on a silk pouch to wake him up.

"Wake up Wayzz, and make me some coffee." He said, picking up a large stack of ancient books and starting to leaf through them. "We have a long night ahead of us."

Hi Everyone! Try not to think of this as a short Chapter but as the bonus chapter I wrote to apologize for taking so long on chapter 14 ;)

I'm going to try and have a new chapter next week, but if I can't, why don't your try some of the other stories I've been posting recently :)

Once more, I love you all and thank you for your support. Oh, and since tonight is a Blood Moon, what Princess Star romance are you a fan of? Starco, Tomco or StarTom? Anyone else watching SVTFE?

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