Chapter-25: Nothing stays Forever

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"Hey Rose, you're back," William spoke smiling at me.

He looked fresh with his dress changed but had some grass on his head. I walked towards him, contemplating telling him or doing it myself. Choosing the latter, I stood up on my toes and brushed off the grass.

"There was some grass," I said, feeling his soft hair.

"Oh, probably from playing with Aristotle and Trixie," he spoke composing himself but had a pink tint to his cheeks.

Did I just catch him off guard?

"I got something for you," I said turning my back towards him.

"Oh, yeah?"

I took out the box that contained the two silver rings I bought for ourselves. I turned around to see William trying to peek at it.

"Now, close your eyes," I teased him.

"Oh, come on," he huffed, like an impatient child but closed his eyes and brought out his hand.

I quickly turned his hand over, sliding the ring through his ring finger.

"Jeez, are you proposing to me?" William joked as I giggled at him.

"You wish," I said but the picture of my Big day surfaced, as I imagined myself in a white gown walking down the aisle and William standing, looking handsome, like he always did, in a white tux (although I had never seen him in any formal dress). But even if he wore a pajama he would still look ravishing.

The thought quickly changed to thinking in reality where to everyone I would be marrying to thin air. But Uncle would probably send me to an asylum before all that.

I broke out of my daydreaming, quickly sliding my ring and cleared my throat,

"Open your eyes."

I saw William staring at the ring intently with a frown.

"You're right, we are engaged," I joked mostly to ease myself while he kept silent.

"It's beautiful," William said finally as he touched the engraved words that read, 'Always with You'.

"Well, you see, it's not any ordinary ring," I said pointing at the red stone on the top of the 'i' in 'with'.

"The stone actually works like a button, so when you press it," I said pressing the button, "it sends a signal to my ring."

My ring beeped almost instantaneously as I pressed the stone on William's one.

"I can always call you with this."

"This is so cool, but it must have cost a lot, Rose," he said sighing.

"No, it didn't and cost less than buying you a phone," I waved my hand laughing, but had to agree that I spent my two months' pocket money for it. But every penny was worth it as I saw the smile bloom on William's face.

"Thank you so much," he said dipping down to hug me.

But that's what I thought. He dipped low and pressed his plump lips against my cheeks. The room seemed to spin as I blushed hard, not able to stop the heat from creeping up. It felt like a whole two minutes but was just two seconds before he pulled away, his cheeks also tainted.

If this was what I got for a small gift, I would want to gift him the world.


In the evening, William and I were watching television with a popcorn bowl on my lap. I had to slap away William's hand as he kept on eating way too many of them. In the middle of watching the third season of Brooklyn nine-nine, our legs got tangled on the leg-rest while trying to kick each other off.

"Sweetie, you're gonna have a stomach ache if you eat that much popcorn," Aunt piped in when she saw me having a second bowl of them. It wasn't me who was eating like a pig.

William just smirked, as he continued watching the show. I will kill him.

When it was time to sleep, William bid me goodnight as he strolled off into the living room. I told him he could sleep in our guest room but he always denied, saying that 'sleeping on the sofa and dozing of watching TV had its own fun.'

I passed by the calendar to cross out the day when I realized it was my birthday after a couple of days. I would be turning eighteen.

But it didn't feel anything. I never liked birthdays and the thought of getting old made me tired. I hoped Aunt and Mikayla, who I once casually told about my birthday, forget that I even exist on that day since I have no plan but to order pizza and watch a comedy movie.

Just great.


I continued walking in the disturbing place, my legs wobbling as the officers continued to lead me to a room.

Where were they taking me?

We stopped in front of a sliding door. They slid open the door, revealing a dimly lit room, with two stretchers. There was something shrouded in white covers. I walked over, stopping in front of one, and then pulled the cover.

It was my Dad, the side of his face burned to reveal the gruesome insides. He wasn't moving.

No, it can't be. He can't be.

I rushed to the other one grimly and tugged on the cover to reveal my Mom. Her beautiful face was free of any cuts and burns, but her arms were burned and had cuts almost everywhere.

She wasn't moving as well.

No, not her too.

No! But my voice wasn't been heard.

I woke up startled, my sight blurred but focused to see William who was frantically calling out my name.

I cried out, feeling trapped in the past, and flailed my legs for the memories to just disappear.

"Rose, calm down, you're okay. That was just a nightmare," William said trying to calm me down, but I couldn't breathe.

"Hey, look at me!" William snapped his fingers to grab my attention, "Breathe in."

I followed as he showed, slowly feeling my head get lighter. Reality seeped in slowly and before long I started breathing normally.

"Thank you."

William just nodded as he slowly let me down. He tugged in my blankets which were pushed all the way to the end. Just when he was about to turn and leave, I pulled at his hand halting his action.

"Can you lie down with me?" I meekly spoke. He turned and looked at me, searching my face.

"Please," I said but my voice broke at the end.

"Yes, Flower, I will lie down with you."

He got under the blankets, still not letting go of my hand. He pulled me towards him, dipping my head under his chin. My eyelids drooped low as I let sleep in but heard him whisper softly,

"You will never be alone Rose, I will be with you. Always."

My heart ached to believe what he said was true, but somewhere in my mind I knew,

Nothing stays forever.

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