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"So, to summarize, Agent [Y/L/N]," #412 said, checking her notes. "The man posing as the Parisian Emissary was really the villain, Hawkmoth..."

I nodded, fidgeting in my plane seat. #412 might just be a face on the monitor in front of me, but she still had the ability to make me feel uncomfortable with a look.

"And when you tried to arrest him, he destroyed your amulet and you had to flee."

"It was more of a tactical retreat," I muttered, squirming again. #412 ignored me.

"Fortunately you were able to make contact with the real superheroes in charge of protecting Paris and pass on your information about Hawkmoth's true identity...even though you refuse to divulge that information with C.L.A.W."

"Yes." I thought back to my conversation with Master Fu. He had gravely accepted all the details and explanations to why I was in Paris without any surprise and when I was done, he had simply thanked me for my help.

"Are you going to tell Adrian his father is behind all of this?" I had asked curiously.

"When the time is right." He had answered.

"And this...nameless Emissary will handle Hawkmoth on his own?" #412 said skeptically, bringing me back to the present. I nodded.

"With the help of Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"Who you also claim not to know the secret identities of." I nodded again. It had barely required a request from Master Fu for me to agree to protect their alter egos from C.L.A.W. After all my friends had done for me, it was the least I could do. Adrian and Marinette had awoken from their mission in their own beds, with only a vague memory of the whole experience and a belief that the whole, crazy thing must've been a dream. It had taken a few hours of back-breaking work on my behalf to get them home, but it was completely worth it.

"So, given that you did NOT defeat Hawkmoth AND you destroyed the amulet that contained your superpowers, the mission was a complete failure?" #412 finished coldly.

"Yes...I guess it was." I said, keeping my eyes on my lap.

"Well...without your superpowers, you're not of much use to C.L.A.W. are you?" #412 said. I shook my head and heard #412 sigh. "Such a shame, I was hoping we could get a few more years of usefulness out of you."

"The real Parisian Emissary said he wanted to use me again in the future," I said, trying to sound hopeful.

"Really." #412 did not sound impressed. "I wouldn't hold my breath on that, but I suppose you can hold onto that hope if you want to." She began neatly shuffling the papers on her desk. "As soon as you get back there will be a number of Non-disclosure and Dismissal contracts for you to sign. Not to worry though, given your...valuable service with us, we will do our best to find you a new place and school where you can begin a...normal life. Be prepared for a extensive briefing as soon as you land." She paused, and her eyes focused on me for a second. "That's a handsome necklace," she said shortly, before ending the call.

"I guess I get my wish to be a normal kid after all." I murmured.

"In what reality is being a miraculous holder, normal?" Asked a dour voice from my pocket.

My new brown and gold kwami zoomed out of my jacket pocket, hovering in the air above me. She was about the size of my fist and covered in soft, velvet-like fur. Her wings were the size of sparrows but patterned more like that of a hawk's with black and gold feathers. A tail the size of a small paint brush lashed restlessly back and forth. Her feline face was covered with a familiar scowl, except it was much, much smaller.

"Well, at least we won't have to work for C.L.A.W. anymore. I'd say #412 bought my story, right?"

"Don't be so sure," Sphinx said, folding her tiny arms. "I would watch that agency very carefully if I were you. I have no desire to be re-captured and examined by those people. Not to mention getting re-enlisted all over again."

"I'll watch your back if you watch mine," I said with a smile, stroking the top of Sphinx's head. She closed her eyes and started to purr, then caught herself.

"Knock it off!" She scolded, "just because I'm more diminutive does not mean you can treat me like some helpless pet!"

"Right, sorry." I removed my hand.

"I might be a kwami now but there was a time when I was queen." Sphinx continued regally. "You can only scratch my ears when I allow it!"

"All right then." I nodded peaceably.

"And just because you included me in your wish of creatures to be saved, does not mean I'm going to thank you..it just means we're even. So I don't serve you, and you don't work for me, it's an equal partnership."


Sphinx hovered in the air for a second, looking conflicted. Finally she made her decision.

"You may now scratch my ears." Sphinx allowed, folding her wings and curling up in a ball on my lap. I immediately complied, stroking her gently until her purr filled the small airplane cabin.

I looked out the window, taking in the peaceful landscape down below.

A sudden flash of movement caught my eye and I craned my head to look at what had caught my eye.


"Hmm?" Sphinx's eyes were closed into slits of rapture.

"There seems to be some sort of robot-thing eating the wing of our plane..."

"Huh?" Immediately Sphinx was on alert.

"How dare he destroy our plane with our person inside."

"Maybe we should give him a reason to stop?" I ask with a smile. The smile Sphinx returned was pure wickedness.

"I do believe I could enjoy this new partnership." She purred.

We moved to the plane exit and I grabbed the release lever to open the door.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready," she nodded. I took a deep breath and pulled.

"Sphinx.. WINGS ON!"

HURRAY HURRAY! (Come on, some fanfare should be required) Yes my darlings, that is the official end of Spirit of the Sphinx.

Once again I want to thank you all again for being so supportive of my work, it's because of you this story is finished in the first place.

And now, because I am a curious kitty cat, I have questions I am dying to have answered!

What were your thoughts on the story? Do you agree or disagree with the choice to reincarnate Sphinx as a kwami?

What was your favorite part?

(and while I hate to ask this...least favorite? (So I can learn how to improve)) 

Does anyone want a sequel?

And, last but not least, if you could be a superhero, what would you want as your super-power?


Your ever-loving and crazy authoress, Cantrella :)

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