Level 0:Beginning

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A/N:Hi guys author just leaving you guys with two things here before we start the chapter number one: speaking of chapters I shall now be referring them has 'levels' I'm saying this just in a cation you get confused and number two is that I'm adding someone to the harem abs that is

16.Dark Samus

A/N:That is all everyone hope you enjoy this chapter
"Super Smash Bros hmm what's not to like about this game other than the fact that is fighting game this specific game to some is special bringing in characters that have appeared in Nintendo games with a few being from PlayStation it was until Super Smash Bros Brawl that we didn't get a proper storyline for the game not just that but to also be in its own universe where the characters of Nintendo can hang out and talk to one another and also battle one another all fights being shown behind the screen of a gamer holding a controller but what would happen if one gamer had like some sort of bond with the game a bond so strong that the gamer could sometimes hear the voices of his favorite characters and what would happen if this gamer was then suddenly transported to the world of smash to save his favorite characters but not just that but also have the powers of one of his favorite Power Rangers the spirit of the wolf the Wolf Ranger! of jungle fury"

???:Alright let's do this Corrin!!

Corrin?:You ready for this

???:I ain't losing this time Y/N!*picks a character*

???:*distorted roar*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(A/N:Pick any of his voices)

Two individuals holding two controllers are seen one is a boy named Max while the other is a boy with brown hair and holds the custom Pikachu controller revealing himself to be


Y/N:*narrating*Hi my name is Y/N L/N I'm a student at U/N(University Name)-(A/N:Thats if you are in one or gone to and participated in one)and well through the years of being a kid studying and helping my family there has been Tsk things I live in this world and that is power rangers and a Nintendo game called Super Smash bros but a lot of people just called it Smash bros but back to main topic have have watched both franchises evolve I played the first game of Smash and was lucky enough to see the first five power ranger series and had the years passed I've watched all the others but the one ranger that got me out all of them was jungle furries Wolf Ranger but in smash well I never really had a favorite character I liked them all they all such great characters even the bad guys I love this guys abs sometimes I wished t they actually existed"

The narrating stopped and we are brought back to reality has Y/N and his friend Max are battling in final destination Y/N uses female Corrin has Max uses Ridley and made Ridley use his 'plasma breath' attack but Y/N makes Corrin jump over the flames and has she fell down ones she was close to Ridley she uses 'Dragon Lunge' has the attack stunned the alien has he then makes her and the attack with a kick that pushes Ridley back a little bit has he recovered and uses 'Space Pirate Rush' has he rushes towards Corrin the attack works and Corrin is thrown back but he quickly makes her jump back into the ring has he sees Max make Ridley fly towards Corrin but thinks quick and uses Corrin's 'Dragon Ascent' has the upper attacks connects with Ridley has he gets pulled up with Corrin after the attack they both fall but Corrin falls quicker has they both land on the platform away from one another has Y/N makes Corrin fire his 'Dragon fang shot' but Ridley counters it with 'plasma breath' after that Max made Ridley use 'Space Pirate Rush' again but before it could grab Corrin Y/N makes her use 'Counter Surge' that Ridley falls for it has Corrin turns into her dragon form and slammed the ground creating waves that send Ridley almost flying off the map has then Corrin started glowing in multiple colors

Max:Oh no

Y/N:Hmm*looks at the percentages sees that Corrin's is at 58% with one slot left and Ridley was 103% with one slot left*this is our win*sniles*

Max who is freaking out a little made Ridley stay up flying but that didn't stop Y/N and Corrin has ones Ridley got tired they quickly jump up and ones she was close enough to Ridley Y/N activated Corrin's final smash 'Torrential Roar' but before the attack could begin he hears voices in his head

???:Oh shit!

???:Take this Ridley!!


Corrin slammed the ground has a yellow glow came out and hit Ridley has the area then changes abs Corrin transforms into her dragon form has she blast a water tornado at Ridley that takes him away has they are then brought back to normal arena has Ridley is send flying off the map and the battle was won


They are then brought to area were Corrin stands alone has she those her victory pose has she says 'good' and appears has she wins first place and then Ridley is seen clapping while feign in second place

Max:Gaah not a again

Y/N:You lose again Max that's another favor you owe me now*smirks at him*

Max:Yeah yeah fine*points at him* but someday I'll beat you in this game and then I'll be the one asking favors

Y/N/???/???:I doubt that

Y/N:Huh?*looks around his room*

Max:*yawns*I'm tired see ya tomorrow Y/N*leaves the room*

Y/N:Good night Max!*see him close the door abs he yawns too*yeah I'm sleepy too time to hit the bed

???/???:Good night Y/N

Y/N:Good nigh—*stops and looks around the room*I swear I think I'm going crazy good news is tomorrow's free so I'll be able to sleep a ton

He turns off his switch and then turns off the TV has when he finish that he went straight to bed but while that happened we are brought back to were he left the game where the two fighters that fought shake hands


Corrin:Ha well fought battle mister Ridley


Ridley:*scratch the batch of his neck*Yeah I wouldn't say that seen you had the pro why I still have an average player

Corrin:Well you did get me to one slot

Ridley:Yeah but still got my ass kicked

They separate there hands has they were then teleported to somewhere else waiting too see what will Y/N do but unknown to them this will be the last time they would see Y/N—

—The next morning came in and Y/N slowly open there eyes has he yawns loudly while moving his upper body up abs ones he reached up he stretched his arms has he moves the blankets to the side and gets up the bed has he stands up and looks up the clock and says is 1:07 pm

Y/N:Da*m I sleep a lot better get me something to it eat

Y/N quickly changes his clothes and brushes his teeth has he laters makes a big and nice breakfast has he eat it time moves too 3:03 pm has he turns to his switch

Y/N:Wouldn't hurt to play a little

He goes in and turns on his switch and then his tv abs ones he sees what's being shown his eyes widen in surprise has it wasn't where he last left it was back in lobby but everything but the campaign was colored grey

Y/N:Huh what the heck is up*presses the other options except the campaign and nothing happened*
what's up is it glitched or something abs also why is the campaign the only one still on

Y/N presses the campaign but what happens next is something you don't see every day on TV has the TV goes black and something even weirder appeared has a giant hand comes out the TV and grabs Y/N

Y/N:Hey let me go!!*gets dragged in*

The giant hand drags Y/N inside the TV? has he tried to fight back but he failed has ones he got in the control falls off his hands has the room is left empty with no one there


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Op will be shown completely after chapter 2)

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