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My head swirled with all the thoughts pinning onto one. Only Britney could answer it.

I broke in a sprint but the slippery tiles caused me to tumble down. I grimaced at the pain shooting up my ankle but raised my head to see a man coming from another room whistling along a tune as he pushed along a trolley that had some medical equipment including a syringe.

He took no notice of my fallen form as he calmly walked away. I stood up gently, limping to put little strain on my wounded ankle and go back to Britney's room but I couldn't help but go to the room the man came from.

The door was left ajar, and I peeked in to see a spacious room coloured in shades of black and grey. The cabinets on the side of the entrance held prescriptions and bottles containing dissimilar medicines.

The sound of a beeping caught my attention as I heed to the sound. The walls were dressed in pictures of football games, a telescope and a beaten up football pinned on it.

This must be Xander's room.

That would explain the boyish vibe it gave off. My mind was screaming to go from there, but my heart felt lured in the room. The smell of mint and antiseptic tingled in my nose causing the turmoil of strings of memories attached to hospitals.

I rounded the wall and saw a bed at the centre with dimly lit lamps on either side of the bed and a very still figure lying. There was a monitor beeping to show the heart rate and a ventilator pumping with its mechanism.

This must be Xander.

'He's very sick.'

I remembered Mikayla's words. Xander's head was tilted to the side, exposing the mop of his dark hair only. I slowly walked to the side, careful not to touch any of the tubes or wires that ran along the floor and connected to his body.

He was so still, as if he wasn't breathing. As if he wasn't alive.

I pushed away the negative thoughts as I strode round the bed to get a view of him. His face seemed so similar yet so foreign. I rounded off the bed and took a  look at his face-

"William?" I gasped out when I saw his face.

Why was William here? Why isn't he moving?

I sat down beside him and nudged him a little.

"William, wake up, it's me Rose," I said looking at the pale form of him.

He wasn't moving.

"You can't also be-"

"What are you doing here?!"

I shot up from my spot and turned to see a very pissed Britney.

"Britney, why is he laying so still? Why-"

"Shut the fuck up, you bitch! How fucking dare you come here!"

My eyes widened at her outburst but before I could voice my reason, Britney just crossed over and grabbed me in a tight grasp.

"Did you also come to hurt him?"

I was taken back. Why would she think that?

"Why would I-"

"Oh, I know that fucking bitch sent you here to kill him, I just know, wait till I get you two fucking killed," she was shaking as she spoke those words out.

"I don't know who you are talking about Britney, and for God's sake I didn't come here to kill anyone!" I said snatching my hand from her.

She calmed down a bit but her shaking was getting worse.

"Britney, calm down, please,"

"You ne-need to leave, I don't want you to see me like this," Britney said covering her eyes. My lips trembled but I just nodded and walked painfully towards the elevator giving one last look at Xander.

Who was I seeing if he was here?


I was sick to my stomach. The mere thought of seeing the spirit and the same person in life was too much for me to handle. I started questioning if I was crazy. There was no other logical simplification.

I might be schizophrenic. I had to be, but why would I imagine someone who was already there. Britney's brother was Xander.

Not William, he couldn't be.

The thought of William being a figment of my imagination brought tears. The sky cackled as rain pellets continued drizzling while I staggered against the sidewalk.

I started making crazy assumptions that William probably had a look alike. Or Xander probably looked different and I was missing William too much.

I pressed down the stone twice. No reply. I continued pressing down the stone again and again. I didn't hear the beeps returning and continued sending them.

At one point I saw the stone pop and fall to the ground. It was broken.

Just like me. Just like my mind. My soul.


I was hearing things. There was no one. I felt him crouch down. I snapped my head my and faced William.


"Yes, Rose it's me," he said cupping my face, "Why are you sitting in the rain? I was so scared when you were sending me so many beeps and it-it stopped all of a sudden-"

I shushed him by putting a finger against his lips. The rain drops slid across his face as I traced the outline of his flawless face. His high cheekbone, strong jawline, his beautiful hazel eyes. The small scar on his eyebrow.

The scar. I saw on Xander's one as well.

"William, who is Xander?"

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