Chapter 20 : Cataclysm

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So there we were, stuck in a dream world of pretty much my own devising, fighting off creepy half-cat ladies and creepier ghost soldiers and just when it seemed like I had finally picked the winning team, the person who's butt we were trying to kick nabbed the hot dreamboat in the black leather.

"That's Chat Noir, Sphinx," I said as calmly as possible. After all, she had Chat by the bell, I didn't want to risk setting her off...more than she already was into the deep end of the crazy pool. Both Ladybug and I tried to edge into a better position to attack without alerting Sphinx. "You remember him right?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. Sphinx stared at me, her eyes unfocused and glazed, and for a second I didn't think she recognized me. Clearly she was reaching the limits of her energy reserves.

"There is something about him...something familiar." She insisted.

"Can't imagine what that could be." Chat Noir said weakly. "I'm just a regular pussycat."

Sphinx's eyes narrowed.

"You remind me of the Destroyer." She growled. "He was always one for annoying jokes."

Chat's body went fuzzy for a second then he solidified.

"Never heard of him," he said, but he sounded shaky.

Sphinx's nostrils flared and she breathed deeply.

"You smell like him too."

"Uh, well we cats all like the same thing, fish, catnip, a ball to play with..."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ladybug signaling me and in unison we dove, Ladybug throwing her yo-yo to wrap around Sphinx's arms. I unsheathed my claws, ready to attack, but an instant later, Sphinx had disappeared and Ladybug and I both had to twist in the air to avoid hitting each other.

"Where did she go?" I asked, looking around wildly.

"There! She's over there!" Ladybug said, pointing. I turned, Sphinx was a good hundred feet away, and we could see Chat struggling in obvious distress.

"Let go of him!" Ladybug shouted in frustration, but Sphinx ignored her. Ladybug held up her gauntlet, activating the hand canon, but Sphinx saw and yanked Chat in front of her as a shield.

"Go ahead," she dared Ladybug. "I only want the Destroyer but if you kill us both I'll die satisfied."

"Shoot her, Ladybug!" Chat encouraged her bravely, "If this wacko is gone then [Y/N] gets her body back."

"Don't be stupid!" I shouted back at him, "I'm not worth you sacrificing yourself!"

"Do it!" Sphinx said.

"Do it!" Said Chat.

"NO! Don't do it!" I yelled.

"Everyone be quiet!!" Ladybug lowered her cannon. "Did you honestly think I was going to shoot?" She asked us all in annoyance.

"I was paw-sitive you'd make the right choice." Chat said weakly and Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"Really kitty? Does this seem like the time?"

"Humans, you're all a bunch of weaklings." Sphinx said in disgust. "I guess if I want to kill the Destroyer, I'll have to do the job myself." She raised her claw to Chat's throat.

"Wait!" It was a high, nasally voice with no logical origin. We all looked around in confusion. The voice came again.

"Don't hurt him, I'm here, Sphinx, I surrender!"

The high voice seemed to be coming from Chat Noir's chest.

"What trickery is this?" Sphinx asked.

"No trick! I'm here, I swear!

Chat Noir's body went fuzzy again, but this time a creature that looked like a small black cat could be seen hovering inside Chat's chest.

"Destroyer!" Sphinx hissed.

"Sehkemt," the kwami said shakily. "It's been a while, how've you been?"

"I was trapped in an amulet for hundreds of years, how do you think I've been?" Sphinx growled.

"You think that's bad, I should introduce you to my friend who's a genie!" The kwami attempted a laugh. "The stories he would tell you..."

"Plagg?" Chat Noir looked like he was on the verge of freaking out. "What's going on?"

"Relax kid, everything is fine, we're friends," Plagg said with an air of unconcern.

"Friends?" Sphinx looked furious. "Because of you, my kingdom was overthrown, my spirit imprisoned for centuries in an amulet and I was buried in a tomb and forgotten!"

"You couldn't be controlled! You were terrorizing everyone! Do you know how many people just wanted to burn you alive and scatter your ashes to the wind?" Plagg demanded. "It's because of me you're still alive...relatively speaking."

"So your betrayal was a kindness?" Sphinx asked bitterly. "It was compassion to have me trapped in the darkness for hundreds of years....I cursed every new day and every night I wished for death."

"Sekhmet...I'm sorry." Plagg said quietly. There was silence for a few seconds, then the kwami asked, "do you..still wish for that?"

"No." Sekhmet answered and Plagg sighed in relief. Sphinx suddenly reached through Chat's chest and pulled out his kwami. "I want you to die instead!!"

The second Plagg's ka was fully separated from Chat, the transformation and all my upgrades faded into nothing and Adrian plunged toward the ground.

"Quick! We have to catch him!" I shouted to Ladybug, tucking my wings in to dive. Wind whistled past my ears as I shot down after Adrian.

He seemed to be yelling something, probably the usual "ahhh! I don't want to die!" stuff, not that that stuff really helped much. I snagged him around the waist and wrapped my wings around him, preparing to be his buffer against the landing. This was probably going to hurt a lot. Adrian cupped his hands around my ear and yelled:


Oh right. This was in my head, I could just wish for stuff.

Great, the ground was rushing up fast, now I had like, five seconds to think of something.

"um- I wish the ground was made of pillows!!" I shouted. Nothing seemed to happen. Great, maybe I wished too late, I thought, closing my eyes and bracing for impact.

Unexpectedly, instead of sand and rock, I felt myself land into a pile of satin and silk as soft as cotton candy.

I opened my eyes. I was lying on a mound of pillows that seemed to stretch for miles in both directions. Red, blue, pink, satin, silk or cotton, the varieties of cloth and color seemed to be endless. But where was Adrian?

"Adrian! Adrian! Where are you?" I called, looking around wildly.

"Uh- right here [Y/N]" said a raspy voice under me. I looked down. Adrian was lying under me, looking a little dazed.

"Adrian!" I was so relieved it barely registered that I was pretty much lying on him. "Are you okay? Why do you sound so funny?"

"Cuz you're lying on top of me." Adrian gasped. "Kinda hard to breathe."

"Oh! Sorry!" I rolled off and he let in a big gulp of air.

"Thanks..." he wheezed.

"No problem. And sorry again," I apologized.

Ladybug landed beside me.

"You got him! Is he oka-ADRIAN?? What are you doing here?"

"Uh, he's Chat Noir?" I answered, "kinda obvious..." I muttered under my breath.

"He-he's C-Ch-Chat?" Ladybug was still in shock, there was no way she would be able to help me with Sphinx.

"Yes, he is." I said as patiently as possible. "Here, why don't you stay here and look after him for now? I gotta handle Sphinx and...whatever that cat thing was in Adrian's chest."

"No..." Adrian protested weakly. "We should finish it...together."

"He's right," Ladybug said, coming back to her senses. "We can defeat Sphinx if we do it together."

I shook my head.

"Look, I've only known you for a few days but you guys are the best friends I've ever had. I can't risk you two getting seriously hurt. I started this whole mess, I should finish it." I said firmly, getting to my feet.

"Hey, you can't leave me behind!" Ladybug protested as I started to fly up to where Sphinx was waiting. "I've got wings too, you know."

I wished her wings away with a wave of my hand.

"Not anymore."

I tried to ignore Ladybug and Adrian's shouts as I continued to fly upwards.

"[Y/N]! Come back here!"

"[Y/N]! Please let me help! It's too dangerous!"

"Oh, ye of little faith," I mutter, continuing to fly upward.

I look up, just in time to see Sphinx hurl a fireball at my head. I tried to fly out of the way and it caught me in the chest, hurling me back a couple yards. I groaned and rubbed at the chest plating on my armor. It had held, but it was badly singed. Okay, maybe Ladybug and Chat had a point.

I see another fireball headed in my direction and I wish I had a shield to block it. On command a shield appears on my arm and I hold it up just in time to deflect the fireball away from me, spinning off away into the sky. Oh right, I keep forgetting I can do that.

"Is that the best you've got?" I taunt Sphinx and her face twists in fury.

"You ungrateful creature, I saved your life, and this is the thanks that I get?"

"Well, you did try and steal my body!" I point out, and duck as Sphinx zings another fireball at my head with one hand. I notice now she has a tight grip on the cat creature with her other hand.

"Don't take it personally," the cat-thing says from Sphinx's clutches, "I saved HER life and this is how she repays me."

"Sorry, really quick, who are you?" I ask, ducking behind my shield again. Another fireball ricochettes off.

"I'm Plagg, that guy's kwami," Plagg says, jerking a head down toward the ground where Adrian is. "Sorry I can't shake hands, they're a little...confined at the moment."

"Wait, are you what Hawkmoth wanted me to steal for him?" I ask curiously. Plagg shrugs.

"I'm part of it."

"And what is the other part?" I wanted to know. Plagg winks.

"That would be telling."

"Would you SHUT UP?" Sphinx growls. "You both betrayed me. You," she says, glaring at Plagg, 'I thought you were my friend, but you helped imprison me in the amulet. And you!" She points at me with her other hand. "I freed you from that tomb but you tried to keep me captive...and you still are! All I wanted was to be free but you both would rather keep me as a prisoner." She looks around the barren wasteland, lashing her tail furiously. "Maybe I should destroy this place and trap you here with me!"

I felt a twinge of alarm.

"No, you can't do that! My friends...they'd be trapped here too!"

"Good riddance!" Sphinx sneered, "Their predecessor's helped trap me in this amulet and this present generation seems to be no better. They meddled in my affairs, and tried to give you aide, they should be punished for their interference as well. Besides, there'd be two less pathetic humans running around this miserable world. I can be satisfied with that."

"Sehkemt, I admit I made some mistakes." Plagg said, "at the time it seemed like the best way to keep you from wreaking havoc... but for the sake of our friendship I should have tried harder to make you see reason."

"Oh, now the great Destroyer wishes to apologize." Sphinx threw back her head and laughed. "It's a couple hundred years too late for that."

"Not for me, for those kids down there." Plagg said, looking desperate. "They're good kids, who were just trying to help out their friend. They don't deserve to be punished for that."

"I disagree." Sphinx said coldly, and I watched in horror as a giant fireball began to form in her hand. "If I have to die here, at least I'll gain some satisfaction in knowing I will be taking my most hated enemies with me. Starting with those two down there. Say good-bye, Destroyer."

I brace myself, ready to try and deflect the giant fireball in Sphinx's hand.

"Good-bye, Sehkemt." Plagg said.

A bolt of black lightning seemed to take over Sphinx's body, rapidly encasing her in what looked like black ash. Then it crumbled and fell to the ground below. Plagg watched sadly, arms hanging limply at his sides.

"I'm sorry." He whispered

Goodness gracious! What a twist! Did anyone see that coming? (**holds up shield just in case readers decide to throw rotten fruit). 

Did anyone think Plagg made the right decision? The wrong decision? What are your thoughts on the subject? Discuss, my darlings, and then keep reading! 

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